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Originally Posted by Mars:

Donald would never expose his fellow corrupt PPP'ites because he is corrupt himself. He's scared that if he exposes anyone, they would squeal on him. 



Now a PPP man back me up last week end and he tell me about a man name CHIDDUE.


CHIDDUE own a sand pit and he provided free sand for someone at Pradoville?


That someone was considered by Cheddi as ill-fit to be a Minister.


Who is that corrupt individual?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I know and that is exactly what Danald is, a HARD man, who has no care for his people.


5% for the worker again in 2014 Budget.  $20 a day more for senior citizens.

I honestly that Donald is a good man.

He needs to clean house and

surround himself with intelligent and honest advisors.

Skeldon Kwame a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Kwame practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Kwame intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Kwame?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Lamumba a good man?..... (Yes or No) Lamumba a Black House of Isreal Thug ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Lamumba intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Lamumba?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Manni a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Manni practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Manni intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Manni?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Kit Nascimento a good man?..... (Yes or No) Nascimento a PNC Thug & Burnham Election Rigger ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Nascimento intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Nascimento?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Brian Young a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...Do Brian practice Buggery?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Brian intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Brian?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Norman McClean a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon...was McClean the Head of the GDF and stole Ballot Boxes to keep Burnham in Power ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is McClean intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep McClean?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Bobby Ramroop a good man?..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon.. Is Bobby.... Jagdeo best friend?....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....did Jagdeo steal from the Guyanese and hide wealth with Bobby???......(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bobby intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bobby or Jagdeo?????..... (Yes or No)


Skeldon Philip Bynoe, Juan Edghill or Witticka a good man?..... (Yes or No) Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika....Black House of Isreal Thugs ???....(Yes or No)

Skeldon....Is Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika.... intelligent or Honest??..... (Yes or No)

Skeldon....if Donald is cleaning house....could he keep Bynoe, Edgehill or Wittika?????..... (Yes or No)






Dem boys seh…Donald surrounded by corrupt people


A big change coming up in the Guyana Police Force. Brumell going off and it look like if he ready to go. But is he pardna who got problems. This pardna meet de age of retirement too, but he don’t want lef de wuk. He like de perks that he collecting and he can’t imagine that he can get a life without that.
Henry de Yellow did collect nuff perks too. In fact he collect so much that when he dead dem now got people fighting over he wealth. Most of de wealth come while he was sitting down in de chair of de Commissioner.
In fact, dem boys notice that nuff people got a way of getting rich just before dem retire from high office. Rohee did tell dem boys that some of he friends save and that is how dem get rich. One friend get rich because he didn’t marry and he didn’t spend none of he money.
He get suh rich that people want to know wha he gun do wid all that money. Of course, if he was living in Kamla country he woulda deh in jail by now because dem people always move hard against corruption.
Is this same man mek some international organization busy trying to help de DPP fight corruption. Dem putting money to host a workshop, which mean that dem prepare to spend money to teach people how to lock up some of dem who thief in de past.
Is a long time now dem boys hoping that somebody help dem jail all dem corrupt people. And to know who corrupt, all you got to do is walk and look to see wheh dem live. Dem is de people who frighten to sleep in dem own house unless dem got guard.
Dem is de same people who lef Donald in trouble. Two people ask Donald if de private investor ain’t kick in yet and if NICIL ain’t putting in no more money, how come wuk still going on in de Marriott. Donald tell dem that is de local bank and some foreign bank that put money in de project.
Is a sad day when dem got poor Donald talkin wha he ent know bout, but then again if they want cover up corruption they got to tell he wrong ting.
Talk half and tell Donald stop listening to dem lie.


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