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Former Member

In a thread last night, you mentioned that you are combatting the funny fellas. Please clarify to this BB what you actually mean by funny fellas.

Are you only referring to those who support the PPP ? How about those who support the corrupt AFC/PNC ? Are they (AFC/PNC) Gods to you ?

The reason why I am asking is that Gil has openly declared that he no longer supports the AFC as a result of the AFC supporting corruption and funny business. He is now a free agent.

Ramayya openly declared that that Moses supports corruption in Gil's post and that the AFC is attempting to throw him under the bus. He publicly stated that Moses accused him of being racist. That sounds like what Carib does so when he tries to deflect from the truth.

You always declare that you are neutral, but your words, action and posts reflect otherwise. You are still a staunch PNC man since AFC = PNC.

I have no problem with you supporting the AFC/PNC, it is your right.

Are you are with Ramayya about AFC/PNC corruption and Moses and Ramjattan throwing them under the bus for their selfish gain.

Please don't try to speak from both sides of your mouth.

I await clarification.


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Most of the funny fellas resides in F.H,all who condone their wrongdoings i refer them as funny fellas.

The APNU/AFC are not clean as a whistle,what ever corruption that comes to light aren't condoned,they are blasted by their supporters,this i observed from a few social media i followed,it appears they are listening and correcting their mistakes the same cannot be said when the PPP was in government.

Ramayya exposing corruption is highly acceptable,some times i think he just can't make his mind up,from one of his statement which he said he was not supportive of the AFC joining the APNU to form a ruling gov't,boggles my mind obviously without a coalition the PPP will be a minority gov't forever and in the drivers seat to carry on with their corruption,he further said he represents the Guyanese people that there seems to have some grey areas.

I mentioned many times i don't belong to any party,i will support any gov't that can minimize corruption and work in the best interest of the people.


Django posted:


Most of the funny fellas resides in F.H,all who condone their wrongdoings i refer them as funny fellas.

The APNU/AFC are not clean as a whistle,what ever corruption that comes to light aren't condoned,they are blasted by their supporters,this i observed from a few social media i followed,it appears they are listening and correcting their mistakes the same cannot be said when the PPP was in government.

Ramayya exposing corruption is highly acceptable,some times i think he just can't make his mind up,from one of his statement which he said he was not supportive of the AFC joining the APNU to form a ruling gov't,boggles my mind obviously without a coalition the PPP will be a minority gov't forever and in the drivers seat to carry on with their corruption,he further said he represents the Guyanese people that there seems to have some grey areas.

I mentioned many times i don't belong to any party,i will support any gov't that can minimize corruption and work in the best interest of the people.


HAHAHA  Talk about Bullshit.  These SHIT HEADS thing they are having conversations with their 2 year old. Bloody Shameless IDIOT.

yuji22 posted:


The reason why I am asking is that Gil has openly declared that he no longer supports the AFC as a result of the AFC supporting corruption and funny business. He is now a free agent.



Why do you ask this question when you have uncritical support for the PPP, which became a criminal enterprise under Jagdeo?  You whole heartedly endorsed him setting up paramilitias in Guyana, managed by a narco trafficker rather than accepting assistance in transforming the police and the courts into an effective and efficient crime fighting body.

You aren't neutral or even objective.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  Talk about Bullshit.  These SHIT HEADS thing they are having conversations with their 2 year old. Bloody Shameless IDIOT.

Your reply sounds infantile,you  condone corruption you boastfully stated you enjoyed free things from money gotten by corruption under the PNC rule.

Talent and INTELLIGENCE are not cheap. Things that are very foreign to you.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHA  Talk about Bullshit.  These SHIT HEADS thing they are having conversations with their 2 year old. Bloody Shameless IDIOT.

Your reply sounds infantile,you  condone corruption you boastfully stated you enjoyed free things from money gotten by corruption under the PNC rule.

Talent and INTELLIGENCE are not cheap. Things that are very foreign to you.

Why don't you come clean was the PPP gov't corrupted or not ???

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


Most of the funny fellas resides in F.H,all who condone their wrongdoings i refer them as funny fellas.

The APNU/AFC are not clean as a whistle,what ever corruption that comes to light aren't condoned,they are blasted by their supporters,this i observed from a few social media i followed,it appears they are listening and correcting their mistakes the same cannot be said when the PPP was in government.

Ramayya exposing corruption is highly acceptable,some times i think he just can't make his mind up,from one of his statement which he said he was not supportive of the AFC joining the APNU to form a ruling gov't,boggles my mind obviously without a coalition the PPP will be a minority gov't forever and in the drivers seat to carry on with their corruption,he further said he represents the Guyanese people that there seems to have some grey areas.

I mentioned many times i don't belong to any party,i will support any gov't that can minimize corruption and work in the best interest of the people.



Thanks for the clarification.

The funny fellas at FH need to be booted out and replaced with young, fresh and open minds. Anyone convicted of corruption should jailed after all, they are stealing from the People.

We must also be reminded that despite it wild claims and accusations, the AFC and Glen Lall's newspaper have proven ZERO. You and I live in North America and we cannot make wild claims until we can prove them. In the case of the AFC, they are liars until they can prove their claims.

Did some PPP politicians dipped their hands in the cookie jar ? Absolutely but they do it in North America too. 

Guyanese have chosen a bunch of bigger crooks and Grangers silence in firing the crooks are equally crookish and unacceptable.

We have to be fair and just like Ramayya and Gil. They call a spade a spade.

You are unjustly attacking Ramayya and it is similar to those in the PPP who defended questionable politicians, your position is no different. Does that make you a funny fella ?

My point is that no one is perfect and what makes me angry is that Moses and Ramjattan blatantly lied when they were preaching about corruption and lack of transparence and they, according to Ramayya are the most corrupt and disgraceful politicians who stabbed their supporters in the back for a few pieces of silver.

Minimizing corruption is not acceptable, eliminating corruption is acceptable. To date the AFC/PNC have not even minimized corruption they are still paying millions for a corruption with the medical storage bond.

Huge contracts in the hundreds of millions are awarded untendered. Think about it.

Thanks for your clarification. 


Last edited by Former Member

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