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By Ralph Seeram

July 29, 2012 | By | Filed Under News -- Source

I really wanted to keep away from writing about the Linden tragedy. It was bad enough that three young men lost their lives. It’s even worse that politicians and to a lesser extent some sections of the media are using the tragic shooting deaths to further their own agenda.

As I watch how the events unfold, I am reminded of that dark period of Guyanese history which took place during the early sixties.

Then, the PPP was in power, the PNC in opposition along with the United Force. The object of these two parties, then, was to bring down the democratically elected PPP Government at any cost. They encouraged their supporters to foment unrest, strikes and violence which eventually led to a full scale race war. Eventually British troops had to come to Guyana.

The period 1962/1963 is not a time many Guyanese who experienced that era would want to relive, and I personally would not like to go into details of that period. Suffice to say that the opposition created a monster then which they could not control, and we are looking at a similar situation at Linden.

It brings me to the current action of the opposition. The people of Linden had a grievance— the electricity rate, which justifiable or not, was an issue which the government did address and did engage APNU in the process.

The agreement did not sit well with APNU supporters. APNU backed out of the agreement, and instead urged its supporters to oppose the gradual increase in the electricity rates.

Today, the opposition APNU and the AFC are blaming the Government, the Police and the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee for the tragedy, while absolving themselves from any responsibility for the situation. Their rationale? Rohee did not pull the trigger but he is responsible. Using the same argument, my contention is that APNU and the AFC bear the greater responsibility for this unfortunate incident. As I said last week they were the ones that were inciting the residents of Linden leading up to the tragedy.

The AFC leaders, in particular, are wetting their pants with excitement over this tragedy, running around the country urging people to continue subsidizing electricity rates in Linden. Does the AFC think Guyanese are so stupid that they are going to support one section of the community to pay less electricity rates than they are paying? Do they really think they can get solidarity on that issue?

The next best thing is to exploit the death of the three young men. By the way, what has the AFC to show for its new found political power, what have they achieved in concrete terms. I am sure some of their supporters must be regretting their votes now.

I mentioned earlier the PNC creating “a monster they could not control”. The aftermath of this tragedy has been complete lawlessness in the area. The silence is deafening, when it comes to condemning the actions of these “peaceful protesters” buildings have been burnt and looted, vehicles destroyed, innocent people robbed, and now they have resorted to highway banditry extorting money from vehicle owners passing through the main roads in Linden from the interior.

Most of you may have seen the “peaceful protester” on the internet with the heap of money extorted from vehicle owners. By not condemning this lawlessness by “peaceful protesters” one can only assume that APNU and AFC see no wrongdoing here.

Then we have the so-called political activists, who saw this as an opportunity to enhance their agenda against the Government. There is David Hinds who sees race in every action of the Government and whose inflammatory statements border on racism, some may even construe them as racism. Then we have the other person who writes a column in this newspaper who is yet to condemn the actions of those “peaceful protesters”.

If the Government does not take steps to restore law and order in Linden, the situation can escalate and lead to more tragedy. They do have a right to protest peacefully, the untimely deaths of three of their brothers and demand an impartial inquiry into the circumstances of their deaths.

What the people of Linden do not need are politicians and so called activists exploiting them to further their own political agenda.

One can see where the opposition is going with this issue. It is not about the deaths of the three men. The opposition sees this as an opening to bring down the government. They feel that by bringing down the government, they can then unify into one force to contest the next election, hoping they can maintain their majority status to form the next government.

Ralph Seeram can be reached at email”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is the scenario being orchestrated.  Remember, the 60's massacres started with an Afro couple being shot by unknown assailants and the assumption/theory was Indians who done it.  Today it was done in full view, but somehow, there was a hidden Indian hand somewhere.  The AFC is the 1960's UF.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Today it was done in full view, but somehow, there was a hidden Indian hand somewhere.

Attention, mr Xtra stupid . . . there is nothing "hidden" in assertions of PPP high command culpability in the gunning down of the Linden protesters . . . the names of the suspects are a matter of public record.


and . . . if Rohee (big Dougla) is the "hidden Indian hand," then he hiding in plain sight.


