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By the time 2016 rolls around---the voters in Guyana will see:


* A new and modern Cheddi Jagan International airport


* A new and modern Marriot hotel


* A booming agriculture industry


* A growing sugar industry


* A continuation in the boom of the rice industry


* A continuation in the boom of the business sector


* A continuation in the boom of the construction sector


* A boom in the gold mining sector


* A continuation in the boom of the service sector


And hopefully solid plans will be in place for a hydro project.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


By the time 2016 rolls around---the voters in Guyana will see:


* A new and modern Cheddi Jagan International airport


* A new and modern Marriot hotel


* A booming agriculture industry


* A growing sugar industry


* A continuation in the boom of the rice industry


* A continuation in the boom of the business sector


* A continuation in the boom of the construction sector


* A boom in the gold mining sector


* A continuation in the boom of the service sector


And hopefully solid plans will be in place for a hydro project.



Construction of the hydroelectric power project will be seen.


Also, in 2016 or earlier, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Construction of the hydroelectric power project will be seen.


Also, in 2016 or earlier, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.



The PPP regaining the majority in 2016 is definitely in the cards. You can almost bet the house on that.





I like your optimism---it would definitely be a plus in Ramotar's cap if a hydro project can get started by 2016.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


 Grandstanding and sententious bilge. No other person in GUyana is against Hydro electricity. They are however not into it as we have experienced with the berbice river bridge where the nation funds a PPP money leeching factory.

It must have deeply pained you to see the President of the IDB, Luis Moreno, showing great interest in Guyana's energy sector and enthusiastically extending a hand to support Guyana in her effort to improve the sector.



rev can you name me one project the ppp government build that the guyanese people is happy with and you expect this government to build hydro


Crime is worse under the PPP

October 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I note with utter disgust an article in the independent media that was attributable to the Minister of Legal Affairs and captioned “PPP blames opposition for crime”.  What is clear is that the PPP operators are extremely dishonest people when it comes to their accountability and performance in the “fight against crime”.
The historical records will reveal that since the death of Monica Reece in 1993, Guyana has never been the same again; we are a nation at war with ourselves.  During this entire war, the hopelessly incompetent leadership from the PPP in the security sector has failed to offer any serious solutions.
Since the murder of Monica Reece, over nine (9) incidents of serious crime are reported per day and it all happened under an avalanche of failed PPP Ministers starting with Feroze Mohamed, Gail Teixeira, Ronald Gajraj and now the worst of this failed bunch – Clement Rohee.  Judge them on their record!
How dare Clement Rohee and his PPP reactionaries lecture the nation on the PPP’s failure to “confronting crime” by trying to pin the tail on people who do not have the executive authority over the crime fighting machinery of the state? Do these PPP failures have any modicum of dignity to propagate such an “ugly untruth”?
The crime situation is so bad under the PPP that even the family members of many PPP big-wigs are paying US$1 million to become economic migrants to Canada and other countries. By their actions, are the family members of the PPP big-wigs telling the rest of the nation something?
Then there is that elementary Budget mistake that occurred in April 2013 where one of the opposition parties committed “political befuddlement” by claiming that the explanation given by the Minister was “sufficient” to provide them reason enough to vote G$1.1 billion to fund the Ministerial Secretariat of Clement Rohee.
This “political befuddlement” must be contextualized against a background that only nine months before that Budget vote in favour of Rohee, those same  MPs of that political party raised their hands and voted for a “Motion of No-confidence against the said Rohee”.
This issue has bothered me for months and I continued to comforted myself that it was a political oversight even though one politicians tried to bamboozle me with the excuse that “we cannot cut policemen salary” which is a deliberate attempt to confuse the facts. The truth remains the funds for the Ministerial Secretariat has nothing to do with the Guyana Police Force.
I trust we all will practice “politics of principle” in the 2014 Budget by stick to the principle that the majority in the opposition has lost CONFIDENCE in Mr. Rohee as the Minister of Home Affairs and thus his Secretariat cannot be funded.  For clarity sake, the Office of the Minister of Home Affairs (Ministerial
Secretariat) is distinct and separate from the Budget Line item for the police and other Departments in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
There remain over 500 unsolved murders in Guyana since the death of Monica Reece in 1993.  With such a track record, the PPP leaders have no moral authority to lecture anyone.
All of it happened under their watch but they were too busy plundering the Treasury to have any time to concern themselves with the most significant developmental retardant in the nation.
It is only a “political retard” who will not get it that Rohee is an absolute failure in the fight against crime and thus he should not be the beneficiary of any taxpayers’ funds once he continue to sit in that Chair in the Ministerial Secretariat at the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sasenarine Singh

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Construction of the hydroelectric power project will be seen.


Also, in 2016 or earlier, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.



The PPP regaining the majority in 2016 is definitely in the cards. You can almost bet the house on that.




I like your optimism--- it would definitely be a plus in Ramotar's cap if a hydro project can get started by 2016.



It will be started.


