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Former Member

Does anyone get the sense that the AFC knew exactly what they were doing when they injected race into the Linden electricity tariff issue?



In the 2006 elections the AFC had declared its multi-racial triumvirate leadership core signalled the addressing of the concerns of all Guyanese ethnicities. But when the time came for voting it was only able to attract voters primarily from the PNC that had failed to excite its traditional constituency.
In the November 2011 elections, however, the PNC sought a metamorphosis as it pulled in individuals from a panoply of fringe parties to declare it was now “A Partnership for National Unity” (APNU). Just as crucially, it jettisoned the older leadership, reached outside its traditional corps of leaders and selected David Granger as its Presidential candidate. Granger brought his organisational skills to the table along with a cadre of committed ex-GDF officers.
They reversed the ennui within the PNC faithful and pulled them back from the AFC in the last elections. For the AFC, they were fortunate they were able to provide a home for disaffected PPP executive Moses Nagamootoo. He was able to woo traditional PPP supporters, especially from Berbice, who had been disaffected by the travails in the sugar industry and by local officials who has drifted away from the grassroots.
The AFC therefore had become a repository for the ‘protest’ vote from the two traditional camps.


After the last elections the AFC did not take too kindly to the gravitation of its 2006 votes back to APNU/PNC. And its response was to destabilize the new emergent responsible politics. This was brought out most clearly in the Linden electricity subsidy issue now playing out.
After the government proposed a gradual equalisation of electricity tariffs between Linden and the rest of the country in the budget, APNU agreed, after extracting some concessions from the government including a larger rise in the government old age pension. The AFC then launched into the politics of outbidding: it rushed down to Linden and accused APNU of ‘selling out”.
The latter was forced to protect its flank in the classic predicted response in ethnic politics. The AFC has continued to ratchet up its bids to Lindeners and APNU has matched it blow by blow. The end result is the loss of 3 lives and untold destruction leaving the community of Linden worse than it was before. Using the frustration of the Lindeners the opposition alliance has been given a new beating stick to wring concessions out of the democratically elected PPP/C government quite like the PNC used 'mo fire, slow fire' to reduce Janet Jagan's presidency to 3 years.







Replies sorted oldest to newest

 The AFC did not propose the mode manner or time of the imposition of harsh rises in the cost to electricity. As dissenters to the possess they had to do what they did, organize protest and ask for a re-evaluation. In doing that the detail the nature of their disagreements.


You muck rakes are the ones bringing race into this. The Chronicle editorial literally let the charge. Then came you and your charts for all intents and purpose calling the people free loaders and insisting they must be on the same pay scale ( despite different supplier, different management and their suppler never asking for the raise since they made 119 million in profit selling the same electricity )


Actually, the PPP set this in motion. Check Freddi's conjecture today. He thinks the PPP was the one injecting race and he give his reasons.


Bridges and infrastructures of any nation do not belong to anyone's party or race. It belongs to the country and the useful purpose of the people for which they were built for. I wish you guys can change your mode when speaking of assets of national significance.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Bridges and infrastructures of any nation do not belong to anyone's party or race. It belongs to the country and the useful purpose of the people for which they were built for. I wish you guys can change your mode when speaking of assets of national significance.

 You missed his point. It is corrupt implantation of known cronies in position of leech access using the states assets and the peoples insurance scheme to finance their enrichment while the put in squat.


The Berbicians watched as Jagdeo give away 16 million dollars cash, land, our river access etc to his chums and yet these people cannot produce something akin to a fair tariff for poor people with all that freebies.


Instead the ugly structure with no pedestrian access costs more than any of the bridges in the entire US to cross. The Bay bridge which is over 5 miles long cost less than 2 dollars to cross.


I hope the PNC and the AFC promise the people a suspension structure at Edinburgh financed by state resources and access to which would be less than it cost to cross by ferry. We need New Amsterdam revived and the upper regions of the river given better option to cross.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why are Berbicians paying more to cross their PPP floating bridge compared to what Demerarans paying to cross the Burnham bridge?

Maybe because the Dem Bridge was built over 25 years ago at the cost of 5 M US and the Berbice bridge was recently built at the cost of 300 Million US. When I was in fuss standard Sugarcake was 2 for a penny, now is $50, why????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Why are Berbicians paying more to cross their PPP floating bridge compared to what Demerarans paying to cross the Burnham bridge?

Maybe because the Dem Bridge was built over 25 years ago at the cost of 5 M US and the Berbice bridge was recently built at the cost of 300 Million US. When I was in fuss standard Sugarcake was 2 for a penny, now is $50, why????

