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caribny posted:
baseman posted:

If he comes in, say around 1000, I don't see how they can deny him!!  If they do, there will be backlash, and they know that!!

The rules say that if he doesn't get 1,237 then it goes to the secondary ballot, at which time delegates can vote as they wish. 

If they select Paul Ryan then Trump can huff and puff and blow the GOP house down, and Hillary will be the beneficiary.

I heartily endorse Trump's threat to riot, if he doesn't get his way.  Nothing will be more entertaining than seeing the Cleveland police arresting half of the GOP delegates present.

Then charge his ass for inciting riots.

cain posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

If he comes in, say around 1000, I don't see how they can deny him!!  If they do, there will be backlash, and they know that!!

The rules say that if he doesn't get 1,237 then it goes to the secondary ballot, at which time delegates can vote as they wish. 

If they select Paul Ryan then Trump can huff and puff and blow the GOP house down, and Hillary will be the beneficiary.

I heartily endorse Trump's threat to riot, if he doesn't get his way.  Nothing will be more entertaining than seeing the Cleveland police arresting half of the GOP delegates present.

Then charge his ass for inciting riots.

Don't worry.  If indeed the Trump goon squad riots Trump will have to go Chapter 11 again to pay for his and their legal bills.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

If he comes in, say around 1000, I don't see how they can deny him!!  If they do, there will be backlash, and they know that!!

The rules say that if he doesn't get 1,237 then it goes to the secondary ballot, at which time delegates can vote as they wish. 

If they select Paul Ryan then Trump can huff and puff and blow the GOP house down, and Hillary will be the beneficiary.

I heartily endorse Trump's threat to riot, if he doesn't get his way.  Nothing will be more entertaining than seeing the Cleveland police arresting half of the GOP delegates present.

Then charge his ass for inciting riots.

Don't worry.  If indeed the Trump goon squad riots Trump will have to go Chapter 11 again to pay for his and their legal bills.

Nah, this is not PNC-run Guyana!!


That is exactly why criminals who instigate riots will face jail time.  Bail for Trump will be set at one trillion, given that he is a huge flight risk.  G

iven that his goons will demand that he lives up to his promise, and pay their legal bills, he will be responsible for their bail too!


Is the GOP's stop Trump campaign too late?

Washington (CNN)The Republican Party is waking up -- but it might already be too late.

Donald Trump's stroll toward the GOP presidential nomination is starting to turn the denial evident for months among key party power brokers to desperation. The mood of some in the party was aptly summed up Thursday by Republican lobbyist and former congressman Vin Weber on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper.

Full Story -

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
 But his agenda will creep it's way into policy regardless who wins, that you can be sure.


What agenda does Trump have?  Preventing a Muslim FROM GUYANA from spending $$$ in a lavish trip to Miami or Orlando?

Hey, you might be onto something there.  I never lumped in Guyana Islamists!!  That ISIS is a clever group!!

Typical Trump racist.  Your Guyanese relatives will not be able to visit you in the USA because they will be "Muslims terrorists".  But that is OK with you.

And don't claim that they aren't "Muslim" because to a Trumpee their "Muslim" appearance and "foreign name" makes them "Muslim.  If Obama, is a "Muslim" name you know that some Hindu name will also be.

baseman posted:

Trump all the way!!

I cannot recall any Presidential Candidate ever gotten so much opposition and yet rolls on forward. 

There are claims, some Republicans rather Hillary than Donald. But there are more people being attracted to the Republican Trump. And I know Black folks are going to dump Hilary once Trump starts talking to them. 

I hope Trump get on the TV and starts delivery a strong message. He needs to tell the people, they have to give that 1237 number. That way no stands in his way. He needs to tell them also, the political elitist in both the Republican and Democratic Parties wants to keep them poor and pay cheque to pay cheque.


seignet posted:
baseman posted:

And I know Black folks are going to dump Hilary once Trump starts talking to them. 

I .


Yes Trump is talking to blacks.  He is telling his supporters to "bash them in the face", "take them out in stretchers", that "political correctness is bad", and that "if THE blacks don't like the USA then they should go back to Africa".

Now with all of that, please tell me why blacks will support Trump?

baseman posted:

Nah, what racism, most Guyana Muslims look like me!  My few Guyanese Muslim relatives are squeaky clean and most are Hindus and Christians.  !!


They look like "Muslims" and will be barred from entry into the USA. 