Crime is worse under the PPP

October 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I note with utter disgust an article in the independent media that was attributable to the Minister of Legal Affairs and captioned “PPP blames opposition for crime”.  What is clear is that the PPP operators are extremely dishonest people when it comes to their accountability and performance in the “fight against crime”.
The historical records will reveal that since the death of Monica Reece in 1993, Guyana has never been the same again; we are a nation at war with ourselves.  During this entire war, the hopelessly incompetent leadership from the PPP in the security sector has failed to offer any serious solutions.
Since the murder of Monica Reece, over nine (9) incidents of serious crime are reported per day and it all happened under an avalanche of failed PPP Ministers starting with Feroze Mohamed, Gail Teixeira, Ronald Gajraj and now the worst of this failed bunch – Clement Rohee.  Judge them on their record!
How dare Clement Rohee and his PPP reactionaries lecture the nation on the PPP’s failure to “confronting crime” by trying to pin the tail on people who do not have the executive authority over the crime fighting machinery of the state? Do these PPP failures have any modicum of dignity to propagate such an “ugly untruth”?
The crime situation is so bad under the PPP that even the family members of many PPP big-wigs are paying US$1 million to become economic migrants to Canada and other countries. By their actions, are the family members of the PPP big-wigs telling the rest of the nation something?
Then there is that elementary Budget mistake that occurred in April 2013 where one of the opposition parties committed “political befuddlement” by claiming that the explanation given by the Minister was “sufficient” to provide them reason enough to vote G$1.1 billion to fund the Ministerial Secretariat of Clement Rohee.
This “political befuddlement” must be contextualized against a background that only nine months before that Budget vote in favour of Rohee, those same  MPs of that political party raised their hands and voted for a “Motion of No-confidence against the said Rohee”.
This issue has bothered me for months and I continued to comforted myself that it was a political oversight even though one politicians tried to bamboozle me with the excuse that “we cannot cut policemen salary” which is a deliberate attempt to confuse the facts. The truth remains the funds for the Ministerial Secretariat has nothing to do with the Guyana Police Force.
I trust we all will practice “politics of principle” in the 2014 Budget by stick to the principle that the majority in the opposition has lost CONFIDENCE in Mr. Rohee as the Minister of Home Affairs and thus his Secretariat cannot be funded.  For clarity sake, the Office of the Minister of Home Affairs (Ministerial
Secretariat) is distinct and separate from the Budget Line item for the police and other Departments in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
There remain over 500 unsolved murders in Guyana since the death of Monica Reece in 1993.  With such a track record, the PPP leaders have no moral authority to lecture anyone.
All of it happened under their watch but they were too busy plundering the Treasury to have any time to concern themselves with the most significant developmental retardant in the nation.
It is only a “political retard” who will not get it that Rohee is an absolute failure in the fight against crime and thus he should not be the beneficiary of any taxpayers’ funds once he continue to sit in that Chair in the Ministerial Secretariat at the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sasenarine Singh

Originally Posted by Cobra:

You are acting like a stubborn back bencher student in school, always talk and don't listen. Old habit is hard to break. 

Since the murder of Monica Reece, over nine (9) incidents of serious crime are reported per day and it all happened under an avalanche of failed PPP Ministers starting with Feroze Mohamed, Gail Teixeira, Ronald Gajraj and now the worst of this failed bunch – Clement Rohee.  Judge them on their record!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

You are acting like a stubborn back bencher student in school, always talk and don't listen. Old habit is hard to break. 

Since the murder of Monica Reece, over nine (9) incidents of serious crime are reported per day and it all happened under an avalanche of failed PPP Ministers starting with Feroze Mohamed, Gail Teixeira, Ronald Gajraj and now the worst of this failed bunch – Clement Rohee.  Judge them on their record!

We need to revisit the firearm amendment bills in Parliament. I admit there is growing crime in Guyana, but crime is a national issue. We need to find a solution on a tripartite agreement. I am sure you will agree.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

You are acting like a stubborn back bencher student in school, always talk and don't listen. Old habit is hard to break. 

Since the murder of Monica Reece, over nine (9) incidents of serious crime are reported per day and it all happened under an avalanche of failed PPP Ministers starting with Feroze Mohamed, Gail Teixeira, Ronald Gajraj and now the worst of this failed bunch – Clement Rohee.  Judge them on their record!

We need to revisit the firearm amendment bills in Parliament. I admit there is growing crime in Guyana, but crime is a national issue. We need to find a solution on a tripartite agreement. I am sure you will agree.

The firearm amendment bill is just a smoke screen.


May 31, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

 Here is the most graphic fact that no international expert on drug trafficking can ignore about Guyana. Not one, I repeat, not one of the super-rich traffickers has been charged much less pass through a court trial. Not one, I repeat not even one of the most conspicuous money-launderers has even been charged, much less face a court hearing.

Contrast this lack of action on the drug front with the following facts. Dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for incest; dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for domestic abuse. Citizens in this country get hauled before the courts for all kinds of criminal violations, but the washers of money and the cocaine owners remain untouched. Is there an explanation? Yes, and it is a simple one.

People in Guyana get prosecuted for a silly, unimportant thing like cross-dressing but somehow the law misses out on the drug lords and the washing machine owners who launder money. Even the importation of squibs gets more police attention. Last year Christmas, KN sports journalist Rawle Welch and I were in Charlestown heading toward KN offices when we saw a huge commotion in the street. A semi-homeless guy had sold squibs to an undercover policeman.

So why are the washers of money and the cocaine traders untouchable? Because politics is the intersection. The drug lords have powerful political connections, and the police are fully conscious that the untouchables must not be touched. It looks like the Americans are finally awakened from sleeping in that large edifice on Young Street opposite the seawall.


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