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Donald Trump kicks off British visit with tweet against London mayor: ‘He is a stone cold loser’

U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in Britain on Monday for a largely ceremonial visit meant to strengthen ties between the two nations, but the trip was immediately at risk of being overshadowed by Brexit turmoil and a political feud with London’s mayor.

Even before Air Force One touched down north of London, Trump unleashed a Twitter tirade against London Mayor Sadiq Khan, leader of the world city where Trump will stay for two nights while partaking in a state visit full of pomp and circumstance.

READ MORE: Trump denies calling Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. Here are his exact words

The move came after a newspaper column in which Khan said Trump did not deserve red-carpet treatment in Britain and was “one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat” from the far-right to liberal democracy.

“@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom,” Trump wrote just before landing. “He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
 .@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me......
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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
 .@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me......
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
 ....Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now!

The president added that Kahn reminded of the “terrible” mayor of his hometown, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio though “only half his height.” De Blasio, a Democrat, is a longshot candidate in the 2020 presidential race. Khan supporters have previously accused Trump of being racist against London’s first Muslim mayor.

The president then added a few warm words for his hosts, tweeting that he was looking forward “to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit.”

The Trumps then boarded Marine One, the presidential helicopter, for the trip from Stansted Airport to the centre of Britain’s capital.

WATCH: Queen Elizabeth II welcomes Trump with official ceremony at Buckingham Palace

The agenda for Trump’s weeklong journey is mostly ceremonial: a state visit and an audience with Queen Elizabeth II in London, D-Day commemoration ceremonies on both sides of the English Channel and his first presidential visit to Ireland, which will include a stay at his coastal golf club.

But the U.S. president will arrive at a precarious moment, as he faces a fresh round of impeachment fervour back home and uncertainty on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. British Prime Minister Theresa May has faced months of political turmoil over Brexit and French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to use the 75th anniversary of the World War II battle that turned the tide on the Western Front to call for strengthening the multinational ties the U.S. president has frayed.

A sense of deja vu quickly spread around London as Trump blasted British leaders.

A year ago, Trump also took aim at his hosts before landing on English soil, blasting May in an interview just hours she hosted him for dinner. Though he has spared May so far this time, he has praised her rival, prime ministerial hopeful Boris Johnson, just days before May steps down as Conservative leader on Friday for failing to secure a Brexit deal.

READ MORE: Trump says angry baby blimp flying over London makes him feel ‘unwelcome’

“I think Boris would do a very good job. I think he would be excellent,” Trump told The Sun. “I like him. I have always liked him. I don’t know that he is going to be chosen, but I think he is a very good guy, a very talented person.”

It was not clear if the Trump endorsement would hurt or help Johnson’s chances of becoming Britain’s next leader.

He also told the Sunday Times that Britain should “walk away” from Brexit talks and refuse to pay a 39 billion pound ($49 billion) divorce bill if it doesn’t get better terms from the European Union. He said he might meet with another pro-Brexit politician, Nigel Farage, and claimed Farage should be given a role in the Brexit negotiations.

After lunch with Queen Elizabeth II, Trump will be honoured at extravagant state dinner at Buckingham Palace. Demonstrators are expected, including the possible return of an inflatable balloon depicting the president as a baby.

WATCH: Trump, First Lady greeted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace

And even some of the pageantry could have awkward moments. The formal tea hosted by Prince Charles brings together a future king who has warned repeatedly about the perils of climate change with a president who is actively dismantling U.S. policies designed to slow global warming.

In an interview with The Sun, Trump weighed in on the American-born Duchess of Sussex. The former Meghan Markle, who gave birth to a son in May and will not attend the week’s events, was critical of Trump in the past, prompting the president to tell the tabloid, “I didn’t know that she was nasty.”

Trump said later that he thought Markle would be “very good” as a royal and claimed that he only meant her comments were “nasty.”

Trump will also make his first presidential visit to Ireland on Wednesday. Trump will spend two nights at his golf club in Doonbeg, which sits above the Atlantic. After Dublin balked at holding a meeting there, a deal was struck for Trump to meet Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at Shannon Airport.

The centerpiece of the president’s visit will be two days to mark the 75th anniversary of the June 6, 1944, D-Day anniversary, likely the last significant commemoration most veterans of the battle will see. The anniversary events will begin in Portsmouth, England, where the invasion was launched, and then move to Normandy, France, where Allied forces began to recapture Western Europe from the Nazis.

The day is normally a heartfelt tribute to unity and sacrifice, outweighing any national or political skirmish. But some on both sides of the Atlantic are nervous about Trump, who has shown a willingness to inject partisanship into such moments.

“My greatest hope is this: the president and all the leaders stay focused on the extraordinary heroism of that of D-Day and focusing on what brought allies to that position,” said Heather Conley, senior vice-president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Dark clouds are forming once again in Europe, and rather than encourage those forces, we need to find much better tools to defeat them.”

