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Donald Trump’s top black strategist in Florida thrown out of Trump rally for being black


Even as Donald Trump suddenly reverse course with his campaign and begins telling rooms full of white people why he’d make a great President for black people, national polls say that he’s polling within the margin of error of zero percent with African-American voters. The Trump campaign does have minority outreach efforts, but those in charge of it say the campaign is blowing them off. Worse, Trump’s own top black strategist in Florida was thrown out of a Trump rally, essentially for being black.

Sean P. Jackson is the head of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida, and he’s also serving as a Donald Trump surrogate in the state. He claims that the head of the Trump campaign in Florida, Karen Giorno, has repeatedly blown off his efforts at getting the campaign to take African-American voters seriously. In fact she apparently couldn’t even remember what he looked like, despite his prominence within the campaign and the numerous conversations they’d had.

When the Secret Service asked Jackson what he was doing backstage at a Donald Trump rally, he identified himself, but none of Trump’s people backstage could vouch for him because none of them recognized him. He claims he asked Giorno to vouch for him, but she said she didn’t recognize him either, so he was escorted out under the assumption he didn’t belong.

In other words, Donald Trump’s own top campaign people in Florida were unable to distinguish the head of the Black Republican Caucus from any other random black guy when they saw him, so by default he was thrown out for being black. In Jackson’s own words, the Republican Party “has done a piss-poor job of courting the black vote over fifty years.” Trump’s sudden token mention of black voters won’t change that. Someone may have to break it to Sean P. Jackson that he’s wasting his time working for a party that can’t even figure out what he looks like, let alone bother to care about the issues he’s advocating for.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Neemakarams will be treated as FILTH!!! Ask Uncle Tom~!!!!!!!!!!!

So the Trump Black surrogate is a neemakram says Nehru.

Further, Nehru sees value in equating this Black Republican surrogate of Trump with Uncle Tom - his dog-whistle name for Moses Nagamootoo.

Well, I'm much better informed today about Moses Nagamootoo thanks to that noted, perceptive and brilliantly analytic mind Nehru.


Ii also learnt that Nehru treats any non-white who toadies up to Trump as a nee nee makarm. Lordie, Lord, none of us would have known this very informative piece of information were it not for the good community-minded service emanating from that selfless soul, Nehru


Kari posted:

Ii also learnt that Nehru treats any non-white who toadies up to Trump as a nee nee makarm. Lordie, Lord, none of us would have known this very informative piece of information were it not for the good community-minded service emanating from that selfless soul, Nehru


How you does cone to conclusions, just after you pull your head out of your ass??  Advise, wait a while before you come to a conclusion, the shit can affect your brain!!!

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

Neemakarams will be treated as FILTH!!! Ask Uncle Tom~!!!!!!!!!!!

So the Trump Black surrogate is a neemakram says Nehru.

Further, Nehru sees value in equating this Black Republican surrogate of Trump with Uncle Tom - his dog-whistle name for Moses Nagamootoo.

Well, I'm much better informed today about Moses Nagamootoo thanks to that noted, perceptive and brilliantly analytic mind Nehru.

I have referred to him correctly a HOUSE SLAVE but Admin Riff Raff asked me to use Uncle Tom.

Nehru posted:
Kari posted:

Ii also learnt that Nehru treats any non-white who toadies up to Trump as a nee nee makarm. Lordie, Lord, none of us would have known this very informative piece of information were it not for the good community-minded service emanating from that selfless soul, Nehru


How you does cone to conclusions, just after you pull your head out of your ass??  Advise, wait a while before you come to a conclusion, the shit can affect your brain!!!

....and this learned sage is well versed in the art of "shit". So you have to respect him when it comes to his lecture on the topic.

RiffRaff posted:

I aint ah Trump supporter, but the source for this story seems very anti Trump

It is easy to prove.  Either the man was tossed out or he wasn't.  I suspect that if he wasn't we would have heard this by now.

Even Omarosa, who is easily Trump's biggest black fan, given the wealth that he has brought her,  is now complaining that his campaign isn't cooperating in her attempts to bring in more black support.

RiffRaff posted:

I aint ah Trump supporter, but the source for this story seems very anti Trump

If it is (anti-Trump) does that make the Daily News report inaccurate?

