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Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump is Unstoppable.

Indeed and on his way to eventually loose his goal.

DG, Hillary will have to campaign harder and spend a lot of money for the presidency. This November will not be a cake walk election for her. Many of Hillary's young supporters have a change of mind about her credibility as Secretary of State under Obama's administration. She is hoping to get into the mud slinging competition against Trump to win over the women votes, and Trump has a combative mouth that can cause her more trouble than she ever expected. It would give me joy to see grandma in the ring with Trump. The best always left for last.

Cobra posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump is Unstoppable.

Indeed and on his way to eventually loose his goal.

DG, Hillary will have to campaign harder and spend a lot of money for the presidency. This November will not be a cake walk election for her. Many of Hillary's young supporters have a change of mind about her credibility as Secretary of State under Obama's administration. She is hoping to get into the mud slinging competition against Trump to win over the women votes, and Trump has a combative mouth that can cause her more trouble than she ever expected. It would give me joy to see grandma in the ring with Trump. The best always left for last.

Trump will pelt mud at Hillary, who will smile, wipe it off, and smirk that this shows what a pig Trump will be.

She will get Bernie supporters, who hate Trump way more than they hate her.

She will also get many GOP, who will be mortified at a lout who might go to international forums and start calling other heads that they are "pu***ies who need to be punched in their faces.


Florida poll: Donald Trump leads Marco Rubio home State of Florida.

(CNN) Donald Trump is leading Marco Rubio in the Florida senator's home state by 8 percentage points, a Monmouth University poll out Monday shows.

Trump has the support of 38% of Florida's likely GOP primary voters, compared to 30% who back Rubio, 17% for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and 10% for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Calderon Bandingkan Donald Trump Sama dengan Adolf Hitler - Aktual.Com ...

Hitler is what Mahatma Gandhi should have been to defend the great land of India. Donald Trump understood the concepts of Hitler in a new era of leadership in America. Exterminate and conquer.

baseman posted:
punched in their faces..

Be careful with that logic!!

I never heard he spoke with disrespect towards other heads of states. 

There are people he don't like but don't disrespect! 

We can only go by his track record, and his behavior at campaign events suggests that he will be disrespectful to other heads.  In fact his hero, Putin, behaves exactly like that.

In fact Putin likes to work around shirtless.  I hope that Trump doesn't do this.  Obama can get away with that on his Hawaiian vacations. Not the Donald, who will look like a beached whale.

kp posted:

There is lots of time for Rubio to catch up, look and see. Trump is a FAKE, his followers are uneducated and DUMB.

By tonight you will learn that Rubio cannot catch up. He is desperately afraid that he will lose FL.  He is now begging folks there to vote for him as only he can stop Trump.

Now he has been their senator, yet he is down to begging for an anti Trump vote.

No one is going to win enough delegates, and Trump's Storm Troopers, will beat up the other delegates, and seize the candidacy.  Just as Hitler did.

Baseman is going to try to be among them, but they will call him a rag head ni99er, and beat him up to.  Granger will rescue him, just as he did Kwame.

Last edited by Former Member

Words of Wisdom

(CNN) In the wake of Donald Trump's sweeping victory on Super Tuesday, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is challenging establishment Republicans to unite behind the GOP front-runner if he becomes the nominee.

"The establishment Republicans are all bed-wetting over this," Huckabee said Wednesday on Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "Don't pretend that all of the voters who have gone out and voted for him are stupid. They are not stupid. ... They're angry, and they're angry at the very establishment who is going nuts because Donald Trump is doing so well."

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

That a horrible lie! .

And it's a horrible lie, the PPP stole the nation dry.  Come with facts!!!

When folks whose only source of income is their salary suddenly become obscenely rich they have only one other wealth building plan....grift and graft.  That much is self evident.

Then audit them and prove it!

Those in office are trying to do just is up to them not me.

Good, well stop babbling hot gas and let them do their job!  And you accept the outcome!!

Why should I when the crooks are before me? Do you ever prove the PNC stole anything or had fraudulent elections except by inference? Get real punk....

