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There is an old joke in Guyana where a thief broke into a school teacher's home. The wife began yelling TIEF! TIEF!. The school teacher started yelling "woman, the word is thief". That is what Django is preoccupied with. He seems to be completely ignoring the blatant theft of the elections yesterday. There will be much opportunities to criticize the PPP if they are able to rightfully assume government but right now, the focus should rightfully be on the illegal behavior of the Coalition hacks yesterday. 


The seat of government in Guyana belongs to the party with the most votes. In the elections held on Monday, the electorate appears to favor the PPP. It is not our right to dictate id the PPP is deserving of the electorate choice just because we think they want to get control of the impending wealth of the country. It is our responsibility to do as Ray did and denounce the evil acts of his party yesterday.


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