Now, I know that your 'instructions' are to squeeze everything into the prefab box distributed by Freedom House; but really . . . have some pride

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Today it was done in full view, but somehow, there was a hidden Indian hand somewhere.

Attention, mr Xtra stupid . . . there is nothing "hidden" in assertions of PPP high command culpability in the gunning down of the Linden protesters . . . the names of the suspects are a matter of public record.


and . . . if Rohee (big Dougla) is the "hidden Indian hand," then he hiding in plain sight.


Now, I know that your 'instructions' are to squeeze everything into the prefab box distributed by Freedom House; but really . . . have some pride

Listen banna, you think all Indians naive and stupid like those jumping to your PNC tune.  There are Afros in the PPP but the PPP is viewed as an Indian power structure.  This is why you call the Afros traitors.  In fairness, Indians in the PNC are viewed the same as the PNC is viewed as an Afro power structure.  Fair or not, it is just how it is.


You should listen to your brother Fineman rant just before the massacres, it should shed some light.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Today it was done in full view, but somehow, there was a hidden Indian hand somewhere.

Attention, mr Xtra stupid . . . there is nothing "hidden" in assertions of PPP high command culpability in the gunning down of the Linden protesters . . . the names of the suspects are a matter of public record.


and . . . if Rohee (big Dougla) is the "hidden Indian hand," then he hiding in plain sight.


Now, I know that your 'instructions' are to squeeze everything into the prefab box distributed by Freedom House; but really . . . have some pride

Listen banna, you think all Indians naive and stupid like those jumping to your PNC tune.  There are Afros in the PPP but the PPP is viewed as an Indian power structure.  This is why you call the Afros traitors.  In fairness, Indians in the PNC are viewed the same as the PNC is viewed as an Afro power structure.  Fair or not, it is just how it is.


You should listen to your brother Fineman rant just before the massacres, it should shed some light.

Captain obvious . . . no one's arguing [against the fact that] the PPP is viewed as an Indian party, or that the PNC an Afro party . . . take down the lance Don Quixote.


What actually follows from that seems quite beyond the modest abilities of 'thinkers' like you who are fatally obsessed with assigning [Afro-only?] collective guilt for the crimes of these 2 parties.


Oh, I notice that your rancid assumptions about Afro-Guyanese are, ta daa,  backed up by "brother Fineman['s]" rant? . . . Really?!


Suh . . . why Blackman in Linden not blaming the [not insignificant] Indo population in Region 10 for the PPP murders of July 18th?

Originally Posted by redux:

Suh . . . why Blackman in Linden not blaming the [not insignificant] Indo population in Region 10 for the PPP murders of July 18th?

Long game.  The truth was echoed on the AFC FB page.  The Indian masses not biting.


The writer is just peddling a version of the PPP perpetual out for those violent prone black people.  I do not remember the 60's and I am sure 90% of the People there remembers it.


They just know a corrupt PPP government and its habit of rule by edict just  whacked them in the stomach with a 900 percent increase in an essential service. Most pensioners on 10000 G a month would have to give up their pension and more to pay the bill. It is either electricity of starve for many.


The PPP deserve all they get. This could have been solved by careful inclusive deliberation and education. If Lindeners use 3 times the electricity and pay half as much as others then education alone could have brought in savings.


But as usual the PPP knows best so they came with their cudgels to club those hard headed freeloaders into submission and instead discover the club can be wrested from their hands and used to give them a mighty whack as well. 


However this plays out in the future it will not be to the advantage of the kleptocrats in office.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

Suh . . . why Blackman in Linden not blaming the [not insignificant] Indo population in Region 10 for the PPP murders of July 18th?

Long game.  The truth was echoed on the AFC FB page.  The Indian masses not biting.

muttering ominous, cryptic nonsense is not an answer to my question!


