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Donald Trump will be another Donald Dumb

Jan 29, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....another-donald-dumb/

Time longer than twine and nuff people don’t remember that saying. Trump, de erratic, is one of dem; Jagdeo, that scamp, is two; and Donald Dumb is de third.

Yesterday, Trump ban all visas to people from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Some of de people from dem country already had visa and actually travel to de States.

Some of dem sell out all dem property and when dem land de immigration tell dem that dem can’t come in; how Trump seh suh.

Dem boys seh that is what you call discrimination. Dem have Muslims in Russia, in Saudi Arabia; and in Indonesia, de largest Islamic country. He didn’t touch dem because Russia got something wha he can’t talk hard to. As for Saudi Arabia, dem got black gold (oil); Indonesia got textile, paper and most of de world’s materials for manufacturing that Trump need.

Trinidad got Muslims; in fact terrorists left Trinidad and go and fight for ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But dem got oil too. Guyana got Muslims too, but Guyana just find oil.

Dem boys seh, put you pot pun de fire he not touching Guyana or Trinidad. De most he gun do is single out one and two people.

De way Trump behave is exactly how Jagdeo, that scamp, use to behave. Trump never disclose he taxes and Jagdeo never disclose he earnings and how he get dem.

De same way how Trump don’t have regards for de law and people’s rights is de same way Jagdeo disregard de laws of Guyana and disrespect de constitution and people’s rights.

Dumb Trump would seh something today and seh he never seh suh tomorrow. Jagdeo do de same thing. He agree to change de constitution to limit de presidential term; then he sign de change and mek it law.

Then he tun round and put people to go to court to challenge de same term limit wha he mek into law.

Now he seh wha he agree to yesterday, unlawful today and that the he didn’t sign that law; is Donald Dumb sign it.

De same man who Jagdeo seh sign de term limit thing, get he car clamp when he park outside Freedom House, like a dummy, yesterday.

Talk half and watch how Donald Trump gun walk out he office just like Donald Dumb Ramotar.

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