Does your comment insinuate that you are against anti-Trump news, even accurate ones (and believe me they all are as every story starts with what he says and then it's investigated)?

caribny posted:

Where is baseman.  He told us that 3 years of Trump would solve all the problems that blacks and Hispanics have.

Baseman was off-line for the weekend enjoying the finer things in life.  Anyway, Trump could make  difference with Blacks and improve the lot for seasonal immigrant workers.  But the Liberal Leftist media and the sorrogates want to "black" his message and make it into what it's not.  These Democratic Liberals what it just like that, illegals undercutting and putting skilled workers out of works.

As long at these illegals are available to work and be paid slave wages, your Black brothers can rot in the ghettos, no one cares.  All you do is scream and shout and protest, guess what, who cares, the nation is moving on and the illegals will always fill the gap and your brothers will be left to languish. If you want to preserve the welfare state of Blacks, the high incarceration, etc, run behind who and what you have been doing for 60 years.  I don't care, and I doubt it will matter to Trump anyway.

Just like with Burnham, as an old man, you will one day ponder, what he hell really happened.  And guess what, it matters not to me!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

Where is baseman.  He told us that 3 years of Trump would solve all the problems that blacks and Hispanics have.

Baseman was off-line for the weekend enjoying the finer things in life.  Anyway, Trump could make  difference with Blacks and improve the lot for seasonal immigrant workers.

So why was Trump afraid to go to Chicago and tell blacks exactly that. Yes tell them that they are all poor, unemployed and down and out.  Lazy people who just want government hand outs.  People who he wouldn't hire because they are lazy (and yes Trump has said this).

No he speaks in front of whites so that his lies wouldn't be exposed.


A facebook post from a friend..........


It is dangerous to brush off the Republican nominee's recent appeals to Black voters as being ill-conceived, vacuous, disrespectful and cynical. It's tempting to dismiss those speeches as pointless because they were delivered to overwhelmingly non-Black audiences, and because they denigrated the very constituency which he was supposedly courting.

What we're possibly overlooking is that this is a carefully calibrated reboot of the "Southern Strategy". Invoking the specter of a poor, underserved, violent, uneducated Black population - and the return to "law and order" which is necessary to "help" that demographic - is the ultimate call to arms for "right-thinking" non-Black people nationwide.

This strategy worked for Nixon and ensured that the South turned - and has largely stayed - bright Red since the late 1960s. Pure and simple it's a cynical and backhanded appeal to race.

This should not be dismissed or even taken lightly. This candidate's campaign has seemed to be one of mistakenly hopping from insult to gaffe, to incoherence, to idiocy. Yet he resoundingly walloped his opponents in the primary and continues to attract crowds of supporters as we progress towards the election. However vile the recipe seems to be, there are millions of Americans out there who like the taste. Both the messenger and the message resonate deeply with them.

We MUST ask ourselves, "What do we have to lose?"

In chess, this would be called a gambit.
Magicians refer to it as legerdemain.
In fencing or boxing, it's a feint.
In the con-game, it's called a bait and switch.
Eddie Murphy would probably call it the "banana in the tailpipe".

Whatever you call it, it's a distraction. It's meant to draw your attention in one direction when something - usually detrimental to you - is happening in the other.

Kari posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I aint ah Trump supporter, but the source for this story seems very anti Trump

If it is (anti-Trump) does that make the Daily News report inaccurate?

Does your comment insinuate that you are against anti-Trump news, even accurate ones (and believe me they all are as every story starts with what he says and then it's investigated)?

That was NOT from Daily NEws

Kari posted:

A facebook post from a friend..........


It is dangerous to brush off the Republican nominee's recent appeals to Black voters as being ill-conceived, vacuous, disrespectful and cynical.

No one with a brain is dismissing anything that Trump does, and clearly I don't as I have frequently argued with you about.  As I told you turn out will be a factor. 

And as I warned you this Foundation thing is Hillary's Achilles heel.  Lucky for her Trump's screaming about blacks kept the media away from more news of the Foundation chicanery.  If Trump is roped in the media will swing back to Hillary.

Trump screams about black laziness among white losers who blame blacks for their plight. It is  interesting that as their economic fortunes decline, some of the same pathologies connected to blacks are emerging among this group.  It is clear that he doesn't want black support, or he would have made his appeal in front of black audiences.