That bridge is a public/private investment.


you see those dogs in the green hats,i hope they turn around and bit the ppp lowlife in the sending a black man to kill a black man some thing have to be wrong with this picture

Originally Posted by Conscience:


This protest is by no means peaceful. Disgraceful actions and foul language by protesters.


Only the insane will call these protesters peaceful. Shame on them. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Conscience:


This protest is by no means peaceful. Disgraceful actions and foul language by protesters.


Only the insane will call these protesters peaceful. Shame on them. 

Only the most sick and morally blighted would gun them down for that!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 The AFC did not propose the mode manner or time of the imposition of harsh rises in the cost to electricity. As dissenters to the possess they had to do what they did, organize protest and ask for a re-evaluation. In doing that the detail the nature of their disagreements.


You muck rakes are the ones bringing race into this. The Chronicle editorial literally let the charge. Then came you and your charts for all intents and purpose calling the people free loaders and insisting they must be on the same pay scale ( despite different supplier, different management and their suppler never asking for the raise since they made 119 million in profit selling the same electricity )


Actually, the PPP set this in motion. Check Freddi's conjecture today. He thinks the PPP was the one injecting race and he give his reasons.

You are an ostrich with your head in the Pomeroon sand. The AFC does not have to put ammo in the hands of the people. They incited, cajoled and fronted and the result was mayhem. When a group is highly charged any skillful orator can wind them up to violence. Why don't you accept that?   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

. . . The AFC does not have to put ammo in the hands of the people. They incited, cajoled and fronted and the result was mayhem. When a group is highly charged any skillful orator can wind them up to violence.

ahmmm . . . there actually was real ammo, and it was in the hands of the riot police; and the "mayhem" was ignited by use of THAT ammo to kill 3 and maim nearly 2 dozen.


Now . . . other than the violent act(s) of the police, what VIOLENCE are you talking about?


Some of you fall into lies simply because you are dumb and don't know any better; others are in service to evil and don't care; and still others have prostituted their souls for small money.


Who/what are you?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Talk about yourself. The AFC incited the people. APNU had agreed to along with the increases for Linden. Which planet are you inhabiting?   

AFC "incited" the people to do WHAT . . .?


Please be specific about the [nonexistent] "violence," "arson" etc . . . U know, the sexy stuff that trips so easily off your forked PPP tongue.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Pick sense outa nonsense. What you think the AFC would incite them to do? Read the psalm at Sunday school? Go figure.


redux has to go back to school. Forgive his ignorance. He only sees through a brainwashed Burnham/PNC lens.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Pick sense outa nonsense. What you think the AFC would incite them to do? Read the psalm at Sunday school? Go figure.


redux has to go back to school. Forgive his ignorance. He only sees through a brainwashed Burnham/PNC lens.

Just as I thought, neither of you two idiot screamers can answer . . .


It is useless indulging in name calling. This is for the weak and the insecure. Lets deal with the facts. The APNU agreed to a rate increase in Linden. Why? Then the AFC went into Linden and bad-talked the APNU and APNU reneged. Then AFC went to work with the people of Linden and stoked the fires of insurrection. Is this clear to you now? Guess not.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

It is useless indulging in name calling. This is for the weak and the insecure. Lets deal with the facts. The APNU agreed to a rate increase in Linden. Why? Then the AFC went into Linden and bad-talked the APNU and APNU reneged. Then AFC went to work with the people of Linden and stoked the fires of insurrection. Is this clear to you now? Guess not.

Don't buy into this either , apnu and afc planned this whole episode well, you ever wonder why Granger stayed away from the whole thing?  Nagamotto and Ramjattan will never win an election, because black people will never vote for them.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You are an ostrich with your head in the Pomeroon sand. The AFC does not have to put ammo in the hands of the people. They incited, cajoled and fronted and the result was mayhem. When a group is highly charged any skillful orator can wind them up to violence. Why don't you accept that?   

Here you blame the AFC and not the police for shooting down protesters when they were NOT under attack.


You then want to pretend as if an Inquiry will be objective and fair when you have already determined where the guilt lies.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Talk about yourself. The AFC incited the people. APNU had agreed to along with the increases for Linden. Which planet are you inhabiting?   

So because APNU agreed, clearly without consulting Lindeners that meant that Lindeners were not allowed to protest?


