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randolph posted:

 Me nah no Dacta Bhai, Allyuh gat the wrang Randalph. I am just a pain fuh dem Black Racist Bullies. Anyway I am a highly qualified fisherman who can teach Dumbger, Dumbmootoo, Dumbkissasssoon et al. how to catch a fish, but maybe that's not right; their IQ would take me a lifetime.

Randolph bai, you got competition here on fishing. Hassa, houri, patwa, kasie, kuma kuma, you name it. Only line fishing though. Well, I still do a lot of fishing in my neck of the woods. Just love the outdoors here.


Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country

Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country

And what and who you believe in to build a better Guyana has thus far been a fiasco.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country

And what and who you believe in to build a better Guyana has thus far been a fiasco.

History does repeat itself. Wait and empty treasury is in the works again.

Prashad posted:
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Why is that man named Frank Anthony he should get a proper South Asian name.Ridiculous.

Do all of your kids have 100% South Asian names, and did you force your wife to adopt one as well?

No response to the carib.

Got the answer.  Cannot even control your own home and yet you want to tell others what to do.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Violent protesters who threatened the lives of police officers were killed.  

Please don't embarrass yourself by wailing that two ageing women were a threat to scores of sugar protestors.   Yes I remember the wailing and whine of a bunch of emasculated Indo KKK men on GNI who screamed "me frikken black woman".  It was really sad to see.

At no point were the Linden police in danger. The police started to shoot because an ignar wanted to show power, and show it he did.

In fact a police station was burned down during one of those Indian protests. I submit to you that this way more provocation than refusing to move.

Now show evidence that those sugar protestors were harassed by the police.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country

And what and who you believe in to build a better Guyana has thus far been a fiasco.

Can you come up with something more intellectually that the PPP has the God-given right to rule Guyana? How many packaging or canning factories were established for local products during the 23 years that the PPP ruled?

Mitwah posted:

Can you come up with something more intellectually that the PPP has the God-given right to rule Guyana? How many packaging or canning factories were established for local products during the 23 years that the PPP ruled?

In fact it was shown that even in the tough days of the 80s there was more manufacturing in Guyana than in the last years of the PPP era.

The PPP idea of development has been speculative real estate semi gated communities, Cineplex and shopping malls.  Under their watch the export of goods and services remained unchanged.  Mainly unprocessed raw materials.


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