And in fact much of the reaction to Trump's appeal to blacks is a carefully modulated theme to ensure that white moderates get the message that Trump is not being genuine, so yes he is still a bigot.

What is indeed a fact is that the moderate white swing voter that Trump needs (he needs 65% of the white vote in key states to win) is uncomfortable by his description of blacks. Had he stuck on the law and order theme then he would have been on stronger ground with this demographic, but they don't want to be seen as being bigots. The whites who agree with Trump are already supporting him.

Trump has a new campaign person who is from NYC so is a moderate. I see her on NY1 all the time.  How long she will last is debatable, as earlier on during the primary season she wasn't kind about him.  She is more of a Jeb Bush kind of GOP.  She will do a job for cash as she is a consultant.

Last edited by Former Member

 If Blacks truly want change and see improvement, they will give Trump a chance  The fact that Blacks stick to the Dem like fly on cow shit make them less powerful.  This is a problem with, and for, Black leaders.  Some Black leaders try to make that break, but they are shunned.  Somehow, for Blacks this cheap welfare-type lingo coming from the Leftist Liberals seem appealing.  However, this will never provide sustainable changes.  Blacks need to let the Dems know they are not the "cat in the bag" but are people with choices and whose choices matter.  It seems though, people like [crooked] Hillary and her Black elite friends want it just that way! Trump cannot change that if they insist on being "cat in the bag".

This is a Black problem, not White, not Asian, and certainlly not Coolie! Even the Guyana Katahars, Leftist and Fullah Mullahs know this.  But they rass dont give one syte about Black people!  They just riding the coat-tail!!  


"However vile the recipe seems to be, there are millions of Americans out there who like the taste. Both the messenger and the message resonate deeply with them."


Some love vile tasting stuff. Me..I luv sweetness.

 kp posted:

Trump was insulting the Blacks in a White environment, just to reenforce his low life White Support.

What's so insulting, the truth?  Un/Under employment among Afros is over 50%.  Large Swathes are unemloyable due to felonies from non-violent and drug related offenses.  They cannot get aid for vocational training. So no skills, no job. These are policy issues which will help Backs. But the Liberal left prefer to protect illegals who fill the vacuum, so no one cares about Blacks and their issues.  Blacks are being given lip service and they buy that crap!

RiffRaff posted:
Kari posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I aint ah Trump supporter, but the source for this story seems very anti Trump

If it is (anti-Trump) does that make the Daily News report inaccurate?

Does your comment insinuate that you are against anti-Trump news, even accurate ones (and believe me they all are as every story starts with what he says and then it's investigated)?

That was NOT from Daily NEws

The question still remains Riff

RiffRaff posted:

Trump's appeal to blacks was telling white people (his audience in NC), that black people lives suck and they should vote for him

What you and your Liberal cohorts need to do is go to Black neighhorhoods and tell them Trump lying to them, that they are truly getting a good deal and that their lives matter and is better than even they know and that they should be appreciative and thankful!

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Trump's appeal to blacks was telling white people (his audience in NC), that black people lives suck and they should vote for him

What you and your Liberal cohorts need to do is go to Black neighhorhoods and tell them Trump lying to them, that they are truly getting a good deal and that their lives matter and is better than even they know and that they should be appreciative and thankful!

stating a problem is easy...that's all that Trump does...state the obvious with no kinda solution

It's like his stand on's now TBD according to the new people in charge...

The man cannot determine where he stands on issues...

Can you believe it, Donald Trump becoming presidential? Who says you can’t polish shit


caribny posted:

And as I warned you this Foundation thing is Hillary's Achilles heel.  Lucky for her Trump's screaming about blacks kept the media away from more news of the Foundation chicanery.  If Trump is roped in the media will swing back to Hillary.


I often wonder if I miss things. People make these grandiose, catch-all accusations and fail to explain what they are. The Hillary Foundation is one that comes to mind.

So I'd be grateful if someone can bullet-point how the Foundation is a sword in Hillary's chances. Let me give it a jab.

  • Overseas Donors to the Foundation when she was Secretary of State. a Foundation Executive or because family members were  that somehow she usurped her office to grant favors? If so what were these? These should be enumerated. Fair?
  • Local Donors got access to her office that they would not ordinarily have gotten. By doing so they made millions and Hillary pocketed some money. Is this another Achilles heel? State how donors benefited or how Hillary minted money.