BTW, since a selection of postings on FB is dispositive re the evil intent of the Afro-Guyanese masses; what are we to make (for instance) of the free-flowing, extreme hate speech aimed @ Blackman by YOU [incl the other handle(s)] and your Indo-fascist cohort on GNI?


Tell me . . . does THAT represent a "long" or "short" game? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The writer is just peddling a version of the PPP perpetual out for those violent prone black people.  I do not remember the 60's and I am sure 90% of the People there remembers it.

Obviously you do not remember the 60s, which explains your perpetual confusion when discussing these events. There were no "violence prone black people." There was AIFLD with a budget of US $800,000, paying people to be violent. Mr Seeram is somewhat off the mark when he says that "eventually British troops had to come to Guyana" -- that was the intention from the start. That is the standard response from the British to any independence movement - instigate a conflict, typically based on ethnicity or religion, then move in with military force to "restore order."

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The writer is just peddling a version of the PPP perpetual out for those violent prone black people.  I do not remember the 60's and I am sure 90% of the People there remembers it.


They just know a corrupt PPP government and its habit of rule by edict just  whacked them in the stomach with a 900 percent increase in an essential service. Most pensioners on 10000 G a month would have to give up their pension and more to pay the bill. It is either electricity of starve for many.


The PPP deserve all they get. This could have been solved by careful inclusive deliberation and education. If Lindeners use 3 times the electricity and pay half as much as others then education alone could have brought in savings.


But as usual the PPP knows best so they came with their cudgels to club those hard headed freeloaders into submission and instead discover the club can be wrested from their hands and used to give them a mighty whack as well. 


However this plays out in the future it will not be to the advantage of the kleptocrats in office.

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two.  BTW, Caribj seems to have a vivid memory of the ills of the PPP from 1955-1964.


Perennial excuses.  If it was for free, the current deep discount would have been too much.  What are the average pensions of the rest of Guyana?  Maybe Lindeners should scale back usage to the national average and it will fit.


Did they get whacked, why didn't they PNC/AFC propose a phase-in plan rather than outright rejection and political pandering.


Originally Posted by baseman:

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two. 

WHAT do they call this technique again?


You're such a simple, stupid little man . . . forever reaching for 'cleverness'

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two. 

WHAT do they call this technique again?


You're such a simple, stupid little man . . . forever reaching for 'cleverness'

Hey, you never know.  Remember, PPP agents shot the Linden protestors.  My "stupidity" seems to warrant your every attention, even when I'm not responding to you!  You make me feel proud and important over my stupidity.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The writer is just peddling a version of the PPP perpetual out for those violent prone black people.  I do not remember the 60's and I am sure 90% of the People there remembers it.


They just know a corrupt PPP government and its habit of rule by edict just  whacked them in the stomach with a 900 percent increase in an essential service. Most pensioners on 10000 G a month would have to give up their pension and more to pay the bill. It is either electricity of starve for many.


The PPP deserve all they get. This could have been solved by careful inclusive deliberation and education. If Lindeners use 3 times the electricity and pay half as much as others then education alone could have brought in savings.


But as usual the PPP knows best so they came with their cudgels to club those hard headed freeloaders into submission and instead discover the club can be wrested from their hands and used to give them a mighty whack as well. 


However this plays out in the future it will not be to the advantage of the kleptocrats in office.

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two.  BTW, Caribj seems to have a vivid memory of the ills of the PPP from 1955-1964.


Perennial excuses.  If it was for free, the current deep discount would have been too much.  What are the average pensions of the rest of Guyana?  Maybe Lindeners should scale back usage to the national average and it will fit.


Did they get whacked, why didn't they PNC/AFC propose a phase-in plan rather than outright rejection and political pandering.


Burnham was no Hitler so your analogy is spurious.  Similarly, to equate Indians with the suffering of Jews under the third Reich is way off base and not even to be classified as hyperbole. And you did invoke the Jews!


The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. It is in fact a savings wrought of efficient productive capacity of the company.


If the PNC or any other offered an alternate plan the PPP would complain   they are the government and should not be told what they should do. Actually, they did say it is their authority to set prices and evaluate needs.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two.  BTW, Caribj seems to have a vivid memory of the ills of the PPP from 1955-1964.


