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Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Very insightful letter

Who wrote it for him ?

Don't be mean, Churchill.
Your attempt to belittle Donald Ramotar's level of education is pointless.
It is an open secret that Dr Cheddi Jagan, an accomplished writer in his own right, used to seek assistance from certain comrades to craft letters, statements, articles and position papers.
A few occasions, while in Janet Jagan's office, I witnessed comrade Cheddi handing her his draft of documents for her to add her piece.
In early 1975, Dr Jagan asked me to help him prepare a paper he was asked to deliver at an anti-imperialist conference in Mexico. When he sent me a copy of the completed paper, one-third of it was what I had submitted word for word. But, for public consumption, the paper was written by Dr Cheddi Jagan; full stop.
Right now in the United States, certain workers in the White House are drafting and crafting Barack Obama's speeches and letters. President Obama gives the impression he is a learned orator, which no doubt he is, but he generally reads from a teleprompter which the TV cameras don't show on air.
Back to the point: the question is not who wrote the letter above for Donald Ramotar; rather, the question is: what could a President Ramotar do for members of the disciplined services?
That's the real issue. Mr Ramotar's signed letter gives the answer.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by The Judge:

Desperation TIME.

the Joint Services will be voting solidly for the party that is granting them 20% from January 2012. - THE AFC.

That is if they win. But jagdeo is the one who has been giving them raises twice a year for the past 10 years. Jagdeo controls the money.
basic economics.. he who controls the money controls the people..

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