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Originally Posted by Amral:

I have always said I am not with any political party nor do I care to be with one. I know nothing about what happens in NY and their organizations. GNI is not an official  PPP website, but because it is owned by Safraz (son of Amb. Ishmael) many think of it as such.


Amb. Ishmael entrusted GNI to me to be the Administrator and I have a responsibility to make sure that he is not being put in any akward position.


I usually have a hands off approach to the Political forum, but sometimes I am called upon to take care of certain matters. Most times I trust the members of the forum to act mature and in a civil manner.

 Amral, that is pure crapola. I hit on the little triangle on many occasion and followed up with an open post where Rev was calling the president a  Kenyan, Muslim, lazy uneducated, ni.gger and posting cartoons from stormfront and hate sites with the president in the likeness of sambo, Hitler among  other disparaging images.   I also advised you that not even the worse of the President political opponents was could say those things and not feel the wrath of the press. I also warned you when he was here calling black people substandard humans and lazy welfare bums  etc. I made he point to mentioned as the designated editor of this site Dr Ishmael is culpable. 


You never acknowledged anything or even warned the Rev once and he is the most openly racist scumbag that ever graced this site.  I know you saw those complaints. Joker is no friend of mine. FUrther, his postings are far more temperate than of the past


BTW Some of the very people here complaining about joker were the ones sniveling about their right of free speech. Those posts are still on the site if you think I am wrong.


Moderation has to be even handed. Every poster here opens themselves to ridicule if they say something they cannot back up. Public figures are open targets. Vishnu should not be upset at being harassed but alas that is the penalty he pays for being a public figure. He also knows when he was beat up was the moment Ed's fall began.  He cannot have it both ways.


Indeed one should have self control in posting but that self control is only tempered by the obscene or libelous or slanderous.  Of course you can have active moderation where the posters are kept in line for derailing threads my nonsense posts, not responding the the title of the thread or fro not following the rules of argumentation.  If those rules are put in place and you appoint someone to moderate as you did in the past the poster breaking the rule would get a slap on the hand immediately. 

Originally Posted by Amral:

Joker and others now that you know where I stand on these matters I expect my request to be carried out.


What I understand is that I'm not to cast any aspersions on RHEDC and the sources of their financing, whatever that might be. I do acquiesce on that point.


I also understand that I'm free to demonize U.S Soldiers for "shooting unarmed drugged up Afghan kids" and that certain non-PPP Indians are properly termed "Indian n*ggers"


Amral, let's just say, I also put a "Ditto "  to the previous four posts by Stormborn, Raymond, Mr T and Joker.

You cannot read one or two posts to get the gist of what's going on here.

I for one do not partake in calling people degrading names but suddenly here, baddam, you've got posters doing as Stormborn mentioned and I cannot sit by and watch that go on day after day and do/say nothing.


To be fair you have to do as Stormborn suggested, pull up a few of those gross posts and you'll soon realize who the real culprits are, if you haven't already found out.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

I have always said I am not with any political party nor do I care to be with one. I know nothing about what happens in NY and their organizations. GNI is not an official  PPP website, but because it is owned by Safraz (son of Amb. Ishmael) many think of it as such.


Amb. Ishmael entrusted GNI to me to be the Administrator and I have a responsibility to make sure that he is not being put in any akward position.


I usually have a hands off approach to the Political forum, but sometimes I am called upon to take care of certain matters. Most times I trust the members of the forum to act mature and in a civil manner.

 Amral, that is pure crapola. I hit on the little triangle on many occasion and followed up with an open post where Rev was calling the president a  Kenyan, Muslim, lazy uneducated, ni.gger and posting cartoons from stormfront and hate sites with the president in the likeness of sambo, Hitler among  other disparaging images.   I also advised you that not even the worse of the President political opponents was could say those things and not feel the wrath of the press. I also warned you when he was here calling black people substandard humans and lazy welfare bums  etc. I made he point to mentioned as the designated editor of this site Dr Ishmael is culpable. 


You never acknowledged anything or even warned the Rev once and he is the most openly racist scumbag that ever graced this site.  I know you saw those complaints. Joker is no friend of mine. FUrther, his postings are far more temperate than of the past


BTW Some of the very people here complaining about joker were the ones sniveling about their right of free speech. Those posts are still on the site if you think I am wrong.


Moderation has to be even handed. Every poster here opens themselves to ridicule if they say something they cannot back up. Public figures are open targets. Vishnu should not be upset at being harassed but alas that is the penalty he pays for being a public figure. He also knows when he was beat up was the moment Ed's fall began.  He cannot have it both ways.


Indeed one should have self control in posting but that self control is only tempered by the obscene or libelous or slanderous.  Of course you can have active moderation where the posters are kept in line for derailing threads my nonsense posts, not responding the the title of the thread or fro not following the rules of argumentation.  If those rules are put in place and you appoint someone to moderate as you did in the past the poster breaking the rule would get a slap on the hand immediately. 

Agreed Stormborn. I have called out the racist postings as well but no response from the admin. This admin is a joke.  You have to be blind not to see the blatant race hate posted on this site.  Look, I believe a call came from high up to clean the board of posters with negative views of the govt.  This site is supposed to be pro PPP site a haven for posting PPP propaganda. The PPP has lost control of the forum as the crtics of the govt are outnumbering the PPPites and they are exposing the corruption and racist foundation on which the PPP is bulit on.  The way I see it if you are a PPPite, Indo supremicist or a black man hater you are welcomed and you can post whatever you like. 

Last edited by Former Member

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