Perennial excuses.  If it was for free, the current deep discount would have been too much.  What are the average pensions of the rest of Guyana?  Maybe Lindeners should scale back usage to the national average and it will fit.


Did they get whacked, why didn't they PNC/AFC propose a phase-in plan rather than outright rejection and political pandering.


Burnham was no Hitler so your analogy is spurious.  Similarly, to equate Indians with the suffering of Jews under the third Reich is way off base and not even to be classified as hyperbole. And you did invoke the Jews!


The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. It is in fact a savings wrought of efficient productive capacity of the company.


If the PNC or any other offered an alternate plan the PPP would complain   they are the government and should not be told what they should do. Actually, they did say it is their authority to set prices and evaluate needs.

Hey lil crazy tapir, read the text in red, like you hitting the bottle just after Sunday mass.  My reference was to the word "remember".


Stupid man, so you saying GPL runs with a 90% waste factor.  Hey crazy man, you wasting your talents.


"If" they had, BUT they didn't, instead they and their side-kick called for mayhem.  What an alternate plan!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two. 

WHAT do they call this technique again?


You're such a simple, stupid little man . . . forever reaching for 'cleverness'

Hey, you never know.  Remember, PPP agents shot the Linden protestors.  My "stupidity" seems to warrant your every attention, even when I'm not responding to you!  You make me feel proud and important over my stupidity.

Yeah, that's your level . . . the NY Lottery cartoon man.


so glad you feel the pride

Originally Posted by redux:

After gunning down free citizens protesting imposed poverty and tyranny in 2012 . . . the PPP criminals have settled on "1964" as their first line of defense/offence

And when ever they settle on 1964 they invent the silly notion that the PNC was bringing explosives to McKenzie when every little kid knows that5 explosive were easily available in that town so there was no need to bring more in. 


They also  forget about the scores of blacks who were killed and injured by Indians all over the coast...others chased out of their vilages.  About the PYO being trained in violence by Fidel Castro and the smuggling into Guyana of weapons which were used by the PYO against PNC and UF supporters.


As they say every coin has two sides as does every story.  In 1961 victorious PPPites marched all along the coast harrassing people they thought were PNC supporters, threatening to put them back in slavery...yes so awful that an embarrassed Jagan had to upbraid them.  That set the stage for the African paranioa which of course Burnham, D'Aguiar and the CIA exploited.


In 1964 the PPP set about to destablize Guyana in an attempt to prevent the elections under PR. 


They only focus on 62/63 which suits its purposes of pretending to be the innocent victims and trying to hide the fact that the USSR/Cuba were actively involved in meddling in Guyana's affairs as was the CIA.







The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. evaluate needs.

This is where Baseman gets stuck.  He cant even prove that the govt pays BOSAI too much which is why they are able to profit from generating electricty while still selling it cheaply to Lindenites.  I have asked hiom if this is the case and he seem unable to respond.

Originally Posted by caribny:






The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. evaluate needs.

This is where Baseman gets stuck.  He cant even prove that the govt pays BOSAI too much which is why they are able to profit from generating electricty while still selling it cheaply to Lindenites.  I have asked hiom if this is the case and he seem unable to respond.

We are stuck on two different principles.  One has to prevail before progress is made.  Frankly, I believe mine would and yours will not.  The GoG should be the sole seller of such strategic products as such all electricity should be sold to the Govt who re-sells to the market.  This does not include power generated from one's own use.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Mind you Ramotar promised lower rates before the elections.

Yes, normalizing Linden's rates could result in a overall reduction for everyone that "drain" will have been plugged.  Imagine, 4% of the population consuming for 14% and having 80% discount.  This translate to approx 10% burden an the rest.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The writer is just peddling a version of the PPP perpetual out for those violent prone black people.  I do not remember the 60's and I am sure 90% of the People there remembers it.

