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Originally Posted by Mahen:

Cheddi Jagan as a legend, a celebrated son of the soil, an icon and an inspiration had nothing to be modest about, but he was the epitome of modesty.

Cheddi Jagan never selected the Donald for any position of governmental significance.

Cheddi Jagan would have voted against Donald Ramotar and this version of the PPP.

It's good Ramotar is not aiming to be CBJ.


Dr Jagan was an honest man, not a great political strategist.


He felt deeply for the welfare of all his people regardless of race, but he struggled with how to improve their well-being.



He read alot on other countries how they improved their lives but he was enslaved by communism and the white homan.


Over all he always saw the Treasury as the people's property, not a pot of cash to build TAJ MAHALS at Pradoville on the Sea and Leonora on the Sea like BIG RAT and ALI BABA the theif.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Dr Jagan was an honest man, not a great political strategist.


He felt deeply for the welfare of all his people regardless of race, but he struggled with how to improve their well-being.



He read alot on other countries how they improved their lives but he was enslaved by communism and the white homan.


Over all he always saw the Treasury as the people's property, not a pot of cash to build TAJ MAHALS at Pradoville on the Sea and Leonora on the Sea like BIG RAT and ALI BABA the theif.

Jagan may have been honest, but be handed the "keys to the kingdom" to Guyana's biggest thief, Burnham and the PNC.  I would have preferred him a bit self indulgent but more pragmatic and operate in the interest of the nation and constituency.  He was an ideologist with little care for anything else.  The PPP needs to clean up a bit, but they are better for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

So now you cussing Jagan.  Man you guys in the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal really got some brass.


Baseman, when the gravy train finish, what will you tell your makers?  Will you carry the millions into your grave?


I ain't cussing CBJ, was never a fan and only pointed out the fact that it was his other traits which resulted in doom for the Indians of Guyana. When assessing effective leadership, it's more than one attribute and sometimes the "bad" attributes lead to better results.


BJ went a bit overboard, but his rough and tumble attitude is what Guyana needs.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

I can respond to you in 2 ways:


1.  who appointed you fortune teller to instruct the GNI bloggers as to what Guyana needs





2. So why are you so against the rough and tumble of Moses and Ramjattan in calling this tiefs out?


Your call you choose which stroke to determine how this thread goes from here.

I appoint myself, like all on this blog, including YOU.  Who do you think you are.  But I ain't a fortune teller, I talk of the past and expressed an opinion.


What the leadership of the AFC need to do is focus on the points contained in the Action Plan and push the Govt to embrace and implement some of these plans and ideas.  They are focusing on everything, except what they have in that document, and that document has good ideas for Guyana.  The group seems to have morphed into angry demagogues filled with suicidal hatred.


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