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baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:

You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



You really hard ears.

Islam is the solution o the World's problems.

You open your mouth about taxation, what taxation.

Why don't you speak about Islam's Zakaat. If every Muslim is to pay their correct share of Zakaat then there will be no poor muslims.

Tell me which religion has that? Atheists still trying to figure out how to deall with poor and those that are behind. Take a page from Islam.

Islam is the world's problem!!

Islam taxes and if you are non-muslim, you are taxed more to stay alive or to save your young daughter being pawned (lien) to an old mullah!!

"Islam taxes and if you are non-muslim, you are taxed more to stay alive or to save your young daughter being pawned (lien) to an old mullah!

"Where has that happened; please provide verifiable references/sources. 


The Islamic  world is an example of that we do not want for the world. They are the quintessential do nothing people. Those that have money simply build to the sky and live vicariously while consuming the resources and the labor of millions of poor in semi slavery condition.

They manufacture nothing, have created no think tanks or development mecca. All they do is pontificate like you on the after life. Even their own in their time of supreme need know implicitly that  their hearts are hard and do not seek the benefaction of the supposed munificent zackat driven culture. That has meaning only in sitting rooms and hookabars.

The poor and destitute take refuge to christiandom for charity. They move in such vast numbers that even Christians are numbed to the overwhelming deluge of destitute all at the hands of their own.

Western europe is principally Christians but governed by the the rational conclusions of  secular humanism. That is the athiestic creed. It is the basis of everything that is good in their world. It is the center of every drive to scholorship, to know to produce to move humanity into a better place. If they were religious they would like Muslims  manufacture every mullah interpreted prophet speak dictat to bar entry of the kufars,

Islam is stasis. It is the idea that all there is to know is known and all that can be known can be found and those who seek it has one source. They need to bend the knees and suffocate any inclination to wonder. They have to swallow whole cloth the prescriptions of the Koran as there is nothing else.

Stormy is either you backside blind or youy playing the fool. 

India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and all these countries that carry large Muslim populations, are they lazy people. The World largest Muslim Country, Indonesia is an example that Muslims are progressing but you in your warped mind is too consumed by glorious teachings from the Holy Quran that is twist up your poor atheist head. 

baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
baseman posted:

Islam is the world's problem!!

Islam taxes and if you are non-muslim, you are taxed more to stay alive or to save your young daughter being pawned (lien) to an old mullah!!

"Islam taxes and if you are non-muslim, you are taxed more to stay alive or to save your young daughter being pawned (lien) to an old mullah!

"Where has that happened; please provide verifiable references/sources. 

More or less!!!

You do know that just about anyone can post on Wikipedia without being subject to verification, don't you ! There is no doubt that a wide range of wrongs was visited upon many segments of the Iraqi populace by many but to take selected occurrences as being representative of all muslims is patent nonsense ! Furthermore, you said "Islam" taxes and if you are non-muslim, you are taxed more". Even if that did occur, to suggest that the acts of a few in Iraq are representative of ALL muslims is nothing short of ugly, foul, ignorant bigotry ! By your line of reasoning and what the Americans, British and French have done in countless countries over the years (I would be more than happy to name them if you wish), how come you do not classify them as the biggest looters, pillagers, thieves and terrorists the world has ever known ?  I do not know how old you or 'educated' you are but I strongly suggest you do some serious reading on Vietnam, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, India, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Cuba, South Africa, etc, etc. As an aside, let me share with you what one of the favorite sayings of one of my university professors: ' It is always so much better to shut your mouth and be thought an ass than to open it and remove all doubt !! 

baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman,is either  you want war or you want peace.

Your choice!

How foolish can you be when I am ignoring you and you continue to address me. Behave a like a grown person and then I can answer your questions. If not then I will continue to ignore you.

We will have peace when we destroy all those Islamist extremists, their leaders and their sponsors and sympathizers!!  And I agree, it's a long haul!!

I don't care if you ignore, I will respond!!

What will you do with Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheyney, Wolfowicz, Netanyahu and that lot ? How many did they kill, how much did they loot and destroy ?

baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman,is either  you want war or you want peace.

Your choice!

How foolish can you be when I am ignoring you and you continue to address me. Behave a like a grown person and then I can answer your questions. If not then I will continue to ignore you.

We will have peace when we destroy all those Islamist extremists, their leaders and their sponsors and sympathizers!!  And I agree, it's a long haul!!

I don't care if you ignore, I will respond!!

Is foolishness like this cause you to be the idiot on GNI.

Again for the last time it is your choice for peace for I am a man of peace and love.

RiffRaff posted:

Arrite Stormie

They have lots of good Muslim doctors, nurses, engineers etc....but I assume you speaking of the leadership in the ME countries

I will agree with you but I am stating definitively that Islam needs to reform to grasp what Christians did; without some organized consensus ( denominational or otherwise) the religion can becomes a corrupting tool. Fringe muftis who like Mullah Omar can fabricate a revivalist interpretation of political Islam that is insidious and its believers a murderous hoard in the name of Islam.Similarly the apocalyptic creed of Baghdad gives us IS whose end can only be with pyrrhic souring of all in the faith. I have justification for calling the religion the forge of hellish hordes who can only be stopped if Muslims themselves admit they faith is being misused and begin to stand with one voice.