The mere fact that they have origins in South Asia means that they are "Muslim terrorists".  And if they like Bollywood worse yet as your average Trumpee cannot tell the difference between that and "terrorist" music.

baseman posted:
Kari posted:'re setting up yourself for some pain. Read my lips, er, blog.....NO PRESIDENT TRUMP. Ain't gonna happen.......but palava yourself for now. You have until November (he will be the GOP nominee and Hillary's drum to beat).

Hey lighten up, baseman fully understands the odds and what may or may not be.  But his agenda will creep it's way into policy regardless who wins, that you can be sure.

All them days of [breaking the law] coming illegal and "regularizing" or living illegal without control done.  You might even see a partial wall sometime.  You will also see a more robust approach to handling the Islamist terrorist threat at home and abroad.  There will be tougher trade agreement enforcement and harsher deals.

Regardless of the outcome, Trump will have accomplished his mission in or out of the White House.  For this reason, the battle must go all the way to the Convention floor and down "Electric Avenue"!!

baseman, you just don't understand Americana or Pax Americana.

There will be no wall - it's un-American.

There will be no budget for Federal enforcement of illegal witch-hunting than you've had historically and of course local law enforcement wants none of that action.

There is no "robust" action beyond the strategy being employed now. There will no incarceration of Muslims in America like the "Japanese in the2nd world war, or increased surveillance or carpet bombing of some Middle East country (so 20th century) or American soldiers in a ground war.

Free Trade is not something that you can buck. It's progress. There is sufficient surveillance on unfair trade, dumping, unequal tariffs, bureaucratic barriers, etc. to make free trade stand up. The arguments about jobs lost in free trade misses the point about countries doing in the production stage what they're competitive about. For example America in high tech goods and farm products; china in plastic toys and India in cheap clothing.

Speak with smarts. I'm willing to entertain anything that trump says but hey have to make sense. So far all he's doing is waht a smart politician will do - demolish the field by tapping in to what the Party voters express. For him, and you, unfortunately, not only do your arguments suck they are in the minority. that's the reality.


baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Black folks will never I repeat will never turn to Trump.You really do not know Black folks.

Yes we do, skites banna, we from GUYANA!!!  Well, naive Hillary found out the hard way in 2008!!

Anyway, the Black [relative] situation has not changed one iota under Obama, not one!! 

And you have still NOT given us proof that Trump is NOT a black hating racist.

If he hates blacks, or is blind to the OVERT hostility that his goons display to blacks, EVEN THOSE WHO ARE PART OF THE GOP, then why will you think that blacks will support him?

In fact, aside from protestors, how many blacks do you see at the Trump (KKK) rallies.  I will suggest to you that the vast majority of blacks will be TERRIFIED to attend a Trump event.

baseman posted:

Nah!!  don't make that your concern!  I'm more concern someone looking like me getting in and creating mayhem and people look at me with fear and suspicion!!

Let me get more personal.  If your were NOT a resident of Canada or the USA, under Trump you will NOT be able to enter the USA.

Are you a terrorist?

Kari posted:

Speak with smarts. I'm willing to entertain anything that trump says but hey have to make sense. So far all he's doing is waht a smart politician will do - demolish the field by tapping in to what the Party voters express. For him, and you, unfortunately, not only do your arguments suck they are in the minority. that's the reality.


Kari forgive the childish and the simple (meaning retarded).  Trump will NOT do ANYTHING that he tells his imbeciles that he will do.

Ironically I am MORE comfortable with a Trump presidency that I am with a Cruz presidency.

My problem with Trump is that he is a reality TV fraud.  He is selling what he believes that mentally limited people will buy.  So he utters " America will win so much that we will be tired of winning".

Trump probably has more assets OUTSIDE of the USA than he does within. As a developer Trump finds the cheapest labor possible and even allegedly employed UNDOCUMENTED Polish workers at one of his sites IN THE USA.  He will neither chase out undocumented people, nor will he risk a trade war by blocking imports.

I feel sorry for the brown bai KKK and the white KKK, who will be sadly deluded as to what a Trump presidency will bring.

They should be supporting Cruz if this vision of the USA that Trump peddles is what they wish.  In fact THIS is the reason for the GOP Trump panic.  NOT his vulgarity, or bigotry!

Like Bloomberg, I think that Trump is bored, and wants to do something else.  So being president seems cool.  Like the fraud that he is he will sell a bill of goods to get the results that he wants.  The campaign for the presidency is now another "Real Housewives" episode, because Trump calculated that this is what most GOP supporters want.

It also doesn't hurt that Trump's AC empire has crumbled, taking his rep as a shrewd business down the drain!


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