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Dominic Gaskin says there are ‘more good Guyanese than rotten ones’

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See full Facebook post by Dominic Gaskin, a former government minister and son-in-law of President David Granger:

I am no fan of Bharat Jagdeo or Irfan Ali. I campaigned vigoursly against them and for the APNU + AFC coalition in these, and in previous, elections.

I consider the new smaller parties to be a mixed bag of decent Guyanese, political opportunists and disgruntled persons – i.e. no different from any other party. For the record, I consider Jonathan Yearwood to be a decent Guyanese and a person I respect. I was sorry to see what happened to him today

I believe I am a rational person capable of independent thinking, despite my political affiliation. Given all that has taken place over the last twelve days I am not sufficiently convinced that the results of the Region 4 elections as declared by the GECOM RO last Thursday (March 5th) accurately reflect the results recorded on the various statements of poll collected from the 879 polling stations.

I have a difficulty accepting that all the persons and organizations who have so far deemed the process to lack credibility have somehow gotten it wrong.

I have a difficulty understanding why GECOM, specifically the Region 4 RO, would not be bending over backwards to convince the various observers that his tabulation process was sound and all his results credible.

If our election results are as widely rejected as they appear likely to be, then there can be no winners. We all lose. This is not what I campaigned for.

GECOM needs to publish their SOPs for all to see. If not it can never hold credible elections in Guyana again.

Unfortunately none of us can prevent GECOM from taking this process to its obvious conclusion, however, I believe the nation deserves to see all the numbers on which GECOM intends to base its final declaration.

There are many more good Guyanese than there are rotten ones. It is a shame that good Guyanese are now turning on each other simply because a few rotten eggs are attempting to pull us apart. Time to tone down the hate, accept that we’re all in the same shit storm, and work our way out of it. Gaskin

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AFC’s Dominic Gaskin breaks rank: calls on GECOM to make SoPs public

Executive Member of the Alliance for Change (AFC) Dominic Gaskin, who served as Business Minister in the coalition Government between 2015 and 2020 appears to have broken ranks with the coalition and is now publicly questioning the credibility of the results for Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) for the recently held General and Regional Elections.
Gaskin, who is also President David Granger’s son-in-law, on Friday took to social media, where he stated publicly that “given all that has taken place over the last twelve days, I am not sufficiently convinced that the results of the Region Four elections as declared by the GECOM (Guyana Elections Commission) RO (Returning Officer) last Thursday (March 5) accurately reflect the results recorded on the various Statements of Poll collected from the 879 Polling Stations.
In fact, he surmised: “I have a difficulty accepting that all the persons and organisations who have so far deemed the process to lack credibility have somehow gotten it wrong.”
According to Gaskin, “I have a difficulty understanding why GECOM, specifically the Region Four RO, would not be bending over backwards to convince the various observers that his tabulation process was sound and all his results credible.
The leading AFC Executive Member conceded “If our election results are as widely rejected as they appear likely to be, then there can be no winners. We all lose. This is not what I campaigned for.”
As such, Gaskin has since demanded that “GECOM needs to publish their SoPs for all to see. If not, it can never hold credible elections in Guyana again.
He noted, however, “unfortunately none of us can prevent GECOM from taking this process to its obvious conclusion, however, I believe the nation deserves to see all the numbers on which GECOM intends to base its final declaration.”
He concluded his public missive by saying: “It is a shame that good Guyanese are now turning on each other simply because a few rotten eggs are attempting to pull us apart. Time to tone down the hate, accept that we’re all in the same shit storm, and work our way out of it.”


Bank accounts already frozen.  Ask your friends to check.  Maybe they didn’t realize yet.

Ha..ha..ha..Region 4 Elections ,still in dispute and will be settled soon. Authorities done freeze bank accounts ,classic and funny tarass.

Last edited by Django

There is an old back story. Dominic was never fully in on anything! I could see his breaking ranks because the rig was so blatant. And with the state department threat, he bailed. 


@Bibi Haniffa , woman, have some consideration and stop inciting and making things worse. Your scurrilous claims thus far include Granger being sworn in, Venezuelan troops at the border ready to move in, Claudette Singh and Mingo being held hostage and more bullshit. I don't ever believe a single word that you say and others should follow suit.


So glad you are reading all my posts.  Was getting worried that no one is paying attention to me.  You seem to have a very good memory for things you deem not to be true.  The rest of us quickly dismiss things that are not true.  Don’t dwell on untruths, it’s not good for your soul.

Bibi Haniffa

Dominic is fully onboard with the rigging operation.  He knew the upcoming recount saga was about to be announced so he sneak in his prelude about the region 4 numbers. He is not as stupid as he looks.

Bibi Haniffa

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