Obviously you do not remember the 60s, which explains your perpetual confusion when discussing these events. There were no "violence prone black people." There was AIFLD with a budget of US $800,000, paying people to be violent. Mr Seeram is somewhat off the mark when he says that "eventually British troops had to come to Guyana" -- that was the intention from the start. That is the standard response from the British to any independence movement - instigate a conflict, typically based on ethnicity or religion, then move in with military force to "restore order."

Knucklehead, the point being made is that the present matters. With NIS, NICIL. excessive pay scales and double and triple dipping by the present PPP crooks no one has the time to reminisce on the 60's. The Present generation including myself do not have a direct connection to it. That is history. We have a direct connection to these crooks and if it was bad then why should there be a repeat experience with these crooks? I will not preoccupy myself with excuses of it being bad then to tolerate or accept these crooks. You can but that is expected of you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

90% may not remember, neither are 90% of Jews of the holocast, NOT that i'm equating the two.  BTW, Caribj seems to have a vivid memory of the ills of the PPP from 1955-1964.


Perennial excuses.  If it was for free, the current deep discount would have been too much.  What are the average pensions of the rest of Guyana?  Maybe Lindeners should scale back usage to the national average and it will fit.


Did they get whacked, why didn't they PNC/AFC propose a phase-in plan rather than outright rejection and political pandering.


Burnham was no Hitler so your analogy is spurious.  Similarly, to equate Indians with the suffering of Jews under the third Reich is way off base and not even to be classified as hyperbole. And you did invoke the Jews!


The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. It is in fact a savings wrought of efficient productive capacity of the company.


If the PNC or any other offered an alternate plan the PPP would complain   they are the government and should not be told what they should do. Actually, they did say it is their authority to set prices and evaluate needs.

Hey lil crazy tapir, read the text in red, like you hitting the bottle just after Sunday mass.  My reference was to the word "remember".


Stupid man, so you saying GPL runs with a 90% waste factor.  Hey crazy man, you wasting your talents.


"If" they had, BUT they didn't, instead they and their side-kick called for mayhem.  What an alternate plan!!

I do not know what calling me a tapir do for you but go right on ahead if it makes your day. I am an atheist and a non drinker so you can take that and shove it also.


It is quite stupid to make an analogy and then in the second sentence say it is irrelevant. You are quite the idiot to think you can have your cake and eat it. Either you meant for the comparison to be evoked or you would not have made the reference.


My talents are aptly entertained. You do not worry yourself about that.


The PNC or any opposition in parliament never for the past 20 years had any of their motions considered much-less heard. Further, the opposition did caution the PPP as to their heavy handedness and advised them that a unilateral imposition of an increase will be met with resistance.


It is the right of the people to resist tyranny. It is time the PPP understand they work for the people and are accountable to them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I do not know what calling me a tapir do for you but go right on ahead if it makes your day.

In similar manner, why do you always make unrelated and rediculous statements about people?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
My talents are aptly entertained. You do not worry yourself about that.

Yes, spending the entire day trolling GNI using multiple accounts -- it's a role that D2 was born to play.
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
My talents are aptly entertained. You do not worry yourself about that.

Yes, spending the entire day trolling GNI using multiple accounts -- it's a role that D2 was born to play.

At times he is entertaining, as a clown in te circus.

Originally Posted by redux:




Suh . . . why Blackman in Linden not blaming the [not insignificant] Indo population in Region 10 for the PPP murders of July 18th?

What is worth noting are the sprinkling of Indians seen among the demonstators.  Why if Indians are being targeted?


You know what is sad about this.  The PPP is upping the ante by their normal childish reaction to crises which they create.  Their police force shot and killed 4 people and injured many others.  Rather than engaging in damage control they add fat to the fire by spreading all sorts of damning lies aimed at increasing racial tensions...playing as usual oin the "savage black man" bogey.  Surely by now Ramotar would have climbed down out of his Ivory Tower and gone to LInden to host a town hall meeting to demonstrate, if nothing else, that he is aware of their frustrations, upset about teh unwarranted deaths, but that some constructive discussion towardsa compromise has to be worked out.


