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Originally Posted by Georgie:

There is no real corruption in Guyana says Ramutar.


There is no great amount of corruption in Guyana says Ramutar.

That is their undoing Georgie, when you have this kind of arrogance to declare there is no corruption after the Marriot 68 Million US rape of the treasury and the US 50 Million rape and pillage on the fiber optic goadie his son was responsible for, shameless shameless.


We can go on and on about scandal after scandal and this chap ramotar is not contrite or apologetic for any of that as a matter of fact he sounds like they have some sort of entitlement.


Notice his brazen lying about houses in Pradoville? he is using his BK Built house as the standard for what these crooks live in today in Pradoville 1 and 2?


Shameless, shameless,


I guess the drug contracts going to jagdeo without any competitive bid is not corruption?




Ramutar promised to prosecte the NCN frauster in 2011.  Now he said that case is close and both person has been fired.


But FUZZY Sattaur is the Campaign Coordinator in Freedom House for the PPP 2015 election.


Then the other one is an Editor on the Guyana Times/PPP TV station.


WOW.  NO corruption?

Originally Posted by Georgie:

Donald back up Jagdeo and say Jagdeo right to say "Black people beat drum in Buxton"


He said Jagdeo chose to say it at Babu Jaan and he support Jagdeo's words.


He said that Jagdeo was acting responsible.

They have no evidence of any of this sort of thing. They are making up all sorts of shit to peddle hatred and fear in GY but people are fed up people are not buying their shit.


That is why they have to truck supporters using GuySuCo truck convoys from berbice to berbice for their rally. Pathetic.


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