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If there is a snap poll, Lady Luck will have even more of a presence in Guyana. With a snap poll, Donald Ramotar will want to run again. He will come up against cogent arguments that there are others in Freedom House that can swing the votes stronger than him in favour of a return to majority rule.

Ramotar has to face the music every day that he did not win the 2011 elections. What about another dimension of the Cleopatra’s nose theory. In China, Deng Xiaoping was disgraced and sent to a labour camp. He returned to become the leader of China and one whose legacy is right next to Mao’s.
In Jamaica, Bruce Golding left the JLP, ran against it in a national election then became the JLP’s leader and took it into an election victory. Could Ramkarran be asked to lead a snap poll to reclaim a PPP victory? I have a funny feeling that it is too late. The Nagamootoo factor has doomed the PPP.

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