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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:

some of them get kwame,nehru get a excuse to get drunk

Well to be truthful i does knack meh lil Tusx while posting. Nandalall does send wan small piece every month fuh me.


Now you see, I can understand and perhaps even respect that on a certain level.


There's nothing wrong with being a paid prostitute. But some of your cohorts just give up the booty for free. That's what puzzles me

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:

some of them get kwame,nehru get a excuse to get drunk

Well to be truthful i does knack meh lil Tusx while posting. Nandalall does send wan small piece every month fuh me.


Now you see, I can understand and perhaps even respect that on a certain level.


There's nothing wrong with being a paid prostitute. But some of your cohorts just give up the booty for free. That's what puzzles me

Bhai, My consultation is never free.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by warrior:

not all of them skeltonman steal guysuco money and the ppp boys watching his back


Does skelton homan pay American taxes on his GuySuco loot? Or should we take a look at his 1040?

dem PPP bais hustlin to move de money into the nether reaches of the 'Eastern' Banking system . . . FATCA up deh ass

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by warrior:

not all of them skeltonman steal guysuco money and the ppp boys watching his back


Does skelton homan pay American taxes on his GuySuco loot? Or should we take a look at his 1040?

dem PPP bais hustlin to move de money into the nether reaches of the 'Eastern' Banking system . . . FATCA up deh ass


I see you're in de know dere bai. Doan worry, the watchers are watchin


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