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Former Member

 China and the world will soon realize Trump represents America uncoiling for real!  America has made lots of accommodations and agreements with China.  What are they doing?  Building artificial islands far from their territory threatening other smaller nations and shipping routes!

Trump is about to flip everything on its head...and he really means it!  He will soften up with Russia, harden with China and pull India into the loop!

Domestically, the forgotten, the down trodden and languishing Blacks are about to have their day!


Trump is the new sheriff in town, and HE wants YOU to know that!

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ba$eman posted:

 China and the world will soon realize Trump represents America uncoiling for real!  America has made lots of accommodations and agreements with China.  What are they doing?  Building artificial islands far from their territory threatening other smaller nations and shipping routes!

Trump is about to flip everything on its head...and he really means it!  He will soften up with Russia, harden with China and pull India into the loop!

Domestically, the forgotten, the down trodden and languishing Blacks are about to have their day!

 Trump is the new sheriff in town, and HE wants YOU to know that!

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Your racism knows no bounds. Nothing in the china policy is about black people. Worse it is about undercutting price for those fly over people and their splurges on cheap goods in Walmart. TPP had some design structures to curb to china.

Now you have a crude ignorant man trying strong arm tactics that cannot come out right. The Chinese economy depends on the us but we also depend on them. You cannot disengage without strategic planning. Opening salvos by stupid irrational actons do not demonstrate such planning.

The US never agreed to china claim and has made a point of ignoring them. It has created a pacific defense ring that allowed Taiwan to receive 2 billion in defensive weapons system only this year.The chinese need to be confronted but only with careful consideration of the economic and global landscape.

You do not simply carry a big stick you cannot use. We need the chinese with N Korea  and for dozens of other issues that would make for a safer world. China has no qualms about joining Russia and Iran. They have no fight with them and little to lose if they lose otherwise if they US market. War is about winning the peace not spouting nonsense. We can only win if all the gaps with respect to economics and military are filled and we are not fully ready for a trade war.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

The Chinese will make stir fry out of Donald Trump. All China has to do is dump the American dollar and sit back and watch what happens.

They cannot do anything to him. They can tank the US economy and make it difficult for a recovery in Europe because we are not yet prepared to create alternative supply lines for food and energy to ourselves much less europe. Many critical parts for example, to Iphones and computers reside completely with Chinese manufacturers. Even if we move the Fab we cannot build the product.

Mitwah posted:

The Chinese will make stir fry out of Donald Trump. All China has to do is dump the American dollar and sit back and watch what happens.

Let them try!  They hold large amounts of American financial instruments, let them go ahead and dump the dollar!!

Trump knows what he is doing!!  None of what he did was not thought through!

Don't let anyone be fooled, the US is by far the most powerful nation on planet earth be every measure.  The Chinese cannot even invade Taiwan.  Trump is going to get rough and tumble!

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

 China and the world will soon realize Trump represents America uncoiling for real!  America has made lots of accommodations and agreements with China.  What are they doing?  Building artificial islands far from their territory threatening other smaller nations and shipping routes!

Trump is about to flip everything on its head...and he really means it!  He will soften up with Russia, harden with China and pull India into the loop!

Domestically, the forgotten, the down trodden and languishing Blacks are about to have their day!

 Trump is the new sheriff in town, and HE wants YOU to know that!

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Your racism knows no bounds. Nothing in the china policy is about black people. r.

Where is the racism?  I equally referred to Blacks and down-trodden Whites.  And this had nothing to do with China, but to do with Trump on domestic policies.

Trump made an offer to Blacks, he will deliver.  He will not let down Diamond and Silk!  He also made offers to the rural down-trodden blue-collar deplorable [Whites].

You are a sick individual filled with hate and envy!  You interpret everything through the prism of your sick, hateful racist mind-set!

Prashad posted:

Trump looks like a no nonsense type of man. That is what America needs.

Trump has no idea what he is doing. He cannot even select a Secretary of State as he has no idea what his foreign policy will be, and what skill sets will be needed.

Trump thinks that foreign policy is about negotiating with foreign leaders about where the next Trump Org property will be built.

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is a dictator in the making.

You fools will soon realize that.

Yes, he will dictate to ISIS and their Wahab friends!!

You are poisoned with envy and bitterness because he courting India!

Trump will do what ever Putin tells him to do. Putin has said that he doesn't care the slightest about ISIS and that his only goal is to ensure that Assad remains in power, even if it means that thousands of Syrian infants are killed.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

Trump is a dictator in the making.

You fools will soon realize that.