On his most recent European visit, last November in France, Trump was heavily criticized for skipping a ceremony at an American military cemetery to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I when rain grounded his helicopter. European leaders, meanwhile, stood in the rain to honour the dead.

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No 'brooch warfare': Queen keeps it simple for Trump Staff, Published Monday, June 3, 2019 9:55AM EDT, Last Updated Monday, June 3, 2019 9:59AM EDT,

Queen Elizabeth II met U.S. President Donald Trump at Buckingham Palace Monday, at the start of his three-day state visit to the U.K.

The last interaction between the monarch and the president had the world questioning whether the Queen had committed ‘brooch warfare,’ by choosing to wear a piece from her personal collection, given to her by the Obamas. At the time, some saw her fashion choice as a subtle snub to Trump.

This year, the Queen wore the round Cambridge Emerald Brooch, something she has worn often in the past.

The brooch is part of a collection of emerald jewelry that came into the Royal Family through Queen Mary, who retrieved the stones from her brother’s married mistress after his untimely death in 1910.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Donald Trump kicks off British visit with tweet against London mayor: ‘He is a stone cold loser’

The centerpiece of the president’s visit will be two days to mark the 75th anniversary of the June 6, 1944, D-Day anniversary, likely the last significant commemoration most veterans of the battle will see. The anniversary events will begin in Portsmouth, England, where the invasion was launched, and then move to Normandy, France, where Allied forces began to recapture Western Europe from the Nazis.

The day is normally a heartfelt tribute to unity and sacrifice, outweighing any national or political skirmish. But some on both sides of the Atlantic are nervous about Trump, who has shown a willingness to inject partisanship into such moments.

“My greatest hope is this: the president and all the leaders stay focused on the extraordinary heroism of that of D-Day and focusing on what brought allies to that position,” said Heather Conley, senior vice-president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Dark clouds are forming once again in Europe, and rather than encourage those forces, we need to find much better tools to defeat them.”

Quite likely, Trump will be on his focused irrational approach.


Social media brands Trump 'laughably out of place' at state banquet

President Trump, Queen Elizabeth and Melania Trump [ALASTAIR GRANT/AFP/Getty Images).President Trump, Queen Elizabeth and Melania Trump (ALASTAIR GRANT/AFP/Getty Images).

Donald Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom has been marred by protests, but criticism of the President of the United States’s policy pale in comparison to the backlash from the fashion police.

After a busy day of engagements greeting members of the Royal Family, the president and First Lady Melania Trump suited up for a formal state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

ALSO SEE:Duchess of Cambridge wears Princess Diana's tiara for state banquet with Queen and Donald Trump

While Melania opted for a white sleeveless gown by Dior with matching elbow-length globes, many felt Trump’s attire was ill-fitting and that the president appeared “uncomfortable.

[PHOTO:JEFF GILBERT/Royal Rota. Buckingham Palace, London, United Kingdom) PHOTO:JEFF GILBERT/Royal Rota. Buckingham Palace, London, United Kingdom)

“I’m sure he had a fashion consultant help him with his clothes for the occasion,” one Twitter user said of Trump’s tux, “but he looks like his jacket is too short and his shirt is untucked.”

In a barrage of tweets, the first images surfaced of the POTUS arriving to the banquet alongside Queen Elizabeth, and royal watchers wasted no time when it came to voicing their opinions on Trump’s appearance.

Whenever @realDonaldTrump reads a speech he clearly didn’t write, he reads like he’s seeing it for the very first time.

Karma @B14Freedom
Trump in his Tuxedo reading at the State Dinner:

Green eggs and ham, said Sam I am...Green eggs and ham.
By the way, you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

35 --

“How does he look so lumpy in a tux?” one unimpressed person wrote. “EVERY man looks good in a tux.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump with Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles during a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace in London. @realDonaldTrump

View image on Twitter
Ruth Ann @Fairy_Gmother
Trump does not look happy in that tux. The look on his face is that of a three year old forced to be a ring bearer at a wedding.

“He looks laughably out of place,” another shared. “Must have gotten his clothes from rent-a-royal-suit.”

“All that money and Trump couldn’t find a tux that fits?” a Twitter user asked. “Who let this happen? Someone on his team should be fired. Melania looks perfect as usual.”

Alphipps64 @Alphipps64
If @realDonaldTrump got his at , he should get his money back.
18 --

While Trump’s tux may not have been a hit, the president has two more days left of his state visit to make a good impression on the people of the U.K.


Trump will retake the white house in 2020. DG will continue to see Trump until 2024. I guaranteed that to him. American folks love an action president with attitude and to do away symbolic figures. 

Prince posted:

Trump will retake the white house in 2020. DG will continue to see Trump until 2024. I guaranteed that to him. American folks love an action president with attitude and to do away symbolic figures. 

Which American folks do you rant about?  Only 38% love Trump. Another 10-15% tolerate him because they think that the Dems are ridiculous.

I will not predict next year.  If his tariff tantrums spark a global slowdown he will be gone.   The Chinese know that if their people protest its Tiananmen again.  Trump actually has to face an election.

