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Originally Posted by redux:

The unprecedented murders and mayhem in Guyana ended when Fineman and the other soldiers on the 'wrong' side in the drug cum 'political' wars were eliminated and the emergent top dawg, RK, was driven out of Guyana (much to the dismay of Jagdeo & the PPP) into the arms of the DEA and US justice.


those are the facts

If the great Gajraj was not hindered from carrying out the task of cleaning out waring drug gangs, arguably, Guyana would never have had Lusignan, Bartica, Lindo Creek and others.  The fact that RK exploited the mayhem to try to land on-top has little to do with the GoG, was just his power grab.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

The unprecedented murders and mayhem in Guyana ended when Fineman and the other soldiers on the 'wrong' side in the drug cum 'political' wars were eliminated and the emergent top dawg, RK, was driven out of Guyana (much to the dismay of Jagdeo & the PPP) into the arms of the DEA and US justice.


those are the facts

If the great Gajraj was not hindered from carrying out the task of cleaning out waring drug gangs, arguably, Guyana would never have had Lusignan, Bartica, Lindo Creek and others.  The fact that RK exploited the mayhem to try to land on-top has little to do with the GoG, was just his power grab.

Quit the crap. Gajraj dealt with the drug gangs and empowered them to murder opponents of the PPP. RK was his boy as Fineman was a gopher for Rk. Lindo Creek is clearly a security force blunder and they tried to cover it up by burning the bodies. Gajraj most likely will be grabbed as soon as he gets on a plane.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The truth shall set you free. Thank you kari for the report. I have been saying for a long time now that vGuyana is 10 times better now that 1992. Dat the Caribjs of the World can put in their Pipes and do whatever pleases them.

I dont see Kari crediting the PPP except in land tenure. He credits high rice and gold prices, in addition to PPP cronyism and drug trafficking. 


But for that people would not be able to build/maintain housing on the lands that they have received.


You do know that rice and gold prices have nothing to do with the PPP.

Rising prices alone would not contribute to those farmers progress. The same price surge existed in 1984- 1986 under Burnham but the spoils went to the big producers like Kayman Sankar and the GRB(with Dundas at the head). IT is the agri reforms that put more rewards in the hands of farmers that allowed rising price benefits to accrue to the ordinary man.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Kari, I understand that things could be better, it always could be, even in the great USA, but it's not.  No leader is perfect, you yourself must admit the colossal failure of Obama to right the US economy, in the shadow of all his other successes and likability attributes.


the colossal failure of Obama to right the US economy


Base, this is where you begin to lower the level of the conversation - and not because the US economy, while out-performing all other industrialized economies (and China with its bloated inventories and white-elephants and growing credit bubble is not classified as a mature industrialized economy), is growing slow. IT is because you make assertions like Obama is a colossal failure with the economy, and yet you fail to show how. Let me help you along here. He has grown the economy in the face of downturns all over. He has helped the economy increase exports, which is good as the domestic economy retrenched from all the public sector layoffs and massive private sector unemployment caused by colossal wealth loss following the Great Recession of 2008 and the financial crisis along with a housing crisis. He has changed the energy and education sectors for long-lasting growth.




Ramotar has an opportunity for a new start by entertaining the concept of engaging new/fresh talents in executing that nations business.  He should also engage the progressive elements within the PNC in an effort to bring reconciliation and improved harmony in the nation.  He should do this without sacrificing the gains achieved this far.  There is no going back to pre-1992, let's get that straight.

Why should the socalled progressive elements within the PNC cooperate with the PPP which is corrupt, incompetent and racist to the core....and unrepentant? And clearly unwilling to reform itself, as this Linden fiasco shoulkd have proven to even you.


This will be a waste of their time.  One doesnt heal a septic wound by placing a bandage over it.  The diminishing share of votes that the PPP has been receiving since 2001 should indicate to you that most Guyanese are tired of them.


Guyana under the PNC was reduced to a bankrupt, debilitated, decrepit society.


Thankfully, under the East Indian led PPP, the country has experienced some progress over the past 22 years.


Black leaders have a way of impoverishing the countries they lead---Burnham and Hoyte impoverished Guyana---and here in the great USA----black, muslim born marxist Hussein Obama is destroying America.


Check out Paul Craig Roberts article titled "AMERICA'S DESCENT INTO POVERTY."


Thankfully, white capitalist Mitt Romney will replace the muslim born black marxist Hussein in November and lead America back to prosperity.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Thankfully, white capitalist Mitt Romney will replace the muslim born black marxist Hussein in November and lead America back to prosperity.





You must feel really happy to be the type of racist that the KKK will love, except that they also consider you to be black.


Any way let me tell you some thing as your memory is quite short.  In Oct 2008 most people in the USA and around the world feared that we would end up in another Great Recession, probably worse than the first one in the 30s.


