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Dave posted:

Prime News closed operation last year July / Previous owner ( Anthony Vieria - A Known PNC Stooge ).

No Fixed Place Of Operation can be verified or list website, except a facebook link.

Look Up Who Is Julia Johnson & Adam Harris.

Note : This suppose to be a FRONT  page article on all media outlet  - can't find this Mr Django ( PNC PROPAGANDIST )

I guess we should get our news from Guyana Times!!!  In any event, I have not seen anyone repudiating the story. That is where the crux of the matter lies. 

Let me be clear also, I don't care how he got into college. He made it through the course. But I dislike him for other reasons. 

Dave posted:

Prime News closed operation last year July / Previous owner ( Anthony Vieria - A Known PNC Stooge ). Fixed Place Of Operation can be verified or list website, except a facebook linkLook Up Who Is Julia Johnson & Adam Harris.Note : This suppose to be a FRONT  page article on all media outlet  - can't find this Mr Django ( PNC PROPAGANDIST )


PNC,PPP what ever news out fit, it doesn't matter.Irfaan can refute the leak about his qualifications

An old timer PPP in the homeland, wrote a piece on his fb chat, he said Jagdeo Empire crumbling.

D2 posted:
Dave posted:

Prime News closed operation last year July / Previous owner ( Anthony Vieria - A Known PNC Stooge ).

No Fixed Place Of Operation can be verified or list website, except a facebook link.Look Up Who Is Julia Johnson & Adam Harris.

Note : This suppose to be a FRONT  page article on all media outlet  - can't find this Mr Django ( PNC PROPAGANDIST

I guess we should get our news from Guyana Times!!!  In any event, I have not seen anyone repudiating the story. That is where the crux of the matter lies. 

Let me be clear also, I don't care how he got into college. He made it through the course. But I dislike him for other reasons. 

That's not what is stated in the news clip.What is stated is non completion of First Degree, then went on to study for a Masters Degree, which wasn't completed. Got a first degree via online course.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Seems Django spends much time these days digging muck from every crevice.  I think he losing it!

Bhai, i get news feed from Guyana via FB.Looks like some one dig up info on Irfaan, I have always thought he is a bright bhai.

The onus is on him to refute what is said about his qualifications.

Mi know. Just jabbing you lil.  But yes, he can repudiate.  In any case, an online degree may still count. But overall sounds fishy and low quality! 

More reason for Anil!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Seems Django spends much time these days digging muck from every crevice.  I think he losing it!

Bhai, i get news feed from Guyana via FB.Looks like some one dig up info on Irfaan, I have always thought he is a bright bhai.

The onus is on him to refute what is said about his qualifications.

Mi know. Just jabbing you lil.  But yes, he can repudiate.  In any case, an online degree may still count. But overall sounds fishy and low quality! 

More reason for Anil!

Or Frank, we know abie bhai Anil qualifications are legit.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Seems Django spends much time these days digging muck from every crevice.  I think he losing it!

Bhai, i get news feed from Guyana via FB.Looks like some one dig up info on Irfaan, I have always thought he is a bright bhai.

The onus is on him to refute what is said about his qualifications.

Mi know. Just jabbing you lil.  But yes, he can repudiate.  In any case, an online degree may still count. But overall sounds fishy and low quality! 

More reason for Anil!

Or Frank, we know abie bhai Anil qualifications are legit.

If the man is dishonest, throw him out. He will be a black eye on the PPP and the whipping boy for the election.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Seems Django spends much time these days digging muck from every crevice.  I think he losing it!

Bhai, i get news feed from Guyana via FB.Looks like some one dig up info on Irfaan, I have always thought he is a bright bhai.

The onus is on him to refute what is said about his qualifications.

Mi know. Just jabbing you lil.  But yes, he can repudiate.  In any case, an online degree may still count. But overall sounds fishy and low quality! 

More reason for Anil!

poor people did not have much to go on but on line Uni...Univ of London facilitated this. That is why people thumbed their noses at it. They offered High school to GCE in distance learning...i believe. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Prime News closed operation last year July / Previous owner ( Anthony Vieria - A Known PNC Stooge ). Fixed Place Of Operation can be verified or list website, except a facebook linkLook Up Who Is Julia Johnson & Adam Harris.Note : This suppose to be a FRONT  page article on all media outlet  - can't find this Mr Django ( PNC PROPAGANDIST )


PNC,PPP what ever news out fit, it doesn't matter.Irfaan can refute the leak about his qualifications

An old timer PPP in the homeland, wrote a piece on his fb chat, he said Jagdeo Empire crumbling.

That lot timer must be buying weed from the same shop as Cain. Jagdeo toppled PNC in three short years. This is historic !

Irfaan can chose to dispute this if he so wished. No other medial outlet carried this fake news ! Bai DJ, you are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. 

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, you are smoking cheap weed.

Banna no weed, cigar yes.

What happen with the Caretaker Gov't ? you heard what Granger said.

