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Nehru posted:

I agree. I am willing to wait and see.

We cannot say that Globalization and Liberalism was wrong, but they have had their day.  Trumpism, nationalism is here and will also run it's course.  This will reach the point of diminishing returns and some other phase will have arrived.  Human development and civilization have never been a straight line!

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

ANy growth in 2018 will be as a result of Obamas policies....let's see 2019

If you say so.  It was not Trump who said that but economists, industrialists and investors, many of whom were not Trumpists.  Maybe you know more than them!

Remember, Trump effect started on Nov 9th, not Jan 20th!!

Lots of them have been proven wrong in the past...

I can find you ones who it is, he has not done anything yet, unless you count tweets about Hollywood an accomplishment

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

ANy growth in 2018 will be as a result of Obamas policies....let's see 2019

If you say so.  It was not Trump who said that but economists, industrialists and investors, many of whom were not Trumpists.  Maybe you know more than them!

Remember, Trump effect started on Nov 9th, not Jan 20th!!

Lots of them have been proven wrong in the past...

I can find you ones who it is, he has not done anything yet, unless you count tweets about Hollywood an accomplishment

At one time Greenspan was called God. LOL


I am happy that President Trump put that old bag Meryl Streep in her place. She tried to use a non political forum for a political cause.

I love entertainment and that Old Bag Meryl Streep should have used her own personal froum and resources to open up her loud mouth. Keep political speeches for political forums, plain and simple.


SOme foreigners obviously don't know much about Meryl Streep...ah well..they will remain ignorant about her accomplishments

Some foreigners also don't know much about Hollywood's involvement in politics...ah well...they will remain ignorant

Like the heading of the tread says...Donald Dumb and his followers...Putin's butt boy and his minority followers

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

SOme foreigners obviously don't know much about Meryl Streep...ah well..they will remain ignorant about her accomplishments

Some foreigners also don't know much about Hollywood's involvement in politics...ah well...they will remain ignorant

Like the heading of the tread says...Donald Dumb and his followers...Putin's butt boy and his minority followers

Hollywood is responsible for the moral decay of American society. And Ms. Streep losing sleep over Donald Trump? Good grief, they turned America into a heathen society. Iz like the days of Herod.

RiffRaff posted:

ANy growth in 2018 will be as a result of Obamas policies....let's see 2019

Then Obama's term of office experieced Bush's economic policies.

It is all about confidence, the consumer and personal business investments. There is no long term plan in those variables. More like going to bed, waking up the next morning and deciding to have a positive outlook. Trump gives Americans that feeling.

Last edited by seignet

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