Also, lacking a central authority or a coordinating authority among the ulema who can utter cautions to a local mufti and so correct an errant interpretation, it is completely stupid to say Islam does not approve of this or that. It has no basis except from the perspective of the one making the statement. This is the principal weakness of the faith and which makes the idea that is forward by Chief that "Islam" is the future of the world nonsensical. As I see it there is no Islam. There are Islamic factions with varying interpretations of holy writ competing for space and the result is internecine sectarian war or a purging of non muslims on going almost everywhere it exists currently. Islam as a religion of peace is a big laugh.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

The Islamic  world is an example of that we do not want for the world. They are the quintessential do nothing people. Those that have money simply build to the sky and live vicariously while consuming the resources and the labor of millions of poor in semi slavery condition.

They manufacture nothing, have created no think tanks or development mecca. All they do is pontificate like you on the after life. Even their own in their time of supreme need know implicitly that  their hearts are hard and do not seek the benefaction of the supposed munificent zackat driven culture. That has meaning only in sitting rooms and hookabars.

The poor and destitute take refuge to christiandom for charity. They move in such vast numbers that even Christians are numbed to the overwhelming deluge of destitute all at the hands of their own.

Western europe is principally Christians but governed by the the rational conclusions of  secular humanism. That is the athiestic creed. It is the basis of everything that is good in their world. It is the center of every drive to scholorship, to know to produce to move humanity into a better place. If they were religious they would like Muslims  manufacture every mullah interpreted prophet speak dictat to bar entry of the kufars,

Islam is stasis. It is the idea that all there is to know is known and all that can be known can be found and those who seek it has one source. They need to bend the knees and suffocate any inclination to wonder. They have to swallow whole cloth the prescriptions of the Koran as there is nothing else.

Stormy is either you backside blind or youy playing the fool. 

India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and all these countries that carry large Muslim populations, are they lazy people. The World largest Muslim Country, Indonesia is an example that Muslims are progressing but you in your warped mind is too consumed by glorious teachings from the Holy Quran that is twist up your poor atheist head. 

I never said lazy people. I said as a belief system it is no summoning creed that predicates the innovation and desire to take us to the stars where we inevitably must go. Instead it is a commingled mess of sectarian violence and hyper persnickety pretensions of religious bigots claiming best practices based on superstition and taboo than a rational solution to " the world's" problem.

Last edited by Former Member

I never said lazy people. I said as a belief system it is no summoning creed that predicates the innovation and desire to take us to the stars where we inevitably must go. Instead it is a commingled mess of sectarian violence and hyper persnickety pretensions of religious bigots claiming best practices based on superstition and taboo than a rational solution to " the world's" problem.

The tribes who fight and continue to kill is exactly what the Quran prohibits.


I tell you to  go hide in a room  (where no one can see you because you are  a man that  will not want anyone to see you with the Holy book) and read the Holy Quran.

Until then shut your trap!

baseman posted:
Chief posted:


Nah, I'm a man of peace, but on my terms, not yours!!

Okay  you are saying you are  man  of peace and I am saying that Iam a man of peace.

So let us prove that by our actions. I will start by not responding to any of your comments  regardless how hateful you  sound. 

I will not tell you what you need to do, you prove to everyone that you are  man of peace.

Chief posted:

I never said lazy people. I said as a belief system it is no summoning creed that predicates the innovation and desire to take us to the stars where we inevitably must go. Instead it is a commingled mess of sectarian violence and hyper persnickety pretensions of religious bigots claiming best practices based on superstition and taboo than a rational solution to " the world's" problem.

The tribes who fight and continue to kill is exactly what the Quran prohibits.


I tell you to  go hide in a room  (where no one can see you because you are  a man that  will not want anyone to see you with the Holy book) and read the Holy Quran.

Until then shut your trap!

Typical of the fundamentalist nutcases coerced by a book claiming to be the ultimate in knowledge and the end all prescriptions to intellect. It is a medieval tome and should be taken as such. Christianity clearly realized the shortcomings of their book ( from which this one was lifted whole cloth) so you go out and marinate on that. You may want me to shut up but you are in the west not the insular middle east. Here, I can shout what I want from the rooftop and not be flogged for heresy. I can dump any religious book in my fire place and no one will ask for my head. That is the difference between Islam as practiced by you  fanatical quacks and the rest of the sane world.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:

I never said lazy people. I said as a belief system it is no summoning creed that predicates the innovation and desire to take us to the stars where we inevitably must go. Instead it is a commingled mess of sectarian violence and hyper persnickety pretensions of religious bigots claiming best practices based on superstition and taboo than a rational solution to " the world's" problem.

The tribes who fight and continue to kill is exactly what the Quran prohibits.


I tell you to  go hide in a room  (where no one can see you because you are  a man that  will not want anyone to see you with the Holy book) and read the Holy Quran.

Until then shut your trap!