Guess who was the president then?


So with Obama we got the Great Recession.  Not good but definitely better and you may not know this, but the USA has one of trhe strongest economies among the developed nations, aside from countries like Canada which didnt pursue the George Bush strategy of speculation with minimal regulation and unfunded tax cuts, and unnecessary wars.



Originally Posted by caribny:



Ramotar has an opportunity for a new start by entertaining the concept of engaging new/fresh talents in executing that nations business.  He should also engage the progressive elements within the PNC in an effort to bring reconciliation and improved harmony in the nation.  He should do this without sacrificing the gains achieved this far.  There is no going back to pre-1992, let's get that straight.

Why should the socalled progressive elements within the PNC cooperate with the PPP which is corrupt, incompetent and racist to the core....and unrepentant? And clearly unwilling to reform itself, as this Linden fiasco shoulkd have proven to even you.


This will be a waste of their time.  One doesnt heal a septic wound by placing a bandage over it.  The diminishing share of votes that the PPP has been receiving since 2001 should indicate to you that most Guyanese are tired of them.

Because they don't listen to you living here in the USA.  They have to work within Guyana for betterment of all and the PPP ain't going anywhere.  You should not refer to the word "unrepentant".  The PNC should avoid that word  and discussion like the plague.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

The unprecedented murders and mayhem in Guyana ended when Fineman and the other soldiers on the 'wrong' side in the drug cum 'political' wars were eliminated and the emergent top dawg, RK, was driven out of Guyana (much to the dismay of Jagdeo & the PPP) into the arms of the DEA and US justice.


those are the facts

If the great Gajraj was not hindered from carrying out the task of cleaning out waring drug gangs, arguably, Guyana would never have had Lusignan, Bartica, Lindo Creek and others.  The fact that RK exploited the mayhem to try to land on-top has little to do with the GoG, was just his power grab.

Quit the crap. Gajraj dealt with the drug gangs and empowered them to murder opponents of the PPP. RK was his boy as Fineman was a gopher for Rk. Lindo Creek is clearly a security force blunder and they tried to cover it up by burning the bodies. Gajraj most likely will be grabbed as soon as he gets on a plane.

Gajraj saved many many lives, Indian, Afro and others. Even Caribj admitted, many Afros had fallen victim to the Buxton/Agricola terrorist gangs.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Because they don't listen to you living here in the USA.  They have to work within Guyana for betterment of all and the PPP ain't going anywhere.  You should not refer to the word "unrepentant".  The PNC should avoid that word  and discussion like the plague.

If the PPP is as rotten as you claim most of the PNC to be then what is gained?  Let the PPP and the PNC fix themselves. The PPP remains arrogantly disinterested in cooperating with any one unless they dictate the terms.  Their brutal reaction to two protests, one after the election, the other more recently at Linden shows their true nature.  Assaults on people like Freddie Kissoon ought to disturb any right thinking person and indicate that the PPP in its current form, isnt worth any one's time, any more than the PNC is.


As usual your implication is that some how the PPP is on morally higher ground than the PNC when both are sordid, corrupt and incompetent organixations whose sole aim is to obtain power by exploiting the ethnic insecurities of their supporters.  With neither having any credibility outside of their core ethnic group.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Gajraj saved many many lives, Indian, Afro and others. Even Caribj admitted, many Afros had fallen victim to the Buxton/Agricola terrorist gangs.

Dont quote me to support your racist points.  Gajraj master minded the deaths of scores of blacks and the assassination of some one who would have exposed him.  No wonder he was considered persona non grata in the USA and other democratic nations.


There was a war between two groups of gangsters.  To claim RK was an honorable man when today he is rotting in a NY jail speaks ill of you.  And yes Jagdeo screamed and cried biter tears about how T&T and Suriname cooperated with the USA in his seizure.


This is the PPP who you think that people should cooperate with/  Why dont you tell us to cooperate with Mugabe and Castro while you are at it?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Gajraj saved many many lives, Indian, Afro and others. Even Caribj admitted, many Afros had fallen victim to the Buxton/Agricola terrorist gangs.

Dont quote me to support your racist points.  Gajraj master minded the deaths of scores of blacks and the assassination of some one who would have exposed him.  No wonder he was considered persona non grata in the USA and other democratic nations.


There was a war between two groups of gangsters.  To claim RK was an honorable man when today he is rotting in a NY jail speaks ill of you.  And yes Jagdeo screamed and cried biter tears about how T&T and Suriname cooperated with the USA in his seizure.


This is the PPP who you think that people should cooperate with/  Why dont you tell us to cooperate with Mugabe and Castro while you are at it?

Lots of lives of all races were spared by his actions against the warring gangs based out of Buxton and Agricola.  Politics aside, we must never forget that.


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