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Don’t corner a cat

Oct 21, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...1/dont-corner-a-cat/

Life is nice when things going good. But when things bad don’t talk. People read nuff things bout jealous women and de things dem do. Some woman had a birth night party and when she enter de party and see couple woman talking to she fella, all hell break loose.

Dem boys don’t know who was doing de cooking but dem know dat when a woman vex, she don’t have brakes pon she behaviour. Dis particular woman pick up de pot of hot cook-up rice and throw it at everybody who been in de vicinity.

People who see de action scatter but some had to get ketch. People had cook-up in dem weave. But dat is de lighter side of de life. Anger does mek people do strange things.

A man do a woman all kind of things when dem was living together. He beat she when she talk. She claim how she was living wid him when he suddenly change. She start to wuk away from home and send money to build a home and furnish it.

De woman seh she and de man was legally married but some time during de marriage, de man tek anodda li’l gyal and put she in de woman house.

Dem boys seh when de woman see red, she lose it; cutlass talk and passion fly. It was like when you corner a cat in a room. She bruk up everything in de house. Things get so bad dat de man get scared to stay in de house. He think de woman would kill him. But de woman seh when he use to beat she, he didn’t think dat she was afraid he would kill she.

De woman hiding because de police want lock she up fuh chopping up de li’l gyal. But she want to come out and tell she story. She tell dem boys, de police never use to listen to she when she was on de receiving end.

Cutlass pass and is now de police serious. De woman seh police does only act when death happen or when it near.

Talk half and run if you do bad.

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