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Father gets six weeks for cuffing “wayward” daughter

JUNE 23, 2012 | BY  |  



A father of three was yesterday reminded that times are changing and flogging as a means of discipline is slowly becoming a thing of the past. The man was brought before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday and was jailed for six weeks after he gave his 14-year old daughter a sound thrashing for engaging in activities which are usually reserved for adults.
The father pleaded guilty to a charge of ill-treatment of a child.
The police said that on June 16 at the family’s residence the man, who is a vendor, scolded his daughter in such a manner that it caused her physical harm. The police said that on the day in question the child left her father’s house and went over to a friend. That friend was however on her way out when the teen arrived so she decided to go to another friend’s house.
The police continued that the grandmother went for the child at the friend’s house and took her home. Members of the family sought to question the child about her whereabouts but she refused to answer them. It was only after the father spoke to her that she responded.
In that same conversation the child told her father that she wanted to go with an aunt.  The father told the child to go ahead, but the police said that while the child was in the bedroom packing, the father went in and dealt the child several cuffs to the face.
He also used an electrical wire “to manners the child”. When the father was finished the police said, he ordered the girl to go bathe and she did. The child however upped herself, and left for the Ruimveldt Police Station where she made a report against him.
The court gave the parent a chance to defend himself and his story contrasted with that of the prosecutor while it detailed a situation which he described as very frustrating.
The father stated that his daughter, since the age of 13 years, would get away from home and engage in sex with older men. The man said he reported the matter to the Brickdam Police Station and also alerted members of the Child Care Protection Agency (CCPA) which gave him no response. The father claimed that it had been more than nine times since the child had been getting away to commit such acts.
On Friday last, the father said, he dropped his daughter off at school. On that day, he said due to exams, the child had a half day session. The girl did not return home from school until noon the following day.
The parent said he had a conversation with his child about her whereabouts and she started to lie. He said at that point that he dealt her several lashes with a belt. The father was adamant that he used two belts and no electrical cord was involved.
The father further told the court that he was the sole breadwinner in the home and he also maintains two other girls. The man said that his children’s mother died nine years ago and he has been seeing to the needs of his kids. He said he had never beaten any of them before and his relatives could attest to the fact that he is a good father, that he never assaulted his children.
The father asked for leniency from the court. He admitted that he was upset and vowed that he would not make such a mistake again.
The Magistrate was very upset after reading the medical report based on the child’s injuries. She said that the document reported multiple contusions which meant that the child was severely beaten about her body.
The court blamed the father for not using the methods put in place by the system to handle the matter which he described with his daughter. The court said that it understood how one may feel as a parent, but one must use the avenues put in place by the state. The father also came under fire when he admitted that he did not keep contact with members of the CCPA.
The Magistrate said that the CCPA members would have provided advice to the father and counseling would have been available to the child.  The parent was made aware that it would have been his duty to keep in touch with the child agents and not the other way around.
Amidst the court speech a CPA agent stood and addressed the court to state that the father, after the initial report, never kept contact with the organization. She alleged that she had been calling the family but the father would not respond. She said the child’s actions were unknown to the agency due to the breakdown in communication.
The court then ordered the sentence and told the pleading father that before he acted he should have remembered that he has two other daughters to care for.
The child care agent was also ordered to monitor the victim and to keep her in check since she would be residing with her grandmother and her aunts. Counseling and continued monitoring was promised to the court.
Outside, the defendant’s daughter was seen crying when she realized that her father would be going to jail for six weeks. Dressed in her school uniform, the child threw herself to the ground and sobbed uncontrollably pleading for her father. She even attempted to enter the court to address the Magistrate but was told by the orderly to wait outside since the court had made its decision.
She said she was sorry and wanted her father back. The girl was later seen in the court holding area taking food for her dad. Her eyes were still filled with tears.


Does This Father  Deserve Imprisonment? I  think not. Although  his  method  of  scolding  / disciplining his  daughter  may  seem  harsh and  frowned  upon  by modern  day  society, a  sound ass  whooping of incalcitrant /  wayward kids was in  fact SOP in  my  time and  may still  be appropriate in  certain  circumstances.  (  this  being  one  of  them)  Personally,  if  I  had  to  deal  with  similar  situation  as  this  father,   I  seriously doubt  that my  reaction/  response to a  wayward child,  especially a daughter would have been any different from  this poor man. 'Spare  the  rod  and  spoil  the  child'  Your honest opinion  please!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He certainly does. Look how the man from India chop of his daughter's head. The parents fail their kids by not instilling the values through the early years and get mad when the children go bad in their teens. 


The child care agent was also ordered to monitor the victim and to keep her in check since she would be residing with her grandmother and her aunts.

He should leave she ass there for the rest of her life

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

He certainly does. Look how the man from India chop of his daughter's head. The parents fail their kids by not instilling the values through the early years and get mad when the children go bad in their teens. 

