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Banna, six month ago when I projected the rise of Trump, the whole lot of Mullahs, leftists and Afros prance and laugh.  Kari even wrote a loooong (as usual) rant of Americana saying I don't understand.

It's just funny listening to all these quacks who contributed to the demise of Guyana coming and casting disparaging remarks to people who haled to make America great.

Now, let me say, the game for Trump will get tighter now as the focus will be on him and [crooked] Hillary.  He will need to up his game from here on especially as the dust settles in the Democratic camp!

I believe he stand a greater chance of winning the presidency than [crooked] Hillary!!  He is not in the 2nd half of closing the deal!

ba$eman posted:

Banna, six month ago when I projected the rise of Trump, the whole lot of Mullahs, leftists and Afros prance and laugh.  Kari even wrote a loooong (as usual) rant of Americana saying I don't understand.

It's just funny listening to all these quacks who contributed to the demise of Guyana coming and casting disparaging remarks to people who haled to make America great.

Now, let me say, the game for Trump will get tighter now as the focus will be on him and [crooked] Hillary.  He will need to up his game from here on especially as the dust settles in the Democratic camp!

I believe he stand a greater chance of winning the presidency than [crooked] Hillary!!  He is not in the 2nd half of closing the deal!

Thanks for the input base.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump will win come Nov!!

It is quite possible.  But I say God help us all if he does



Trump will only look good if compared to the PNC Govt.

Trump will not want a failed state just South so he will ensure the PPP takes over come 2020.  He believes the US meddles and makes a mess of nations and then have to get involved to prevent or recover from a catastrophe!  PNC is taking Guyana to another economic collapse and need for a bail-out!

Last edited by Former Member

Indeed there will be signs of support for Donald Trump. However, one of the decisive points points will be the results of the nomination election; both for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

There are lots of fractions in the Republican party that will linger long after the elections in November, 2016.

The Democratic party; though with also so aberrations; has a much more unified approach for the November elections and a win for the presidential race.


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