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To Clear His Sullied Name?

..."So Clement Rohee is still confused as to how a Canadian immigration judge can accept a criminal accusation against him and grant Rohee’s victim asylum in Canada...Freddie Kissoon

Now that it is pellucidly clear that the accusation of rape by an underage was made against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee before an Immigration Judge ( Note: not in a Criminal Court) which was found to be credible by the presiding judge in that forum, I wonder if Rohee would demonstrate his intestinal fortitude or have the balls to travel to Canada and give his accuser a fair opportunity to prosecute her charges against him in a criminal court? On the other hand, and in all fairness to Mr. Rohee I wonder if his accuser and her legal team does have the requisite facts and evidence to pursue their case in such forum? I doubt jurisdiction would be an issue since the accuser is now under the protection of Canadian laws and Statute Of Limitation are not applicable to sex crimes. Personally, I believe it is the only logical and correct course of action for Mr. Rohee to clear his sullied name.

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Originally posted by Mara:

Now that it is pellucidly clear that the accusation of rape by an underage was made against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee before an Immigration Judge

You're confusing the issues here. I'm not too sure but i believe Freddie is referring to the case where the IT Technician alleged being threatened by the Minister to hack sites of the Government's opponents
Originally posted by Mara:
To Clear His Sullied Name?

..."So Clement Rohee is still confused as to how a Canadian immigration judge can accept a criminal accusation against him and grant Rohee’s victim asylum in Canada...Freddie Kissoon

Now that it is pellucidly clear that the accusation of rape by an underage was made against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee before an Immigration Judge ( Note: not in a Criminal Court) which was found to be credible by the presiding judge in that forum, I wonder if Rohee would demonstrate his intestinal fortitude or have the balls to travel to Canada and give his accuser a fair opportunity to prosecute her charges against him in a criminal court? On the other hand, and in all fairness to Mr. Rohee I wonder if his accuser and her legal team does have the requisite facts and evidence to pursue their case in such forum? I doubt jurisdiction would be an issue since the accuser is now under the protection of Canadian laws and Statute Of Limitation are not applicable to sex crimes. Personally, I believe it is the only logical and correct course of action for Mr. Rohee to clear his sullied name.
Unfortunately for Rohee he cannot get the chance to clear his name. The crime (if it occurred) happened in another jurisdiction.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Mara:

Now that it is pellucidly clear that the accusation of rape by an underage was made against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee before an Immigration Judge

You're confusing the issues here. I'm not too sure but i believe Freddie is referring to the case where the IT Technician alleged being threatened by the Minister to hack sites of the Government's opponents

Sorry! I forgot about the IT guy, However I believe Rohee is also implicated in the under age sex assault case that Balwant Persaud successfully argued.
Originally posted by D2:

Unfortunately for Rohee he cannot get the chance to clear his name. The crime (if it occurred) happened in another jurisdiction.[/QUOTE]

I am not so sure. I believe Canada has retained/ extended Extrajudicial Jurisdiction for certain crime ( Holocust, War, Tortures, Sex etc) when one party of such crime is under Canadian Protectorate or Jurisdiction. I know of some African and Yugoslavian rascals who have been arrested , jailed and deported for atrocities committed in their home land. In any event, the accusations against Rohee is ample reason for his exclusion and / deportation from Canada should he ever attempt to enter the country.

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