Yes, he will dictate to ISIS and their Wahab friends!!

You are poisoned with envy and bitterness because he courting India!

Trump will do what ever Putin tells him to do. Putin has said that he doesn't care the slightest about ISIS and that his only goal is to ensure that Assad remains in power, even if it means that thousands of Syrian infants are killed.

Ah, shut up!  Putin left ISIS because he wanted to first fight off and defeat the US/Western allies so weaken their position in a brokered settlement.  He knows everyone [except terror Saudi] will want ISIS gone, so he leave them for another day!

Putin is clever and focused, first order of the day, preserve the regime.  After that, anything goes.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump looks like a no nonsense type of man. That is what America needs.

Trump has no idea what he is doing. He cannot even select a Secretary of State as he has no idea what his foreign policy will be, and what skill sets will be needed.

Trump thinks that foreign policy is about negotiating with foreign leaders about where the next Trump Org property will be built.

Trump is so far ahead of you, you think he is behind you, but he is about to lap you!

You sit and analyse, things are happening around you you cannot comprehend!

ba$eman posted:

Putin is clever and focused, first order of the day, preserve the regime.  After that, anything goes.

Yes Putin is clever. A third rate impoverished nation just took over the world's super power and has made Trump his puppet.

Your Trump has no idea of what is happening in the Middle East. He makes Bush look like a high powered intellect.

By the end of next year you all will disappear just like Rev did. And for the same reason. SHAME!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Putin is clever and focused, first order of the day, preserve the regime.  After that, anything goes.

Yes Putin is clever. A third rate impoverished nation just took over the world's super power and has made Trump his puppet.

Your Trump has no idea of what is happening in the Middle East. He makes Bush look like a high powered intellect.

By the end of next year you all will disappear just like Rev did. And for the same reason. SHAME!

Coming from the blind hapless backer of the learned President who said...ah ISIS is just a JV squad!  Ah, I will close Gitmo, ah, I'll unclench my fist, they will come running!!  Tell me, in 2008, what experience did our Community Agitator prezzy had in international affairs?

Trump whipped your elite IQ Hillary good and proper, mek she cry!!  Ow mi gaaad bai!

And Baseman ain't going anywhere, at least not for the reason you indicate!

BTW, did not not say Trump cannot use US tax laws to incentivize business to stay!

And wow, a third-rate impoverished nation just took over the world's superpower.........under Obama's watch.  Lord have mercy!!  Even baseman never rated Obama's performance that bad!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Coming from the blind hapless backer of the learned President who said...ah ISIS is just a JV squad!  Ah, I will close Gitmo, ah, I'll unclench my fist, they will come running!!  Tell me, in 2008, what experience did our Community Agitator prezzy had in international affairs?

Trump whipped your elite IQ Hillary good and proper, mek she cry!!  Ow mi gaaad bai!

And Baseman ain't going anywhere, at least not for the reason you indicate!

BTW, did not not say Trump cannot use US tax laws to incentivize business to stay!

And wow, a third-rate impoverished nation just took over the world's superpower.........under Obama's watch.  Lord have mercy!!  Even baseman never rated Obama's performance that bad!!

One thing you can never call me is a hapless backer of a politician. I leave that to you as you grovel behind Jagdeo and Trump.

No Putin hasn't taken over the USA yet. He will on the day that Trump raises his hand and swears to protect us against foreign tyrants.  Both he and Putin will have a huge laugh afterwards.

See you have already started with the totalitarian nonsense with your Heil Trump.


In fact Obama knows loads about the Middle East.  That is why thousands of Americans aren't being slaughtered in the desert.  The Middle East ought to be the prime concern of Europe.  They need them for their energy.  They have to deal with refugees.  They have huge disaffected Muslim population whi8ch are heavily inspired by the latest nut case activity in the desert.

And Obama also didn't have business interests in the ME. Another reason why thousands of Americans aren't being slaughtered.

Now over to Trump while he tries to figure out this puzzle.

1. The most effective ally against ISIS are the Kurds,but our most powerful ME ally, Turkey, hates them and would rather have ISIS on their borders.

2. Bush handed Iraq over to Iran and Trump has idiots in his cabinet who want to start a war with Iran.  So Iraq will then feature BOTH the Sunnis and the Shia fighting against western interests.  But then we need the Shia to battle against ISIS.

Even now Trump is making mistakes and some already can envision one of his infamous 3AM tweets that he makes will taking his midnight dump, causing a war. He has already praised the Pakistani governing elites, who are embedded with elements of the Taliban.


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