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Doctor critical after accident

September 30, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Prominent Berbice doctor, Phyzul Sattaur, 70, of Lot 6 Coburg Street, New Amsterdam was up to late last night in a critical condition in the hospital after he was involved in a vehicular accident while driving his car along the Number 19 Highway last evening.

Dr. Sattaur’s badly mangled car.

Dr. Sattaur’s badly mangled car.

According to reports, Sattaur was driving a Mark II, PJJ 6228, making his way home from a cricket match at the Albion Cricket Ground when he slammed into the back of a lorry, GPP 251, which was heading in the same direction.
The Doctor was rushed to the Emergency Room at the New Amsterdam Hospital by a friend after which family and other friends were quickly notified.
“His brains showing out…one of his eyes coming out,” stated a friend who was standing by the ICU door of the hospital when this newspaper went there last night.
“He can’t make it,” said another.
Efforts to transport Dr. Sattaur for further medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital were abandoned since his condition was at its worst. Up to press time (after 22:00 hrs) Sattaur was still in a very critical condition at the ICU.
Earlier in the evening, senior colleagues in the medical fraternity including Dr. Yacoob and Dr. Narinedatt Sukhnanan were seen consoling his wife, Dholly.
Other friends, including the doctor’s clerk were also at the New Amsterdam Hospital. Kaieteur News learnt that Sattaur telephoned his wife around 18:30 hrs telling her that he had left the Cricket match and was heading home. He never arrived.
When Kaieteur News arrived at the scene of the accident, pieces of the car were scattered all over the road, along with blood stains. The truck was parked a short distance from the point of impact.
The driver of the truck, Mordecai Ramsundar of Number Two Village, East Canje was still visibly shaken from the accident.
He stated that he was driving at the regular speed when he heard a loud impact at the rear of the truck.
“Me just hear ‘bram’!” he said. “The impact pushed me in a corner,” he added.
Dr. Sattaur has four children: Sharrin, Lana, Michelle and his son, Andre. He was educated in Warsaw, Poland in the 1970’s.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dr.Sattaur studied in Poland in the 60's and not 70's....he returned to Guyana in 1970 after completing his medical studies....he lived across the street from us  in  an apartment above Reggie Rawana's office.....


He was a good person who helped many  less fortunate folks....he will be missed by many...



Our deepest heartfelt condolences to his wife Dolly and their 4 children.

Phyzul was a very close friend of my late sorrow boy, Lalta Persaud, and he has been a close friend to the family ever since. I have partied at his home in New Amsterdam a few times with my late dad and late sorrow boy. He also visited us in Toronto a few years back when he was holidaying.

He was a great human being, very much liked and very helpful to our family.

May his soul rest in peace ! 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

My Condolences goes out to the Family.


Was he a GYN Dr???

At one time he was the only Doctor who could have signed your Medical for US and Canadian Visas.


He was indeed a kind man.

Prominent Berbice doctor, Phyzul Sattaur, 70, of Lot 6 Coburg Street, New Amsterdam was up to late last night in a critical condition in the hospital after he was involved in a vehicular accident while driving his car along the Number 19 Highway last evening.


Earlier in the evening, senior colleagues in the medical fraternity including Dr. Yacoob and Dr. Narinedatt Sukhnanan were seen consoling his wife, Dholly.


Doctor critical after accident

September 30, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

Condolence to the family on this sad occasion.


Also, a note for my other friend, Dr. Narinedatt Sukhnanan


On behalf of my wife and I, we extend our deepest condolences to the surviving family of Dr. Sattaur. The passing of Dr. Sattaur affected all of us who are related to his family one way or another. He will be missed greatly by how we remember him. He was a great and kind man. His immediate family and relatives have possessed the same kindness as I've known them to be. May God grant his soul everlasting peace.


Berbice doctor’s death… Truck driver arrested

October 2, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


Police in Berbice arrested a truck driver of Number Two Village, East Canje yesterday, in connection with the death of prominent Physician/Surgeon, 69-year-old Phyzul Azeem Sattaur, of Lot 5-7 LFS Burnham Street, New Amsterdam.

Sattaur was driving a Toyota Mark II PJJ 6228 making his way home from a cricket match at the Albion Cricket Ground in the vicinity of Farm, Number 11 Village, Corentyne, when he slammed into the back of a truck GPP 251 which was heading in the same direction.

He was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital and later died from several broken ribs and multiple head injuries.

The truck driver was heading home for the day after transporting paddy to and from Black Bush Polder. “Me just hear ‘bram’!” he said on Sunday evening to this newspaper. “The impact push me in a corner,” he stated. He claimed that he was “driving at the regular speed”.

The doctor’s wife had claimed that the truck driver stated that he was going to make a stop.

“The truck driver said that he was going to stop…I believe he stopped and did not have on any rear lights!”The man denied the accusation, but was nevertheless arrested, and is likely to be charged.


sabrina --  3 days ago

was the doctor wife there when the accident happen??? noooooo!!!! it's not what she believed happened... is what ppl see happen.. i was also traveling when this accident happen... the doctor was driving at a fast rate... he was trying to over take when he notice a car coming from the opposite direction he could not make it so he pulled up behind the truck n ended up in the truck back.. the driver of the truck is innocent... but i guess because the doctor family have money the can buy over the law n put innocent ppl behind bar.. sorry for the lost of a good doctor but u have to accept the fact the truck driver is not at fault..



davepersaud --  3 days ago


This is so unfair.... I read the first article on this incident. The truck driver clearly stated he was driving along and heard a sudden 'Bram'.... why is the story twisting now??? When will the authorities in Guyana do a fair and thorough investigation when it comes to accidents and robberies?? Rule# 1 If you hit someone in the back you are 'WRONG'. What happen to the eyewitnesses? Nothing mentioned about that... where was the wife when the incident occurred? Was she there or did she speak to him in her dream? Very sad to hear about his death but why make an arrest under assumptions? I guess this poor truck driver cannot afford to pay off someone. There will never be Justice in Guyana just plain sad......


Dr. Sattaur children and my family eat from the same pot so many times, but if his life cut short because he was wrong,so let it be. This is nonsense what the family is doing to hold a poor, innocent man guilty. If this was my brother, I would say the same thing. Rich people do no wrong? Geeze, come on people!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Sattaur children and my family eat from the same pot so many times, but if his life cut short because he was wrong, so let it be. This is nonsense what the family is doing to hold a poor, innocent man guilty. If this was my brother, I would say the same thing. Rich people do no wrong? Geeze, come on people!

An unfortunate incident has occurred, but the process must follow according to the laws.


From the published reports, it appears that truck driver is innocent.


Cobra, I share your views on this matter.


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