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Donald Trump is facing seriously short odds to be impeached in his first term as President

He’s not due to take up his position in the Oval Office until next Friday, but president-elect Donald Trump is already facing extremely short odds to be impeached in the first six months of his presidency.

A price of just 4/1 is being offered for The Donald to be hauled before the House of Representatives within a year of his first term.

And it looks there’s little faith for him to complete a whole term either – with Paddy Power offering odds of just 5/2 for him to complete his first four years in office.

However, it doesn’t look like Trump will try to make the White House resemble his gilded New York apartment – with long odds of 500/1 being offered on the Pennsylvania Avenue home being painted gold.

Some of the other bets seem to be just as outlandish as Trump himself – including odds of 250/1 on his first words as US president being ‘Golden Shower’, in reference to the leaked intelligence dossier.

Another option on the same price is ‘Home Alone’ referencing his cameo in the 1992 sequel to the iconic movie.

More likely, however, is Make Great America Again – with odds of 6/4.

And as for his first official visit abroad, it looks like Trump could continue his close ties with Russia – with 50/50 evens being offered.

But if you’re looking to chance your money on an unlikely bet, odds of 200/1 are being offered on Trump heading to North Korea.

Either way, it’s just eight days now until the madness begins.


DG Bhai,

All you leave Donald alone.

President Obama had his chance and history will judge him. I personally felt that he was decent and not confrontational. A good man indeed.

Obama was weak on foreign policy but every president has his weaknesses.

The stock markets have reacted positively to President Trump and investors and businesses are upbeat. I am positive that he will do well. He needs to work on his communication skills with the media but he will learn very quickly.

Last edited by Former Member

Trump should offer Kim a deal

Hereditary President title and Head of State role to the Kim family in an exchange for North Korea becoming an elected democracy ruled by an elected Prime Minister.

It is not in the interest of both North Korea and America to be fighting each other. China is the biggest winner if this happens. This Chinese communist government is all about land expansion. The Chinese will use a war between America and North Korea to occupy large chunks of North Korean land which they will never give up.


Question ?

My understanding is Impeachment is political and not criminal , if Trump is found guilty... he can still remain in office ( same as Bill Clinton )  .

With Republicans control of the house and senate , how is it likely that  Trump can be impeach .


Trump will not be impeached.  He will continue to skirt the edges of what's acceptable but not cross over.  His bromance with Putin will be short lived and limited as he will soon find that Russian and American interest do not always coincide.

Putin, on the other hand, will not push him too much as he knows Trump will have resistance and this is a great opportunity for Russia to change a few things in their favor.  They can only do so if Trump is not alienated at home.  They will have to give him something in return.

Trump will be successful at home but Foreign policy will not be a cake walk!  I believe Trump will invest a lot of stake in finding some solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict!  If he pulls this off, he would become one of America's great leaders!

Imran posted:

Question ?

My understanding is Impeachment is political and not criminal , if Trump is found guilty... he can still remain in office ( same as Bill Clinton )  .

With Republicans control of the house and senate , how is it likely that  Trump can be impeach .

They can impeach him if he allows Pence to be bullied by his son-in-law. Trump is not a Republican. Trump has no labels. He is pragmatic. And that is a good thing, the way I see it. The Republicans believe in their principles. They could throw Trump under the bus if he plays the ass with himself.


This  type of headline is just to give the networks rating.

Let the man take office and then see how he does, talking about impeachment  now is a little premature.



Last edited by Chief

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