This is why we need to have local govt elections so that people in various communities can represent their interests.  Its nonsense to think that people in G/twn can tell Lindeners what to do.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You know what the Inquiry will determine and which side it will take. You should work with Madame Cleo.

yes I know.  The PPP Inquiry will have the same opinion of this as you do.


It will blame the AFC for inciting the crowds and exempt the olice from any responsibility.


You will then be shocedk if the Lindeners who were actually present at the incident then disagree with these findings.


You have already come to your own conclusions as to where the guilt lies. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Talk about yourself. The AFC incited the people. APNU had agreed to along with the increases for Linden. Which planet are you inhabiting?   

So because APNU agreed, clearly without consulting Lindeners that meant that Lindeners were not allowed to protest?


This is why we need to have local govt elections so that people in various communities can represent their interests.  Its nonsense to think that people in G/twn can tell Lindeners what to do.

Sugrims screams about the AFC and then wonders why we already know what the Inquiry will find.  And the fcat that these flawed conclusions will further incite rage rather than solving the problem.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You know what the Inquiry will determine and which side it will take. You should work with Madame Cleo.

yes I know.  The PPP Inquiry will have the same opinion of this as you do.


It will blame the AFC for inciting the crowds and exempt the olice from any responsibility.


You will then be shocedk if the Lindeners who were actually present at the incident then disagree with these findings.


You have already come to your own conclusions as to where the guilt lies. 

You know that I have come to conclusions but you are the one who know what the Commission will conclude. You need to be more analytical. But then you can't living in America and pretending to 'know' what is happening here. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You know what the Inquiry will determine and which side it will take. You should work with Madame Cleo.

yes I know.  The PPP Inquiry will have the same opinion of this as you do.


It will blame the AFC for inciting the crowds and exempt the olice from any responsibility.


You will then be shocedk if the Lindeners who were actually present at the incident then disagree with these findings.


You have already come to your own conclusions as to where the guilt lies. 

You know that I have come to conclusions but you are the one who know what the Commission will conclude. You need to be more analytical. But then you can't living in America and pretending to 'know' what is happening here. 

The PPP has become very adept at brainwashing people like you. 


Out of one mouth you blame the AFC and imply that those who were shot brought it upon themselves.  At no point do you suggest that maybe sloppy policing and bad tactics (like not anticipating that the bridge will be a focus and preventing this by positioning policemen there BEFORE the crowds arrived) might have been a contributing factor. 


And that all this babble about whether Linden deserved, or did not deserve a subsidy ought not to have been embedded with this incident, but should have been kept seperate.  Instead you were among those screaming that Linden is a welfare state, w/o acknowledging the special challenges that living in a town with one industry entails.  Especially when that industry is privatized with much loss of employment and a resulting depressed local economy.


Whether or not one agrees with Lindeners they have a right to protest.  They also have a right to protest even if the party for which they voted for does what they think is not right.  Its sad that you consider this to be part of some sinister rebellion, and that Lindeners ought to be sheep because Gtwn people like Granger used them as bargaining chips for other parts of their agenda.



So when you come down clearly on the side of the govt, dont preten to be objective.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna I said that those who are responsible must be brought to justice. Go back and read the stuff.

And then you blame the AFC.  What part of that do you call waiting for the Inquiry?  You have already tried them and found them guilty.


Guilty of what?  Is organizing a protest, assuming that they were involved in this, criminal?



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna I said that those who are responsible must be brought to justice. Go back and read the stuff.

And then you blame the AFC.  What part of that do you call waiting for the Inquiry?  You have already tried them and found them guilty.


Guilty of what?  Is organizing a protest, assuming that they were involved in this, criminal?



Then by his own logics Sawh was guilty of organizing protests and leading marches on Parlianment Hill for similar issues against the PNC in the 70's and 80's.
But then his logics are so warped, it cannot be fixed.


Caribj, go easy! He is kinda slow on the uptake.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna I said that those who are responsible must be brought to justice. Go back and read the stuff.

And then you blame the AFC.  What part of that do you call waiting for the Inquiry?  You have already tried them and found them guilty.


Guilty of what?  Is organizing a protest, assuming that they were involved in this, criminal?



Man how silly can you get. The AFC was/is inciting. I have nothing to do with the Enquiry nor I am a Judge. So what is this about trying them and finding them guilty? 


that will be a change it will be the first time the ppp crime family will ever find anyone guilty,but as RAMOTAR will say show me the evdence.i wonder who ever find jagan guilty when he was burning canefields.the most inportant thing here is the government cannot control the police or they using them to murder the citizens of guyana we will wait and see


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