Also why isnt the PPP not telling Guyana of the truth.  GPL does NOT supply Linden so there ought to be no connection between the charges paid by those who receive their electricity from GPL, and Lindeners who dont.  They also ned to come clean.  Are they paying BOSAI to generate electricty or not, and if so, why are they paying BOSAI more than it needs to cover its costs?


And I am not going to let the APNU nor the AFC off the hook either.  Are they trying to control the situation by mobilizing the protesters topwards CONSTRUCTIVE protest?  Or are they joyful that the situation is spiralling out of control with renegade, and potentially criminal elements, taking advantage of an increasingly chaotic situation.


Did Cathy Hughes go to Linden to help, or is she there to generate more hysteria among Lindeners to advance the agenda of the AFC to snatch votes from APNU. 


And where is APNU in all of this?  This is their constituency?  WShat recommendatiosn do they have?  Is Linden being sacrificed on the ambitions of Grainger/Corbin to maintain control of the PNC?


As usual in Guyana there are no clean hands among the key political players.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:






The idea of a comparing GPL prices and BOSAI's prices and calling the difference a subsidy is gross political pandering. evaluate needs.

This is where Baseman gets stuck.  He cant even prove that the govt pays BOSAI too much which is why they are able to profit from generating electricty while still selling it cheaply to Lindenites.  I have asked hiom if this is the case and he seem unable to respond.

We are stuck on two different principles.  One has to prevail before progress is made.  Frankly, I believe mine would and yours will not.  The GoG should be the sole seller of such strategic products as such all electricity should be sold to the Govt who re-sells to the market.  This does not include power generated from one's own use.

What principle.  IF BOSAI generates electricity more cheaply and makes profist from doing so, and receives no payment from the govt, then why are you demanding that Lindeners pay more for electricity?  Just because GPL, losing 40% of the pwoer that they generate through leakages, must recoup its inefficiency, and possible corruption with reports that certain powerful PPP supporters dont pay their bills?


What sense does this make?  And what kind of communist are you to demand that only govt must sell electricity. 


Why dont you demand that they properly service the sectors over which they have control before assigning them more. Education, healthcare, maintenance of infrastructure (DEMERARA BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN!), and the provision of water and electricity by state owned corps?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:




Suh . . . why Blackman in Linden not blaming the [not insignificant] Indo population in Region 10 for the PPP murders of July 18th?

What is worth noting are the sprinkling of Indians seen among the demonstators.  Why if Indians are being targeted?


You know what is sad about this.  The PPP is upping the ante by their normal childish reaction to crises which they create.  Their police force shot and killed 4 people and injured many others.  Rather than engaging in damage control they add fat to the fire by spreading all sorts of damning lies aimed at increasing racial tensions...playing as usual oin the "savage black man" bogey.  Surely by now Ramotar would have climbed down out of his Ivory Tower and gone to LInden to host a town hall meeting to demonstrate, if nothing else, that he is aware of their frustrations, upset about teh unwarranted deaths, but that some constructive discussion towardsa compromise has to be worked out.


Also why isnt the PPP not telling Guyana of the truth.  GPL does NOT supply Linden so there ought to be no connection between the charges paid by those who receive their electricity from GPL, and Lindeners who dont.  They also ned to come clean.  Are they paying BOSAI to generate electricty or not, and if so, why are they paying BOSAI more than it needs to cover its costs?


And I am not going to let the APNU nor the AFC off the hook either.  Are they trying to control the situation by mobilizing the protesters topwards CONSTRUCTIVE protest?  Or are they joyful that the situation is spiralling out of control with renegade, and potentially criminal elements, taking advantage of an increasingly chaotic situation.


Did Cathy Hughes go to Linden to help, or is she there to generate more hysteria among Lindeners to advance the agenda of the AFC to snatch votes from APNU. 


And where is APNU in all of this?  This is their constituency?  WShat recommendatiosn do they have?  Is Linden being sacrificed on the ambitions of Grainger/Corbin to maintain control of the PNC?


As usual in Guyana there are no clean hands among the key political players.

Well said carib.


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