While  it  is  true  that some may have  failed in  their parental obligation to  their children.  I  strongly believe  that other external factors beyond  parental input  and  influences contribute  to  social  ills and delinquencies  in  our  society.   I  also  believe  that  there   may  be  some  genetic inclination   from   birth  in  some  kids for anti  social  behaviors when  timely radical  intervention including  corporal punishment is necessary  and warranted  to avoid  later  heartaches and   future  Ted  Bundies  &  Karla Holmokas  of society.

In  an  ideal  society,  this father  conduct may  be  abominable. However,  we  are  not living  in  an  ideal  society,  and in  my  humble  opinion, this  Magistrate is not living  and operating in  the  real  world  around  her.

A  timely and good  ass whooping  from  her caring  father could   very well  save  her  from  being  someone's bitch and  a life  of perpetual misery. 


Ohh, here comes the DV group talking about oppression of females.  Sometimes I wonder, it's better you not have kids as you have little or no control over anything these days.  That however, does not mean anything goes.


Sometimes I think neglectful happy-go-lucky fathers fare better and are more at peace with their expectations.

Originally Posted by Mara:

While  it  is  true  that some may have  failed in  their parental obligation to  their children.  I  strongly believe  that other external factors beyond  parental input  and  influences contribute  to  social  ills and delinquencies  in  our  society.   I  also  believe  that  there   may  be  some  genetic inclination   from   birth  in  some  kids for anti  social  behaviors when  timely radical  intervention including  corporal punishment is necessary  and warranted  to avoid  later  heartaches and   future  Ted  Bundies  &  Karla Holmokas  of society.

In  an  ideal  society,  this father  conduct may  be  abominable. However,  we  are  not living  in  an  ideal  society,  and in  my  humble  opinion, this  Magistrate is not living  and operating in  the  real  world  around  her.

A  timely and good  ass whooping  from  her caring  father could   very well  save  her  from  being  someone's bitch and  a life  of perpetual misery. 

Then how come in western society so many women grow up to strong members of society despite the ills and temptation in society? If you instill good values in your children in their impressionable years you are less likely to have to resort to violence later on in a futile attempt to correct deviant behavior.  Lets face it, in 

Guyana the trend was for the male figures in the family(father and sons) to take the role of pussi watchman of the female offspring. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Then how come in western society so many women grow up to strong members of society despite the ills and temptation in society? If you instill good values in your children in their impressionable years you are less likely to have to resort to violence later on in a futile attempt to correct deviant behavior.  Lets face it, in 

Guyana the trend was for the male figures in the family(father and sons) to take the role of pussi watchman of the female offspring. 

Hi BG_S, everyman does watch "his"!


Things should never go so bad as to feel the need to hit a child. This child however seems to be intent on causing grief, she's in need of a good "manners-ing"


If I were in the father's shoes, I probably would have done the same.


Imprisonment of the father needs to be rescinded even though I do not agree with his method. Perhaps he should have been placed on probation and given help to deal with a defiant daughter. What about the men who committed statuatory rape? She is 14.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mara:

While  it  is  true  that some may have  failed in  their parental obligation to  their children.  I  strongly believe  that other external factors beyond  parental input  and  influences contribute  to  social  ills and delinquencies  in  our  society.   I  also  believe  that  there   may  be  some  genetic inclination   from   birth  in  some  kids for anti  social  behaviors when  timely radical  intervention including  corporal punishment is necessary  and warranted  to avoid  later  heartaches and   future  Ted  Bundies  &  Karla Holmokas  of society.

In  an  ideal  society,  this father  conduct may  be  abominable. However,  we  are  not living  in  an  ideal  society,  and in  my  humble  opinion, this  Magistrate is not living  and operating in  the  real  world  around  her.

A  timely and good  ass whooping  from  her caring  father could   very well  save  her  from  being  someone's bitch and  a life  of perpetual misery. 

Then how come in western society so many women grow up to strong members of society despite the ills and temptation in society? If you instill good values in your children in their impressionable years you are less likely to have to resort to violence later on in a futile attempt to correct deviant behavior.  Lets face it, in 

Guyana the trend was for the male figures in the family(father and sons) to take the role of pussi watchman of the female offspring. 

I  think  you  have  completely  missed  the  point.  And don't  be  so quick  to  hold  up  Western  Society as a pillar  of  social,  moral and  ethical values.  In  spite  of  their economic / material  affluence,  I  honestly doubt  that they are  ahead of poor  and  developing  countries  in  this  regard. Deviancy,  immorality and  other  social ills are  just as prevalent in Western  society  as it  is  in  poor  and depressed nations. The  deviant conduct  of  this  14  year old  is no  different from  the  tens  of  thousands of teens  and  preteens  who  roam the streets and  fall  through  the  cracks in  North  America.

Regarding  your  last  point of  Guyanese  males  taking  on  the  role  of

'pussie watchman' personal  perception  and  individual experience. I can  assure you  that I  never  had  the  cause to  act or  feel  that  way and  I am  pretty certain the  majority of  Guyanese  share  my perspective on  this one. So I empathize with  those who  feel that  way.  