It's like Benghazi. The Republican Congress prevaricated on bolstering Embassies and Consulates defense in war-torn areas. Please for beefed-up security at a CONSULATE (not an Embassy) in Benghazi never reaced Hillary - as should be the case because it is not an Embassy. Moreover the dead ambassador is a guy who did not shy away from such dangers and on his own left Tripoli where the Embassy (more secured and in a less hostile area) to go to Benghazi in the troubled East on 9/11 and a few days following the incendiary film about Prophet Muhammad. How did Hillary cause those deaths? 

Also the Email Server. We know previous Secretaries of State (Condi and Colin) used non-State email accounts. Hillary's use of a private email (explained by it being more secure than State's) was plainly bad. She stated that none of the classified emails were marked classified then. So they became classified retroactively. Did she pass State secrets to foreign hostile governments?

The attention to Trump and thus away from these distractions is more a function of the Donald being new to politics, a buffoon, an attention-seeker and all that stuff. So she's under the radar with enough name recognition and a body of work and ran in elections. Good luck!

ba$eman posted:

 If Blacks truly want change and see improvement, they will give Trump a chance  

In fact blacks should also join the KKK because that is what Trump has done.  I mean when a BLACK GOP representative for Trump is tossed out of a Trump event that should show exactly what most Trump supporters think of blacks.

ba$eman posted:
 kp posted:

Trump was insulting the Blacks in a White environment, just to reenforce his low life White Support.

What's so insulting, the truth?  Un/Under employment among Afros is over 50%.

Blacks suffered under Nixon, Reagan and both Presidents Bush.

So why again is the GOP good for them?  The GOP attract white supremacists and even disrespect their own black representatives.  As of now black GOP reps are complaining that they GOP does NOT support their efforts to attract black support.


Kari posted:
caribny posted:

And as I warned you this Foundation thing is Hillary's Achilles heel.  Lucky for her Trump's screaming about blacks kept the media away from more news of the Foundation chicanery.  If Trump is roped in the media will swing back to Hillary.


I often wonder if I miss things. People make these grandiose, catch-all accusations and fail to explain what they are. The Hillary Foundation is one that comes to mind.


Let us put this away.  The Clintons do NOTHING unless they make money. So yes they benefit one way or the other from the Foundation.  Haitians want to know what happened to the Foundation money that was spent on earthquake relief.  It didn't go to the Haitian gov't so where did it go?


If we discover that Bill used Hillary when she was Secretary of State to access donations from contacts that she had, who donated in order to earn favor with her and with the US gov't, that isn't going to be too well regarded by the US voting population.  You can concoct all sorts of excuses but that will then smack of "Crooked Hillary".

As I said it is all but impossible for Trump to win.  It is some what possible for Hillary to lose if by election day a huge conflict of interest emerges involving the Foundation.  If her base stays home and Trump's angry white working class vote then he wins.

So don't under estimate what a late in the day Foundation scandal may cause.   And don't bother about whether the scandal is real or concocted. One breaking the weekend before the election might be deadly.

You have this habit of arguing from a position of moral high ground. Voters vote based upon whether they trust a candidate or not, and Americans are notorious for staying away from the polls.  Ask DeBlasio who is mayor even though fewer than 30% bothered to vote.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
 kp posted:

Trump was insulting the Blacks in a White environment, just to reenforce his low life White Support.

What's so insulting, the truth?  Un/Under employment among Afros is over 50%.

Blacks suffered under Nixon, Reagan and both Presidents Bush.

So why again is the GOP good for them?  The GOP attract white supremacists and even disrespect their own black representatives.  As of now black GOP reps are complaining that they GOP does NOT support their efforts to attract black support.


Because Trump in breaking the mold.  You can do the same thing the umteen time and sit back and hope for the wheel of fortune to come your way.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:
caribny posted:

And as I warned you this Foundation thing is Hillary's Achilles heel.  Lucky for her Trump's screaming about blacks kept the media away from more news of the Foundation chicanery.  If Trump is roped in the media will swing back to Hillary.


I often wonder if I miss things. People make these grandiose, catch-all accusations and fail to explain what they are. The Hillary Foundation is one that comes to mind.


Let us put this away.  The Clintons do NOTHING unless they make money. So yes they benefit one way or the other from the Foundation.  Haitians want to know what happened to the Foundation money that was spent on earthquake relief.  It didn't go to the Haitian gov't so where did it go?