Typical of the fundamentalist nutcases coerced by a book claiming to be the ultimate in knowledge and the end all prescriptions to intellect. It is a medieval tome and should be taken as such. Christianity clearly realized the shortcomings of their book ( from which this one was lifted whole cloth) so you go out and marinate on that. You may want me to shut up but you are in the west not the insular middle east. Here, I can shout what I want from the rooftop and not be flogged for heresy. I can dump any religious book in my fire place and no one will ask for my head. That is the difference between Islam as practiced by you  fanatical quacks and the rest of the sane world.

That is the power of the book!!

You ain't got nothing to hold on to but Muslims has got  a lot.

West or East, the teachings are the same , simple, submission to the One God.

I can see feel your disgust because of the actions by a few who are bent to make this religion looks bad, however, they are just.00000000000001. of the close to 2 billion peace loving Muslims.

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:

I never said lazy people. I said as a belief system it is no summoning creed that predicates the innovation and desire to take us to the stars where we inevitably must go. Instead it is a commingled mess of sectarian violence and hyper persnickety pretensions of religious bigots claiming best practices based on superstition and taboo than a rational solution to " the world's" problem.

The tribes who fight and continue to kill is exactly what the Quran prohibits.


I tell you to  go hide in a room  (where no one can see you because you are  a man that  will not want anyone to see you with the Holy book) and read the Holy Quran.

Until then shut your trap!

Typical of the fundamentalist nutcases coerced by a book claiming to be the ultimate in knowledge and the end all prescriptions to intellect. It is a medieval tome and should be taken as such. Christianity clearly realized the shortcomings of their book ( from which this one was lifted whole cloth) so you go out and marinate on that. You may want me to shut up but you are in the west not the insular middle east. Here, I can shout what I want from the rooftop and not be flogged for heresy. I can dump any religious book in my fire place and no one will ask for my head. That is the difference between Islam as practiced by you  fanatical quacks and the rest of the sane world.

That is the power of the book!!

You ain't got nothing to hold on to but Muslims has got  a lot.

West or East, the teachings are the same , simple, submission to the One God.

I can see feel your disgust because of the actions by a few who are bent to make this religion looks bad, however, they are just.00000000000001. of the close to 2 billion peace loving Muslims.

What I say is validated on the presumption that I "have nothing" to hold on to. Well, I have the entire corpus of the western literary and intellectual cannon from Thales to Sartre. One of the things we are clear on here is that every thing is falsifiable and the idea of immaculate conception is    completely for the birds. 

You got it wrong. I am not disgusted by a book. It is but words on a page. I am disgusted at those quacks who would say it is the end all of things. I would also say I am not surprised that  this view is widely held. Mediocrity is always known to be a thing that maximizes itself. 

Where have I addressed peace loving Muslims? I am making a point that such creatures are not rare but emphasizing why the opposite is also true.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman,is either  you want war or you want peace.

Your choice!

How foolish can you be when I am ignoring you and you continue to address me. Behave a like a grown person and then I can answer your questions. If not then I will continue to ignore you.

We will have peace when we destroy all those Islamist extremists, their leaders and their sponsors and sympathizers!!  And I agree, it's a long haul!!

I don't care if you ignore, I will respond!!

What will you do with Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheyney, Wolfowicz, Netanyahu and that lot ? How many did they kill, how much did they loot and destroy ?

Iraq was not a war against Islamic extremism!  But that was a mistake.

We should have focused on destroying Al Qaeda.  Those who voted for it made a mistake (Clinton), those who were against understood (Sanders, Trump)!!

That aside, we now need to utterly destroy the Wahabs!!

baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Baseman,is either  you want war or you want peace.

Your choice!

How foolish can you be when I am ignoring you and you continue to address me. Behave a like a grown person and then I can answer your questions. If not then I will continue to ignore you.

We will have peace when we destroy all those Islamist extremists, their leaders and their sponsors and sympathizers!!  And I agree, it's a long haul!!

I don't care if you ignore, I will respond!!

What will you do with Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheyney, Wolfowicz, Netanyahu and that lot ? How many did they kill, how much did they loot and destroy ?

Iraq was not a war against Islamic extremism!  But that was a mistake.

We should have focused on destroying Al Qaeda.  Those who voted for it made a mistake (Clinton), those who were against understood (Sanders, Trump)!!

That aside, we now need to utterly destroy the Wahabs!!

A mistake you say, eh ! How convenient and simplistic it is to casually dismiss the brutal massacre and decimation of more than one million innocent people; all on the basis of a pack of lies, coupled with wanton greed and brazen theft of their resources. Have you forgotten the words of Madeline Albright who had the unmitigated gall to tell the world 'it was worth the price' ! What is even more disturbing is that you employ the most derogatory language to describe how you destroyed them but, in virtually the same breath, you expect the entire world to be ever so sympathetic when you get a little bruise. 'We' should have focused on destroying Al Qaeda you say; why don't you dig a bit deeper and find out the truth about who created Al Qaeda and why. (Pssst... let me quietly tell you the secret ... go ask George Dumbo Bush). As they say 'payback is a bitch' isn't it !  Now you say you want to destroy the "Wahabs"; you do not even know the correct term or what they represent but you want to destroy them, eh !! People like you are in dire need of brain transplants.  


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