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Donald Ramotar, A Credible Presidential Candidate - Faiuze Ali


Though I concurred with the confab for Donald Ramotar’s candidacy and eventually his election to the presidency, I had reservations. I worried that he was naÏve, pitching a message to bridge the political divide with a rapacious opposition whose philosophy axis’ on an obstructionist creed. Clearly, the new dispensation had been worn as a badge of honor by those relentless in dousing the economic development and aborted concession politics.


I had a disquieting feeling that he had ignored the writing on the wall, pitching a message that the political line of demarcation would give way to nation building, an illusion, given the imperious opposition had weaved a political noose.


I worried he had ventured into political appeasement overdrive against the backdrop of a vengeance raged opposition, imploring his parliamentary nemeses to rise about the political divide, knowing it had self- inoculated against the acquired taste for compromise.
Call it naivety or bipartisan perpetual endurance on the part of the president; I felt he relied too much on redemption politics from a power intoxicated opposition, with predatory instinct on his heels, destined to bring about political casualty.


I was right. After three years, the comprised impaired opposition has bludgeoned progress and came close to cripple development, putting into limbo legislations, economic reforms, developmental projects, and tampered social safety nets and shredded the fabrics of democracy. But he never relents, believing that the nation’s interests would triumph personal ones, though he never had a reciprocal partner. Instead, he was gifted an arsenal of “this is how we do it” approach from a self-confessed “economic hit squad” of the opposition.


Despite the onslaught of anti- democratic underpinnings pivot upon obstruction, Ramotar emerged in his own organic political character, shaped and fortified by his ability to understand economic constraints, prospects and remained true to his political philosophy, with a keen sense in navigating the political culture with convictions and astuteness. In essence, Ramotar has defined his legacy in more tangible terms than is perceived, impacting on many fronts, and became the quintessence- consequential president in contemporary Guyanese Politics.


Ramotar’s character, ideals, and devotion to the Guyanese cause and struggle are well documented; his leadership abilities attested; his footprints in the sand of unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy never called into question; his patriotism, good governance, accountability and dedication to multi – ethnic/racial politics are sterling.


I will resume making the case of Ramator’s sterling leadership achievements, but I beg your indulgence to deviate to address a few unpalatable issues, emanating from the opposition’s surrogates. Chiefly amongst the calculated mischief is the conjectured message to malign him as a burgeoning dictator, hoping that their demonizing rhetoric, which failed to take root in Guyana, would now find refuge in the halls of the U.S. Congress. So far, they are the only consumers of their fermented brew.
In the other far corner are a few self – professed Jaganites, long expelled from progressive political thought, hissing from a far at what they perceived to be a departure from the founder’s ideals, lamenting the idea that the new political dispensation was a legitimate offspring .         


The basic premise of this argument purports an imposter in a progressive suit- an attempt at an erroneous deception. Yet these strayed political vagrants cannot account for the economic resilience and continued majority support.


Way over in the deep end, drowning in infinite pen freedom, thanks to the government‘s safe-guarding, the supposedly unbiased press employs brute force to eclipse independent thinking, and maligns the populace for rejecting its political dogma; adding to this perversion are paid pundits spouting from shared narratives, incessantly orate about corrupted state, stalled economics, and even insisting the nation has reached a brink of no return, sustaining such arguments with sensationalism and innuendos.
Undeniably, the notoriously lopsided, inexpiable attacks, deprived of objectivity, have been accepted by the government as the natural extension in upholding democratic values, though much of the maligning tactics breached decency and misdirected. For voters, however, they don’t have to acquiesce to yellow belly journalism.


Guyanese have learned to be wary of the press and opposition surrogates who ascribed racist motives to their behavior and thinking, particularly when casting votes for a political party. For instance, the unprecedented attacks vilifying over fifty percent of the population as conscious racists, who aid in the systemic marginalization of others, impaled aspersion on ordinary citizens’ freedom. What are the consequences of this character assassination? An opinion poll reveals a tantalizing sneak peek.
Popular support


Recent NATCA’s opinion poll reflects the populace dissatisfaction with parliament as to be expected and rightly so: mad as hell with the political shenanigans in parliament at the expense of their livelihoods. Voters don’t want to hear excuses; they want action. However, voters are well-informed as the poll revealed. They are aware of the fulcrums and the missing lynchpins.


Notwithstanding the political stalemate, respondents endorsed the president’s party solidly against its rivals, and endorsed him ahead of his competition. Showing great perceptivity of the parliamentary debacle, voters also expressed resounding vote of confidence for the president’s economic stewardship, and for country’s chartered course for progress and development. Thus, Ramator has emerged as a shepherd with a devout flock to reckon with.


