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caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Paul Ryan Says He Cannot Support Donald Trump for Now - The New York Times



Ah, shut up you clown.  Ryan cannot yet support Trump because of his conservative views on issues where Trump is more Center. .

So there we have it.  Only the racist and the ignorant support Trump.  Liberals don't, moderates don't, and if the conservatives don't, then who does?

Nah, is nothing like that.  The "Establishment" is upset that the non-Establishment come in and upset the apple cart.  They will all get over it and fall into line.

Was it not Ryan who said a 3rd Obama term (Hillary) ushers in the end of America's greatness?


There are good and there are bad in every society.  Illegals, by the way the come and what they are exposed to, are likely to be less educated, have more criminals in their midst and/or are likely to be sucked into a life of crime given their limited options.  For this reason illegals should be out and be labors be hosted as guest workers sponsored under a State program!


Former VP, Dick Cheney pledged to support Donald Trump. Rick Perry of Texas enforces Trump. Trump also expect more endorsements from top republicans after his meeting at Capital hill yesterday. Trump is starting to unite the Republican party. Next Tuesday primary poll shows Trump ahead. NJ poll puts him at 70% already.

Cobra posted:

Former VP, Dick Cheney pledged to support Donald Trump. Rick Perry of Texas enforces Trump. Trump also expect more endorsements from top republicans after his meeting at Capital hill yesterday. Trump is starting to unite the Republican party. Next Tuesday primary poll shows Trump ahead. NJ poll puts him at 70% already.

Cobra, there is no stopping Trump.

You and Base deserve medals for picking a winner early in the game.

Trump will trash Grandma.

ba$eman posted:

There are good and there are bad in every society.  Illegals, ., have more criminals in their midst .

Here is the deal. Among Mexicans the LOWEST level of crime is among the undocumented and the HIGHEST level of crime is among those whose GRAND parents came from Mexico.

Living in the USA is what turns people of Mexican descent criminal.  Not being an undocumented migrant.

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Former VP, Dick Cheney pledged to support Donald Trump. Rick Perry of Texas enforces Trump. Trump also expect more endorsements from top republicans after his meeting at Capital hill yesterday. Trump is starting to unite the Republican party. Next Tuesday primary poll shows Trump ahead. NJ poll puts him at 70% already.

Cobra, there is no stopping Trump.

You and Base deserve medals for picking a winner early in the game.

Trump will trash Grandma.

Only in dreams of Trump and his supporters.

Indeed, there is no stopping of Trump to go head-way into the deep abyss as a looser.

Cobra posted:

Former VP, Dick Cheney pledged to support Donald Trump. Rick Perry of Texas enforces Trump. Trump also expect more endorsements from top republicans after his meeting at Capital hill yesterday. Trump is starting to unite the Republican party. Next Tuesday primary poll shows Trump ahead. NJ poll puts him at 70% already.

I am not surprised.  I meet people daily who quietly support Trump but still keeps it under wraps!  And these are not so-called "red-necks"!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


Trump will pivot more center !!

And videos will be made available to show that some an attempt will be fraudulent.  He did damn Mexicans as rapists.  He did blame the Chinese, and not rich white men, for the loss of jobs. He wants to ban Muslims from entering the USA.

Beyond that the man has no plans, and not the vaguest notion as to what being president entails.

Listen bai, play in your small sandbox!!  According to you and others, Trump should be politically dead a long time ago!

Tell dem Base.

All them Katahars wrote off Trump even before the race started.

There is no stopping the Trump train. Grandma has to move aside.

Last edited by Former Member

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