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Django, as the new owner and administrator of GNI Discussion Forum, it is your responsibility to make it work with the rules you implement, so it can operate to the best of your ability.

Don't be disheartened, because some on the forum will try to convince you that you are wrong. Don't allow them to distract you, because  is your site and you have sole responsibility for its survival.

Some might disagree with you and post things to distract you. But stick to your plan  and this forum will continue to be successful.  Those who don't like it might leave, but others will return, including new posters. Also, those who feel that you are doing a good job will  remain and continue to support you, as I would.

Guyanese can't  have a free site to post and make individual decisions, someone has to be in charge to implement the rules.

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For the record Gilbakka recognizes Django's ownership and overall administration of this Forum. I shall not let my political differences with Django get in the way of respecting his power and authority. 

This Forum has been a priceless virtual meeting place for us who were born in Guyana but are now dispersed in far off lands. 

In traditional Guyanese style, discussions are not without occasional emotional outbursts and a "haul yuh rass" attitude among interlocutors. To expect otherwise is tantamount to stripping us of our national identity.

However, we must always aim to behave like gentlemen and ladies, giving and taking opposite perspectives clinically and with some detachment from our individual likes and dislikes. It's not as easy as it sounds but worth the effort.

Who knows, one day this Guyana Community Discussion Forum could become a bonafide gentleman's and lady's clubhouse. What a day that would be! I urge Django to be patient and lenient with us.

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

Django, as the new owner and administrator of GNI Discussion Forum, it is your responsibility to make it work with the rules you implement, so it can operate to the best of your ability.

Don't be disheartened, because some on the forum will try to convince you that you are wrong. Don't allow them to distract you, because  is your site and you have sole responsibility for its survival.

Some might disagree with you and post things to distract you. But stick to your plan  and this forum will continue to be successful.  Those who don't like it might leave, but others will return, including new posters. Also, those who feel that you are doing a good job will  remain and continue to support you, as I would.

Guyanese can't  have a free site to post and make individual decisions, someone has to be in charge to implement the rules.

This Tola is one shameless suck. He sucking up to Jango man like how he suçk up to Cheddie Jorgan daddy.


Ladies and Gentlemen ,don't worry everything will be fine ,everyone are welcome share their views . As mentioned be civil in the discourses ,avoid disparaging anyone.

The forum is neutral doesn't belong to any Political Parties ,have been like that since the inception by the creator.

Politicians that's a different matter ,give jack his jacket.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

For the record Gilbakka recognizes Django's ownership and overall administration of this Forum. I shall not let my political differences with Django get in the way of respecting his power and authority. 

This Forum has been a priceless virtual meeting place for us who were born in Guyana but are now dispersed in far off lands. 

In traditional Guyanese style, discussions are not without occasional emotional outbursts and a "haul yuh rass" attitude among interlocutors. To expect otherwise is tantamount to stripping us of our national identity.

However, we must always aim to behave like gentlemen and ladies, giving and taking opposite perspectives clinically and with some detachment from our individual likes and dislikes. It's not as easy as it sounds but worth the effort.

Who knows, one day this Guyana Community Discussion Forum could become a bonafide gentleman's and lady's clubhouse. What a day that would be! I urge Django to be patient and lenient with us.

haul yuh ass

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