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Donald Ramotar cannot be serious


Dear Editor,
The absurdities in statements that emanate from the mouths of PPP representatives never cease to irritate and assault logic. It is reported in Stabroek News dated 22nd February 2016 that Mr. Donald Ramoutar claims “PPP has nothing to hide, denies ties to Roger Khan.” Is Mr. Donald Ramoutar for real? Is he speaking to his misguided three year tenure as President or to the entire twenty three years of PPP misrule? If he is speaking to the latter, then he is throwing Bharrat Jagdeo and others under a speeding bus in inviting the coalition government to set up COI’s into the atrocities perpetrated under PPP rule.
Are these the ramblings of a bitter, rejected politician with an axe to grind? Careful what you ask for Mr. Ramoutar, the truth does not always set us free, sometimes it imprisons us. Not unlike your short lived, unpopular, ill equipped Presidency, once again you are venturing into troubled waters.  Maybe the PPP should, instead of grandstanding, apologise for its misdeeds whilst in office just as it insisted that the PNC do.
Sometimes it is best to “let sleeping dogs lie” because we painfully remember their viciousness when awakened. Surely Mr. Ramoutar cannot be so naive to think that their twenty three years of atrocities could withstand the intense scrutiny of a Commission of Inquiry? Does he really believe that Bharrat Jagdeo, Leslie Ramsammy, Ronald Gajraj, Qwame Mc Coy and others were baptized in holy water? Does any of these contestations, Gajraj/Bacchus; Mc Coy/Crum Ewing; Jagdeo/Khan or Ramsammy/Spy equipment/Waddel, ring any bells, cause his stomach to cringe or tie in knots? The most deadly conspiracies were hatched, the foulest murders committed and the most corrupt activities perpetrated during their twenty three years in government, it is difficult to envisage the PPP escaping from any investigations unblemished.
Even now prominent PPP elites are in hot water, Mc Coy has been charged for the attack on Freddie Kissoon and will be arrested for his possible involvement in Courtney Crum Ewing’s murder and Jennifer Westford has been charged with stealing over $639 million dollars. Former Finance Minister, Ashni Singh, is still to give account for spending $4.5 billion dollars without parliamentary approval.  So Mr. Ramotar you see just as you prorogued parliament to your own detriment you will discover that what you are unearthing is not soil at all but faeces and it stinks to high heaven imagine what will happen to the PPP if it hits the fan.
C. Graham



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Mars posted:

Donald Ramotar cannot be serious


Dear Editor,
The absurdities in statements that emanate from the mouths of PPP representatives never cease to irritate and assault logic. It is reported in Stabroek News dated 22nd February 2016 that Mr. Donald Ramoutar claims “PPP has nothing to hide, denies ties to Roger Khan.” Is Mr. Donald Ramoutar for real? Is he speaking to his misguided three year tenure as President or to the entire twenty three years of PPP misrule? If he is speaking to the latter, then he is throwing Bharrat Jagdeo and others under a speeding bus in inviting the coalition government to set up COI’s into the atrocities perpetrated under PPP rule.
Are these the ramblings of a bitter, rejected politician with an axe to grind? Careful what you ask for Mr. Ramoutar, the truth does not always set us free, sometimes it imprisons us. Not unlike your short lived, unpopular, ill equipped Presidency, once again you are venturing into troubled waters.  Maybe the PPP should, instead of grandstanding, apologise for its misdeeds whilst in office just as it insisted that the PNC do.
Sometimes it is best to “let sleeping dogs lie” because we painfully remember their viciousness when awakened. Surely Mr. Ramoutar cannot be so naive to think that their twenty three years of atrocities could withstand the intense scrutiny of a Commission of Inquiry? Does he really believe that Bharrat Jagdeo, Leslie Ramsammy, Ronald Gajraj, Qwame Mc Coy and others were baptized in holy water? Does any of these contestations, Gajraj/Bacchus; Mc Coy/Crum Ewing; Jagdeo/Khan or Ramsammy/Spy equipment/Waddel, ring any bells, cause his stomach to cringe or tie in knots? The most deadly conspiracies were hatched, the foulest murders committed and the most corrupt activities perpetrated during their twenty three years in government, it is difficult to envisage the PPP escaping from any investigations unblemished.
Even now prominent PPP elites are in hot water, Mc Coy has been charged for the attack on Freddie Kissoon and will be arrested for his possible involvement in Courtney Crum Ewing’s murder and Jennifer Westford has been charged with stealing over $639 million dollars. Former Finance Minister, Ashni Singh, is still to give account for spending $4.5 billion dollars without parliamentary approval.  So Mr. Ramotar you see just as you prorogued parliament to your own detriment you will discover that what you are unearthing is not soil at all but faeces and it stinks to high heaven imagine what will happen to the PPP if it hits the fan.
C. Graham



Banna, leave the man alone. If he callin for a COI then let him have it. He says he has nothing to fear.


Remember that it was during Ramoutar's  administration that David Granger unofficially became the real President. That dummy made Granger and the PNC walk all over him. And to top it off, he gave us the Official APNU/AFC Coalition.


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