Bai, if the PPP had an NCV, you would have advocated for them to lock up parliament and put GDF at every yard length on both sides of the entrance..Come on, let's be fair. If the people don't want you, get out and call election ASAP so the peoples' business can be taken care of. Don't play wrong and strong. When is the PNC going to stop being a bully? You wonder why the Indians don't trust the PNC?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, you are smoking cheap weed.

Banna no weed, cigar yes.

What happen with the Caretaker Gov't ? you heard what Granger said.

Bai, if the PPP had an NCV, you would have advocated for them to lock up parliament and put GDF at every yard length on both sides of the entrance..Come on, let's be fair. If the people don't want you, get out and call election ASAP so the peoples' business can be taken care of. Don't play wrong and strong. When is the PNC going to stop being a bully? You wonder why the Indians don't trust the PNC?

Naah bhai, government got to function.When you talk about people please define and the amount.

Any way elections will be coming shortly, who capture the voters can celebrate.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai DJ, you sound bitter and jealous of the Tiger BJ !

Bhai, if the man is a scamp, throw him out. Let's be fair. We always say this about the PNC boys.

Thank you. No one is looking at the actual issue or at his past. It's always PPP vs PNC first. Irfaat has proven to be a friends and family man. He is also controllable unlike Frank which means he most likely will get the BJ nod and endorsement.


As of now, Anil will win if there is no secret ballot. There will be a big surprise if it is held by a secret ballot and it is not Irfaan. 

Interesting times ahead. 

Irfaan should not lead the PPP this time around. While I like him, he is not a consensus candidate. I do however see him holding a finance portfolio. 

You did not hear this from me. 


Shyam Nokta could emerge as PPP consensus presidential candidate


Shyam Nokta

As the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Thursday began hearing from five of its presidential candidate hopefuls, former presidential advisor Shyam Nokta could emerge as the consensus candidate to contest the next general elections, party sources said.

Nokta, 44, the son of veteran PPP member, Harripersaud Nokta, is said to have very good relations with party General Secretary, former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

When contacted Thursday, Nokta said he had turned down a request to join the race for the candidacy but at the same time he left the door open to taking up the offer again if called upon. “At this point in time, nobody would want to rule out anything but let’s see how the process moves forward,” said the environmentalist.

Harripersaud Nokta

Nokta said as of Thursday morning no one had “approached me on that subject”. He said he had been previously asked to “put my hat in the ring” but declined to do so.

“I did not put myself up at this time,” adding that “I really didn’t give the issue much consideration at this time but, like everything else, you have to take everything into consideration before you make those decisions,” said Nokta who is also a member of the PPP’s Central Committee.

Those expected to make presentations before the 35-member Central Committee on Thursday and Friday are Dr. Frank Anthony, Canadian-trained political scientist Gail Teixeira, Irfan Ali, Attorney-at-Law Anil Nandlall, and Dr. Vindhya Persaud whose father is late PPP stalwart and iconic Hindu cleric, Reepu Daman Persaud.

After the Committee hearings, the party is expected to decide on its candidate either by secret ballot or consensus.

Flashback: Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo (centre) flanked by PPP/C parliamentarians Irfan Ali, Anil Nandlall and Gail Teixeira

Jagdeo is widely believed to be backing Ali, the PPP’s Shadow Finance Minister, whose academic qualifications were reportedly questioned by Prime News 24 hours before the Central Committee was due to hear the candidate hopefuls.

However, several members of the PPP ‘Old Guard’ are said to be backing Dr. Anthony, a former head of the PPP’s Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), and Nandlall, regarded by all for his hard work especially in the legal arena on behalf of the party and ordinary supporters.

Observers note that Anthony, Teixeira and Nokta have not been tainted by police investigations or criminal charges. At the same time, Jagdeo has said that he would prefer the PPP’s presidential candidate to be someone with Cabinet experience and who is committed to the party’s programme for Guyana’s development.

Dr. Frank Anthony

Nokta, a British-trained environmentalist, served as Head of the Office of Climate Change at the former Office of the President and, along with Jagdeo, had piloted the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) for the protection and preservation of standing forests and scale up use of renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions and at the same time earn revenue. The LCDS has since been modified by the David Granger-led administration and restyled the Green State Development Strategy.


I do not like the idea of selecting a candidate by “consensus”. This is like a bunch of communists selecting a candidate. 

There MUST be a secret ballot and if there is a secret ballot Anthony will win. This is an interesting situation. 

Anyway, I will respect and support whoever is the PPP presidential candidate 

Mitwah posted:

I was told that KP is related to Irfaan. 

Your ears are too long. You does hear and see jumbie and think that you see people. Unless you own an Indrajal.

Bai, you always make false claim about people’s identity since I know you at GNI.

Bhai, you should stop that bad habit in your old age. 


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

I was told that KP is related to Irfaan. 

You always have some fake news to spread on gni.

He is an orphan child, AFC now dead.  I think he is looking for a pen pal.

Do you know a Guyanese Doctor who is  indifferent to orphans or children with challenges such as Bipolar or temperamental problems? We are looking for professional volunteers?


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