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Former Member

I was perusing the forums today. Django, you are posting as Azwin on the other forum and pretending to be Iguana. KP is a moron who sees gwana man everywhere, but it's in poor taste for you to at least not issue a denial that you are Iguana. Instead you ride along posing as a black man. Bro, cut this shit out!

@kp ah know yuh miss me kicking your ass, but that ain't me. Y'all know I got much better comebacks than the weak, poor English shit being dished out by Django.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@cain posted:

Oi Iggy, I took a lil walk the other side and read one thread where another poster "assumed" Aziz is actually guanaman. I don't recall reading where Aziz denied nor agreed.

Asswind / Django should have clearly stated he is not Guana man. Many here accused me of D2, Ronan, Spugum etc. I clearly state I am not because I do not want my views or the shit that I do daubed on them. It is the right thing to do.

Not only did he not deny it, he cussed up and carried on like I did, claiming to be black. How many black people do you know posting on these forums. He led them where he wanted - to believe that asswind is Guana man.

It's not cool.

@Former Member posted:

Asswind / Django should have clearly stated he is not Guana man. Many here accused me of D2, Ronan, Spugum etc. I clearly state I am not because I do not want my views or the shit that I do daubed on them. It is the right thing to do.

Not only did he not deny it, he cussed up and carried on like I did, claiming to be black. How many black people do you know posting on these forums. He led them where he wanted - to believe that asswind is Guana man.

It's not cool.

Listen banna no argument with you ,I am who i am .If you have a problem with KP deal with him if he can't recognize a poster. Please don't link no Asswind with Django.

Also what's the shouting out of my nick in the heading ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Listen banna no argument with you ,I am who i am .If you have a problem with KP deal with him if he can't recognize a poster. Please don't link no Asswind with Django.

Your blubbering and blustering is unmistakable. Do NOT ever attempt to imitate me or cast aspersions that you are me. It is LOW of you.

@kp is an old arse. He sees Gwana man everywhere. He is excused. You? not so. You played along.

Your nick is in the heading for the same reason KP's is. I am addressing both of you.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

And you are a swishy hip bramin from kew gardens huntin' man in Harlem.

When I am in New York again I am staying in Harlem again. It way better than Richmond Hill, Jamaica Avenue and Crown Heights. It smells better too. Ali khan is seen as a brother in Harlem he is not seen as a racially subhuman koolie nor does he have to experience koolie crabdog fight up from koolie crabdogs.

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

When I am in New York again I am staying in Harlem again. It way better than Richmond Hill, Jamaica Avenue and Crown Heights. It smells better too. Azad khan is seen as a brother in Harlem he is not seen as a racially subhuman koolie nor does he have to experience koolie crabdog fight up from koolie crabdogs.

see how good black people treat you? Yet you want your own Indian country.

So I take it from the above "seen as a brother" that you are a black skinned Indian. How will this work in your own "sovereign nation"? Will the  "sovereign Indians" not think you are a black infiltrator and kick your ass out of your own country?

@Django posted:

Operating like them folks in Guyana ,accuse and prosecute without real evidence .

Any way KP don't post much here ,will remove his handle from the heading.

the answer to all your questions are in my opening post on this thread. You keep going around in circles. The "evidence" are your posts on the backdam. Your writing is unmistakable.

Kindly leave KP's name in the heading. He will return once he knows Guana man is back temporarily. He likes chasing dudes.

This editing that you do of headings and posts is one of the  reservations I have about posting here.

@Former Member posted:

the answer to all your questions are in my opening post on this thread. You keep going around in circles. The "evidence" are your posts on the backdam. Your writing is unmistakable.

Kindly leave KP's name in the heading. He will return once he knows Guana man is back temporarily. He likes chasing dudes.

This editing that you do of headings and posts is one of the  reservations I have about posting here.

Headings and post content can be removed .You can be assured there are no additions to any member post.

I am most hated person by that crew ,the reason his nick is removed . I am not thin skinned ,try my best to be on the right side.

Last edited by Django

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