At this stage, legacy affirmation for Ramotar is not premature. Though it would spike the political blood sugar of the sycophantic- punditocracy, who would seek to dim the light on policy triumphant over longevity, it would withstand objective scrutiny as it has been the tradition of American politics where Presidents Ford, Carter and Bush (41st.) served one four year term each but had legacy policy broadcast in advance of maturity and demitting office. There is no reason to deny Ramotar the same privilege.
Most importantly, however, it is not whether the president and party have scored political points, or whether the media and opposition’s heavy- handed, bulled tactics infringed on personal rights, or intentional demonizing of constituent’s choice constitutes intimidation, though valid questions, but the provoking questions are: whether lives have been positively impacted by the chartered economic course; can tomorrow’s generation stands on sound economic foundation with respects to employment, financial stability, real growth , development and higher living standard? Undeniably, the answer is a resounding yes.


First, let’s dispose of the notion that Ramator’s presidency lays claim to his predecessor’s agenda and his is alien to innovations. It is political absurdity. Only a political neophyte would purport such assertion, knowing that the Party’s economic endeavors are not punctuated with personalities. Rather, the enormity of projects undertaken are pipelined slated for completion and require the same due diligence at various intervals, vetted for endurance and viability.


One of the hallmarks of the president’s aggressive endeavors is the long term commitment to mainstream the marginalized indigenous people into the fabric of the nation’s discourse, and sharing in its opportunities; on the financial front, investment confidence is running high; local financial institutions have extended its reach to the public with access to finance fueling entrepreneurial awakening;.


On the foreign investment scene, the nation is a friendly investment option for investors, enjoying a swarm of foreign investments, owing to prudent macroeconomic policies, good governance and constant GDP growth over the years, notwithstanding international financial crunch; moreover, the nation escaped the most indebted nation status and elevated to middle income in a short period relative to other countries. And it is posed to make greater strides in that direction, credited to prudent economic choices; continued with rapid infrastructure development, the corner stone of development, building of roads, bridges, institutions, information technology, transportation, sea and airports, water harbors, all the aggregates that would sustain the needed development; effective sustainable management of environmental resources, environment protection consciousness, and the pursuit of renewable energy from hydropower are sensible and wise policy initiatives; the availability of house lots, access to educational institutions for advancement, coupled with needed ingredients for social development in access to portable water, subsidized electricity, sanitation, free education, student loans, free medical care, job training and skill based training, and employment creation are all evident of a well- managed micro-economic policy agenda.
On the verge of breaking records in investment and production out in rice, sugar, the mining, the manufacture, agro- industrial sectors are further demonstrations of confidence in the economy from domestic and as well as foreign investors.


Poised to have greater trade and commerce with its tri- nation neighbors, the nation extended its economic reach and partnership and deepened South to South trade and relations, bringing about greater economic opportunities. These pipelined and prospective developmental projects will help provide the boost needed to find greater market shares for Guyanese commodities and fuel employment. These endeavors are not coincident.


Most importantly, real income did not regress as it did in advanced nations. Consecutive wage increases afforded to civil servants compared with Caricom/Caribbean sister nations, which retrenched work force, stalled wages, and in some instance, forced labor concessions. This, too, is no accident but the realization of the working class agenda.


Undeniably, Ramotar’s presidency commenced a startling departure from his predecessors; political constrains, legislative setbacks, and recessed world economy, but yet he emerged to debunk the fallacy in the opposition’s chorus of leadership inaptness. In essence, the fact remains that he craftily boxed the opposition into cool storage, which they don’t yet gasp, and convincingly makes his own case for re-election as a viable and credible alternative as he did prior.


In any case, Ramotar unshackled the opposition’s spiteful restraints and delivered as promised, achieved many gains, some major and other short terms and could have done more for the nation that is ripe with possibilities but his detractors will seek to deny his successes. As the nation heads to the polls, the situation warrants the mantle of leadership and mandate to be reissued to Ramotar. Let the second coming commence.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

Your friend stupidy. 

Cain, I respect you, but you can't stand in that Guy shadow.  Most GNIers know him. I believe Shaitan also know him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

Your friend stupidy. 

Cain, I respect you, but you can't stand in that Guy shadow.  Most GNIers know him. I believe Shaitan also know him.

hear this ass cain is the man your friend is stupidity 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

Your friend stupidy. 

Cain, I respect you, but you can't stand in that Guy shadow.  Most GNIers know him. I believe Shaitan also know him.


Your friend needs to take Ramotar di5k out his mouth.


This was such a slobbering gob smacking suck job I don't know what to say.


DONALD RAMOTAR: GREAT OR DA GREATEST? would have been a better title

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

Your friend stupidy. 

Cain, I respect you, but you can't stand in that Guy shadow.  Most GNIers know him. I believe Shaitan also know him.

Standing in his shadow means I will have to be close to him...doan want that. As a PPP guy he'll probably try to harm me...especially if he's Muslin and knows I'm from GNI

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

Your friend stupidy. 

Cain, I respect you, but you can't stand in that Guy shadow.  Most GNIers know him. I believe Shaitan also know him.

Donald Ramotar believes that Amerinds are stupid and that they deserve  to be slapped around.


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