Prince posted:

Yes, really. Take note to remember what is a prediction from facts. 

It will shock you to know how many in the GOP fear him, not love him.  If he messes with their money they will ensure that Biden becomes president.  He is no Elizabeth Warren (Mrs. Castro) so they can live with him.


Of course I wonder why the goodly London mayor decided to get into a tweet war with Trump.  You can never win because he has no concept of the truth or facts of life, so will not even understand if his rants are nonsensical.

In the interim Sadiq looks like he has too much time on his rants.

Who cares whether Trump looks uncomfortable or not.  As of now the British are groveling to him because this Brexit has become a fiasco. A few years ago they boasted that he wasn't invited for a state visit.  Now he arrives, insults the mayor of the largest city, tells the British that they should vote for a wild haired clown (he wants company) and he gets a full audience with the Queen and a meeting with the PM.

And 1 million people in the UK show how important he is by engaging in a huge protest. As far as trump is concerned this will be a very successful visit.

caribny posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will retake the white house in 2020. DG will continue to see Trump until 2024. I guaranteed that to him. American folks love an action president with attitude and to do away symbolic figures. 

Which American folks do you rant about?  Only 38% love Trump. Another 10-15% tolerate him because they think that the Dems are ridiculous.

I will not predict next year.  If his tariff tantrums spark a global slowdown he will be gone.   The Chinese know that if their people protest its Tiananmen again.  Trump actually has to face an election.

Shut you poke, Carib. This is not Guyana gyaff. Anyone who dislikes Trump is considered to be shit hole citizens. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

America’s First Lady knocks it out of the ballpark with the fashion and the amazing body to show case it.

Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssss, I do agree.

I hope that waste person husband of hers does not defile such sweet delicate flesh, hope she keeps it away from him. He can go hang out with the Russian pee'ers, that's more his speed.

Prince posted:
caribny posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will retake the white house in 2020. DG will continue to see Trump until 2024. I guaranteed that to him. American folks love an action president with attitude and to do away symbolic figures. 

Which American folks do you rant about?  Only 38% love Trump. Another 10-15% tolerate him because they think that the Dems are ridiculous.

I will not predict next year.  If his tariff tantrums spark a global slowdown he will be gone.   The Chinese know that if their people protest its Tiananmen again.  Trump actually has to face an election.

Shut you poke, Carib. This is not Guyana gyaff. Anyone who dislikes Trump is considered to be shit hole citizens. 

Trump is Main Lyin Sackah S-hole. Everything out of his mouth is all shit.

Nehru posted:

He is mad the mayor is MUSLIM!!

Probably mad because the mayor is broadly popular and liked similar to how he gets sleepless nights being jealous of how popular Obama is.

Prince posted:
caribny posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will retake the white house in 2020. DG will continue to see Trump until 2024. I guaranteed that to him. American folks love an action president with attitude and to do away symbolic figures. 

Which American folks do you rant about?  Only 38% love Trump. Another 10-15% tolerate him because they think that the Dems are ridiculous.

I will not predict next year.  If his tariff tantrums spark a global slowdown he will be gone.   The Chinese know that if their people protest its Tiananmen again.  Trump actually has to face an election.

Shut you poke, Carib. This is not Guyana gyaff. Anyone who dislikes Trump is considered to be shit hole citizens. 

I think you are the one with the Guyana rumshop babbling. Most Americans do NOT like Trump.  The question is whether they like the Democratic candidate more or less and of course we have the electoral college. 

Even a weak candidate like Hillary won more votes, though too many were piled up in the same places, so she lost based on the electoral college.  It will be the Midwest voters who will decide the election, and as of now many regret their 2016 vote.  Whether they will vote Dem or not depends on who the Dems put up.  If its Mrs. Fidel Warren-Castro then they lose.

ksazma posted:
Nehru posted:

He is mad the mayor is MUSLIM!!

Probably mad because the mayor is broadly popular and liked similar to how he gets sleepless nights being jealous of how popular Obama is.

You don't understand Trump.  Getting a Muslim foreigner mad at Trump plays well with his constituency in the USA. Sadiq just helped him out.

Maybe Sadiq has his own British political realities for engaging in a tweet war with Trump, but if he thinks that he hurts Trump he fools himself.


Trump hates Obama because at a gala Obama had the whole room laughing at him.  The joke is on us because that very night Trump decided to run for office and now he has become a blight on us all (even those who don't realize it).

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

America’s First Lady knocks it out of the ballpark with the fashion and the amazing body to show case it.

Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssss, I do agree.

I hope that waste person husband of hers does not defile such sweet delicate flesh, hope she keeps it away from him. He can go hang out with the Russian pee'ers, that's more his speed.

A few days after Trump leaves office Melania will exercise her Prenup with Trump to get her millions. Given that she came to the USA as a poor woman having the creep periodically touch her doesn't seem to be a bad deal, especially as they reportedly sleep in different rooms.


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