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Former Member








The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) and The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman (GUSIA) have expressed their full support to the Government of Guyana in the establishment of the 2.00AM curfew on bars and night clubs.
President General of ACIC, Hakeem khan expressed the need for the Guyanese society to recognize the need for positive transformation to our society and the organizations were critical of the recent statement from the Private Sector Commission (PSC) which they feel was made without considering the rest of society.
The statement from the PSC refuses to take in consideration that alcohol consumption is linked to many harmful consequences for the individual drinker, the drinker’s immediate environment and society as a whole. Such social consequences as traffic accidents, family and domestic problems and violence and noise nuisances (linked to bars and clubs) are being addressed by governments globally not only Guyana.




The organizations alluded to the social consequences in our country the abuse of alcohol which affect individuals other than the drinker e.g. (1) persons involved in traffic casualties, or
(2) family issues, or (3) violence, especially in the family.
Drinking costs money and negatively impact upon financial resources particularly of a poor family, leaving other family members destitute. “A paper by Bonu et al. (2004) suggests that adverse child health effects of alcohol use are primarily through two distal determinants (indirect effects) -
(1) forgone household disposable income and
(2) caretakers' time for childcare”.




The organizations call on all religious and social groups to come out in support of the government’s decision as these are the efforts needed to curb the lawlessness in our society.
Organizations must also be cognizant of the role they are required to play for a better society rather than taking “tunnel-vision” approach to issues which can play a positive role in our young generation.






Public Relations Executive

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Detainee found hanging in police lock up

  • Saturday, 07 November 2015 18:12

Dem Crab Louse saying....

Nothing wrong with....

Drinking More Rum....

and Extending the Hours

in the Rum Shop...

and going home Drunk......




Detainee found hanging in police lock up

A male detainee at the West Ruimveldt Police Outpost is believed to have committed suicide earlier Saturday.
Police have confirmed that 38-year-old Sham Harrinauth died sometime after 17:00hrs on Saturday.
Demerara Waves understands that Harrinauth was arrested on Friday evening after his children reported him to the police.
The two children alleged that
their father ran them with a cutlass.
The man was then arrested and statements were taken.
Police confirmed that upto 16:00hrs the man was alive when he requested food from an officer.
When the food arrived an hour later police noticed him hanging in the cell.
A post mortem is expected to be conducted to confirm the cause of death.
Last edited by Former Member

Man found hanging in police outpost lock-up after detained for domestic violence

The dead man has been identified as Shawn Harrinauth of East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme. He was found hanging just before 6:00pm when police officers carried out a check of the cell.


Man found hanging in police outpost lock-up after detained for domestic violence



A 35-year-old man who was detained at the East Ruimveldt police outpost lock-up on Friday night was found dead early Saturday evening in the detention cell.


The dead man has been identified as Shawn Harrinauth of East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme. He was found hanging just before 6:00pm when police officers carried out a check of the cell.


News Source understands that he may have used pieces of his clothing to hang himself.


According to police investigators, the man was detained on Friday night after his wife and daughters filed a complaint against him.



He reportedly went home drunk on Friday and started to physically abuse his wife and daughters.


He reportedly also threatened them with a cutlass.


The man’s father said he did not even know his son was in police custody until he got a call Saturday evening to inform him that his son was found dead.


“He does take he drinks and so man and when he gets drunk he would behave bad and threaten people and so. And so that is why I think the children them and their mother made a report and had him arrested”, the man told News Source while fighting back tears.



He said he barely got a glimpse of his son’s body in the cell before the undertakers came to remove the body.


This is the second person in police custody at the same Outpost to have allegedly committed suicide for this year.


 An investigation is underway.


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