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Former Member

Don't be a shame to look at two great sons of Guyana who will be remembered as the burning flame of Cheddi Jagan. They transformed Guyana's image that can be seen from across the globe. Guyana relies on great leadership to achieve greatness, and that was handed to us from former president, Bharat Jagdeo and president, Donald Ramotar. We must show our appreciation for their service to Guyana and all Guyanese.  

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Cobra you are right. The two fellas are  shameless.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra you are right. The two fellas are  shameless.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 


Mits Bhai, Was dat paragraph written by Ralph Ramkarran????

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Don't be a shame to look at two great sons of Guyana who will be remembered as the burning flame of Cheddi Jagan. They transformed Guyana's image that can be seen from across the globe. Guyana relies on great leadership to achieve greatness, and that was handed to us from former president, Bharat Jagdeo and president, Donald Ramotar. We must show our appreciation for their service to Guyana and all Guyanese.  

A Theif like you would'nt know...they are defintely not Cheddy material.

Cheddy did'nt use the people money to build mansion by the seawall or hand out radio and TV licene to cronies or place his sons and family in cushy government positions... these are more like the Berny Madoffs to Guyana...Cheddy can be call a commie and many other names but he was not a thief...

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra you are right. The two fellas are  shameless.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 


Mits Bhai, Was dat paragraph written by Ralph Ramkarran????

They make up that story, Nehru.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra you are right. The two fellas are  shameless.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 


Mits Bhai, Was dat paragraph written by Ralph Ramkarran????

They make up that story, Nehru.

Meh hear wan socalled Professor plaigarised it. He feel SHAME and gone with wan piece Rope.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Don't be a shame to look at two great sons of Guyana who will be remembered as the burning flame of Cheddi Jagan. They transformed Guyana's image that can be seen from across the globe. Guyana relies on great leadership to achieve greatness, and that was handed to us from former president, Bharat Jagdeo and president, Donald Ramotar. We must show our appreciation for their service to Guyana and all Guyanese.  

Jabba the Hutt Ramotar and ALi Bar Rat  from the clan of the ravenous  crooks.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Don't be a shame to look at two great sons of Guyana who will be remembered as the burning flame of Cheddi Jagan. They transformed Guyana's image that can be seen from across the globe. Guyana relies on great leadership to achieve greatness, and that was handed to us from former president, Bharat Jagdeo and president, Donald Ramotar. We must show our appreciation for their service to Guyana and all Guyanese.  

Jabba the Hutt Ramotar and ALi Bar Rat  from the clan of the ravenous  crooks.

Granger from APNU and Ramjattan of AFC would like to be where they are standing but there is no chance in hell they would ever be president. They can make noise in parliament but that's as far as it goes. You need to show some respect for great men.



Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...


le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry 

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry,  

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Don't be a shame to look at two great sons of Guyana who will be remembered as the burning flame of Cheddi Jagan. They transformed Guyana's image that can be seen from across the globe. Guyana relies on great leadership to achieve greatness, and that was handed to us from former president, Bharat Jagdeo and president, Donald Ramotar. We must show our appreciation for their service to Guyana and all Guyanese.  

Jabba the Hutt Ramotar and ALi Bar Rat  from the clan of the ravenous  crooks.

Granger from APNU and Ramjattan of AFC would like to be where they are standing but there is no chance in hell they would ever be president. They can make noise in parliament but that's as far as it goes. You need to show some respect for great men.

 Why should I concern myself as to the ambitions of the gentlemen you referenced as wanting to fill the shoes of those crooks? My focus is on damage control lease these thieves run us into the poor house.


They say some men are born great, some achieve greatness  and some have greatness thrust upon them and others. Those two are simply mediocrity personified and distinguish themselves only in common place skullduggery of the classic banana republic looting crew.


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