Jesus Christ!!!! Too much piwari damaged your brain or did you eat bitter cassava as a child?

baseman posted:


All who thinks Hillary will have a field day, be careful!!

the only people who think that any win is guaranteed are fascist Trump lovers like you.

You shiver in anticipation of acceptance by the white supremacists, thinking that they will love you because both you and they hate blacks.

You will be severely disappointed.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

That a horrible lie! .

And it's a horrible lie, the PPP stole the nation dry.  Come with facts!!!

When folks whose only source of income is their salary suddenly become obscenely rich they have only one other wealth building plan....grift and graft.  That much is self evident.

Then audit them and prove it!

Those in office are trying to do just is up to them not me.

Good, well stop babbling hot gas and let them do their job!  And you accept the outcome!!

Why should I when the crooks are before me? Do you ever prove the PNC stole anything or had fraudulent elections except by inference? Get real punk....

Jesus Christ!!!! Too much piwari damaged your brain or did you eat bitter cassava as a child?

Moron, it is a comparative. If you can say the PNC were crooks and stole by inference why cannot inference be used with the PPP? In any case, the argument that they are crooks is deductive as well.


Donald Trump: 'I think Islam hates us'

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump said Wednesday that he thinks "Islam hates us," drawing little distinction between the religion and radical Islamic terrorism.

"I think Islam hates us," Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper, deploring the "tremendous hatred" that he said partly defined the religion. He maintained the war was against radical Islam, but said, "it's very hard to define. It's very hard to separate. Because you don't know who's who."

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:


All who thinks Hillary will have a field day, be careful!!

the only people who think that any win is guaranteed are fascist Trump lovers like you.

You shiver in anticipation of acceptance by the white supremacists, thinking that they will love you because both you and they hate blacks.

You will be severely disappointed.

Not sure what your judgements of baseman are based on.  Baseman have no illusions of the White extremist and never want to see a roll back or debasing of the civil rights accomplishments in general and Black rights in particular!

A Trump presidency will do none of that!

Baseman never had any apprehension of dealing with the White world, US or Europe.  In fact it's a good world to deal within!  It's a world of hard work but accountability and results!

The White world is not on top by a mere stroke of luck and the Black world is not at the bottom by a mere stroke of bad luck!!

There are no "Black rights in particular". You are a moron. I do not know what kind of luck you call slavery or jim crow or segregation or the various institutional red lining etc of black people.  What ever is this special ingredients you speak of that keeps one group "on top" of another has no other prescription except  rottenness and evil.


Donald Trump calls for GOP unity

(CNN) Donald Trump urged Republicans to unite behind his candidacy Wednesday, following a trio of victories on Tuesday night in Mississippi, Michigan and Hawaii.

"If we could embrace this moment as a party, we're going to win so easily," the billionaire businessman told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."

Trump said the record-breaking turnout his march to the Republican presidential nomination had produced is "absolutely unique and special."

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump calls for GOP unity

(CNN) Donald Trump urged Republicans to unite behind his candidacy Wednesday, following a trio of victories on Tuesday night in Mississippi, Michigan and Hawaii.

"If we could embrace this moment as a party, we're going to win so easily," the billionaire businessman told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."

Trump said the record-breaking turnout his march to the Republican presidential nomination had produced is "absolutely unique and special."

Mississippi has such a wonderful record of a coming together of Americans.

baseman posted:

The White world is not on top by a mere stroke of luck and the Black world is not at the bottom by a mere stroke of bad luck!!

Listen idiot.  Some illiterate red neck is NOT on top.  People like YOU empower them with their ignorance by screaming that the USA is a white country.  NO.  The USA is a MULTI ETHNIC nation made of individuals.

No one gets priority based on race.  Your screams reflect the belief of white supremacist that the USA is a white country, that whites should get priority, and that others should accept what they get and do nothing to ensure fairness.

So hateful you are of blacks, that you don't even know what you are doing to YOURSELF!


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