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@alena06 posted:

Django recently some of my posts have been deleted and today I noticed you deleted Dave’s post. 

What criteria are you using to determine which posts to delete.  I understand you own the forum but you cannot control people’s viewpoints.

Conjecture and offensive languages will be removed.

@Django posted:

Conjecture and offensive languages will be removed.

I understand offensive language. But, conjecture? Conjecture is "guessing", plain and simple. As Administrator you can simply point out examples of conjecture without deleting them, unless they smack of libel or slander.

@Former Member posted:

I understand offensive language. But, conjecture? Conjecture is "guessing", plain and simple. As Administrator you can simply point out examples of conjecture without deleting them, unless they smack of libel or slander.

Conjecture is not simple guessing. It is inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence. Alena have the habit of posting her inferences as if they are facts and runs away when confronted to provide proof. That's the same as pelting shit and hope it sticks.

@Former Member posted:

I understand offensive language. But, conjecture? Conjecture is "guessing", plain and simple.

As Administrator you can simply point out examples of conjecture without deleting them, unless they smack of libel or slander.

Not much there ,one still have to play safe. I have been reading up on Liabilities of Forums.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

Petal's language is sometimes offensive yet you didn't delete them.

You must speak things that you know and don't guess. Some of my posts would be gone as soon as I signed off and signed on again. That's why I posted the thread entitled, "GNI became extra sensitive" to certain words. 

Put in your request to be a moderator if you think the admin is not doing enough to delete my posts. 


If you are a PPP supporter your posts get deleted. The first post he deleted when he became GNI Ayatollah was mine.

He's doing this because he loves u PPP wimmen,  When he gets into one of his vengeful moods, instead of suspending u, he jus delete the thread or post. think about it yaar. He really does care.


Skelly ,

I do think it's the second time questioning ownership of Forum. The answer is "yes" I am the owner. The point in time you recall ,was when i was made Admin ,to learn the inner works of the Forum.

@Django posted:

Skelly ,

I do think it's the second time questioning ownership of Forum. The answer is "yes" I am the owner. The point in time you recall ,was when i was made Admin ,to learn the inner works of the Forum.

Thanks, brother. My apologies.

@Former Member posted:

What brother? He owns your views on this Forum. Address him as "Massa Django". 😁

Do not provoke the lord thy god. He might smite u. And he is a vengeful god ( to u PPP supporters ) but he still loves u. So watch it. 😃

@Former Member posted:

@Sheik101: I am only taking a little bit of advice from our learned Unscale Gilbaka.

There should be an icon for Django specifically that says, u rite massa .

Last edited by Former Member
@Sheik101 posted:

Poor Jango

He blood pressure mussee gone up with all this heckling on a daily basis.

Ayuh love this man so much that his name is mentioned more than the topics presented here. 😃 😃

Never !!! don't bother with the bickering .

@Former Member posted:

What brother? He owns your views on this Forum. Address him as "Massa Django". 😁

Gil, I am surprised that you would say such a thing, even in humorous  gist, when others can pick it up as a degrading slang. 

The pending  election declaration has caused  severe tensions. But I believe we should keep our emotions in check, including myself, so we don't lose our respect for each other. 

Django is the owner of GCDF and he has the responsibility of seeing that posters abide with the rules, to the  best of his ability.  Those who don't like it have a choice. 

@Former Member posted:

There should be an icon for Django specifically that says, u rite massa .

I know you are joking.  Seriously, it sounds derisive. It's what Negro's called their Masters during the slave times. You do know that.

@Tola posted:

Gil, I am surprised that you would say such a thing, even in humorous  gist, when others can pick it up as a degrading slang. 

The pending  election declaration has caused  severe tensions. But I believe we should keep our emotions in check, including myself, so we don't lose our respect for each other. 

Django is the owner of GCDF and he has the responsibility of seeing that posters abide with the rules, to the  best of his ability.  Those who don't like it have a choice. 

Tola, thank you very much for your comment. Please be informed that this Gilbakka regards Django as his chota bhai. He is my younger brother. And I suppose a big brother can make jokes about his younger brother. 

@Mitwah posted:

I know you are joking.  Seriously, it sounds derisive. It's what Negro's called their Masters during the slave times. You do know that.

Even in humour, it is degrading. Some sugar estates still have N***** Yard. 

@Mitwah posted:

I know you are joking.  Seriously, it sounds derisive. It's what Negro's called their Masters during the slave times. You do know that.

Absolutely incorrect. Bibi called me Massa a few times and I relished the honour.

@Former Member posted:

Tola, thank you very much for your comment. Please be informed that this Gilbakka regards Django as his chota bhai. He is my younger brother. And I suppose a big brother can make jokes about his younger brother. 

Gil, I got a sense of that.  But how others use it might not be what you mean.  I don't want to remember what my four big brothers did to me. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Poor Jango. He blood pressure mussee gone up with all this heckling on a daily basis. Ayuh love this man so much that his name is mentioned more than the topics presented here. 😃 😃

He cherish and loves the Attention.

@Mitwah posted:

What did I post that is incorrect? 

Your statement gives the impression that only slaves used the word "massa". I grew up in Uitvlugt Sugar Estate and heard workers addressing managers as "massa" during Booker's tenure in the 1960s.

And, as I stated earlier today, in GNI Political Discussion Forum our sister member Bibi addressed me as "Massa" and I felt honoured.

As a matter of fact, Mits, I shall highly appreciate your calling me "Massa". No joke.


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