Trump did not call her "crooked" for nothing!

Well, let the Hatians kick themselves.  Under the great and generous BJ leadership, Guyana (PPP) immediately transferred USD 1 Mil to the reserve account of Haiti so they can quickly get relief to their people.  To this day, it stands as one of the largest per capita donation ever made by any nation anywhere in the world.

And what does Blacks in Guyana and the region do, hate Indians!  So the Clintons "crook" everyone, good for them and good for you, shame on you.  Now go hide under a rock!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

 If Blacks truly want change and see improvement, they will give Trump a chance  

In fact blacks should also join the KKK because that is what Trump has done.  I mean when a BLACK GOP representative for Trump is tossed out of a Trump event that should show exactly what most Trump supporters think of blacks.

Banna, alyuh run behind them like fly on cow sh1t, matters not to me!  I'm more worried about Islamic terrorism here than Black violence!

caribny posted:
Kari posted:
caribny posted:

And as I warned you this Foundation thing is Hillary's Achilles heel.  Lucky for her Trump's screaming about blacks kept the media away from more news of the Foundation chicanery.  If Trump is roped in the media will swing back to Hillary.


I often wonder if I miss things. People make these grandiose, catch-all accusations and fail to explain what they are. The Hillary Foundation is one that comes to mind.


.  You can concoct all sorts of excuses but that will then smack of "Crooked Hillary"..

And that "concoctman" Kari can do very well.  You will not be disappointed!!

ba$eman posted:


Because Trump in breaking the mold. 

Yes he is tossing out his own black strategists from his rallies.

Ever notice how white Trump rallies are?  Yes KKK white!

ba$eman posted:

And what does Blacks in Guyana and the region do, ! 

Explain to black Caribbean people why Indians can enter their countries, cut grass and wash toilet bowls for blacks and still think that they are better than blacks. 

This behavior and ingratitude perplexed these islanders who wanted to know what they hell they had done to Indians except to save them from starving in Jagdeo's country.

I mean talk about ingratitude.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

And what does Blacks in Guyana and the region do, ! 

Explain to black Caribbean people why Indians can enter their countries, cut grass and wash toilet bowls for blacks and still think that they are better than blacks. 

This behavior and ingratitude perplexed these islanders who wanted to know what they hell they had done to Indians except to save them from starving in Jagdeo's country.

I mean talk about ingratitude.

BTW Jamaica sent over nurses and doctors and other DIRECT care that Haitians needed.  For all we know Haitian gov't officials split the cash with Jagdeo, given that corruption is in the genetic make up of both.

They also accommodated some Haitian refugees whereas more blacks arriving in Guyana is something that has terrified the PPP since they refused to join the West Indies Federation in the late 50s.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Every time I see how Blacks shout down Whites and other Blacks on TV for thinking different, I remember why I left Guyana for this White country!!

Look at how you and the rest of your brown bai KKK shout down people like Gilbakka because they fled the PPP plantation.

ba$eman posted:

Every time I see how Blacks shout down Whites and other Blacks on TV for thinking different, I remember why I left Guyana for this White country!!

How about when a pleasantly plump Indian Woman decided she had mo balls than the whiteman so she use some long yard words on the US Ambassador in his class...NOT!

Let's now watch as Baseless tries to defend Classless.

Last edited by cain
ba$eman posted:

Banna, alyuh run behind them like fly on cow sh1t, matters not to me!  I'm more worried about Islamic terrorism here than Black violence!

Well look at story. You sayin' dem Coolie baies gettin mo worser dan dem Black baies dem?

cain posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, alyuh run behind them like fly on cow sh1t, matters not to me!  I'm more worried about Islamic terrorism here than Black violence!

Well look at story. You sayin' dem Coolie baies gettin mo worser dan dem Black baies dem?

Guyanese Islamist of Indian persuasion don't view themselves a "coolies".  It is non-indian who view all Indians as "coolies".  Ónly when they get scorched by Afros they circle the wagons with "coolies".  Once that storm pass, dem seh, alyuh coolies gwan da-side.

I'm sure when Chiefy was in Guyana he stuck with coolie Indians for protection against marauding Afro criminals and to guard his lil illegal smuggling operation!


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