...But what really got to me was the report that a magistrate had jailed a man for six weeks for beating his fourteen-year-old daughter. I had cause to lay my hand on my children perhaps not as violently as my mother did with me.
I never brutalized my children. I would apply a few strokes to their backside. On one occasion I slapped my daughter because she had stepped out of line.  I am for corporal punishment as opposed to physical abuse and I must say that none of my children slipped into a world of crime. I had no problem in knowing where they were and what time they would be home.
They are all adults and none of them hates me. In fact, they would tell their friends and associates that I am the best father they ever knew.
And so it was that I was shocked at the jail sentence imposed on this father. The little girl was said to be in constant pursuit of sex, regardless of what her parents tried. The father lost it one day when she failed to come home. I could never understand a child of fourteen not coming home. My fourteen olds had to be home by eight without fail.
I enquired about the reason for the jail sentence and I heard that the father had taken the law into his own hands; that he failed to use the support system provided. I had no support system and in any case, if the father wanted to ensure that the police did not kill his child then he had a right to adopt the nest method to prevent this.
I have seen parents cry because the police shot and killed their errant child and on each occasion I concluded that if the parent had applied the rod in the early days then the situation would have been different.
I have already said that we are following those countries that seek to enforce the view that beating a child encourages violence in later life. I grew up in the age when floggings were the norm and I can say that the extent of violence was never what it is today. I expect to see a lot of comments. I still hear a SASOD member saying that parents beat children because they could. The inference is that if the child could beat us then we would not be too quick to use the whip. My 88-year-old mother still slaps me.
One reason for the jail sentence, I learnt, was that the father took the law into his own hands. Perhaps such actions are responsible for parents leaving children to their own devices and the society pays. And it pays in a big way. We have law enforcers now involved in crime. A case in point involves two female prison officers who are now behind bars for smuggling marijuana into the prisons to feed the very prisoners who may have gone to jail for drug possession.
And I just learnt of another prison officer who was held with a gun at a roadblock in the vicinity of Sparendaam. Was he taking the gun to help fuel crime?


Death and violence dominate my world




I suppose you condone this one too:

Woman remanded for scalding 12-year-old with boiling rice water

June 27, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

A mother was on Tuesday remanded to jail on a charge of Inflicting grievous bodily harm after she allegedly threw a pot of boiling rice water on her 12 year old daughter. The incident is said to have occurred last Thursday. The woman, Mohini Mohabir, 34, of 219 New Scheme, Port Mourant was arraigned at the Whim Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Fabio Azore.
Kaieteur News understands that the woman claimed that the girl has her own way and does not listen to her. On the day in question the woman had sent her daughter out on an errand and the girl did not return.
Upon inquiry the mother learnt that the girl was hiding.  It is understood that when the child did return home the mother took a pot of boiling rice water and doused her.
The child who is the elder of her two children and also lives with her stepfather in the house, received burns to her left arm and portions of her back.
She was rushed to the Port Mourant hospital where she was treated and sent away.
The matter was reported and the woman was arrested and charged.  She was not required to plead. The woman, who was barefooted, was remanded to jail until July 9.


The father act on passion and frustration and I think he regretted what he did. Jail time is unjustified. Now! I would have peppered that "child of fourteen" where the sun don't shine and spare the belt. Do you know what it takes to be a bread winner in Guyana and bringing up three girls at the same time? This child look wayward from the cream of the story.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The father act on passion and frustration and I think he regretted what he did. Jail time is unjustified. Now! I would have peppered that "child of fourteen" where the sun don't shine and spare the belt. Do you know what it takes to be a bread winner in Guyana and bringing up three girls at the same time? This child look wayward from the cream of the story.

When you don't act and your kids goes wayward and gets into problems, the same people point their fingers accusing you of "bad parenting".

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

It happen right here in America where parents took a lot of heat for bad upbringing of their children and when they act, they took the heat for abuse. You can't frigging win!

Too many counselors waiting to pull you and your kids and family into sessions and bill the insurance companies.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So Base you are saying that violence is a legitimate tool in raising a child?

No, but some corporal punishment on an exceptional basis does keep some kids inline. There is a difference.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So Base you are saying that violence is a legitimate tool in raising a child?

No, but some corporal punishment on an exceptional basis does keep some kids inline. There is a difference.

The problem is that there is no clear demarcation between acceptable corporal punishment and abuse. And it is very subjective.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So Base you are saying that violence is a legitimate tool in raising a child?

No, but some corporal punishment on an exceptional basis does keep some kids inline. There is a difference.

The problem is that there is no clear demarcation between acceptable corporal punishment and abuse. And it is very subjective.

I agree, there should be guidance.  I actually like the Islamic "wife-beating" manual.  You can beat as long as no marks or injuries.  Now how about that...I can start feel the corporal punishment I will get for this comment.


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