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Home Affairs condemns shooting to death of Courtney Crum Ewing

The Ministry of Home Affairs condemns in the strongest possible terms, the shooting to death of Courtney Crum Ewing by unknown person or persons last evening in the Grove /Diamond area, East Bank Demerara.

The Minister of Home Affairs has given orders to the Commissioner of Police to take immediate action with a view to getting to the bottom of this execution-type shooting incident, through the most thorough investigation.
Though it is early yet to draw any specific conclusion or motive in connection with the perpetration of this dastardly act, the Ministry of Home Affairs wishes to alert the general public to be vigilant in respect of any act of violence provoked or unprovoked, that might be possibly initiated by those who may have a political agenda.
The Ministry notes the deep coincidence between the fatal shooting incident and the earlier swearing in of the new Commissioner of Police.
The Ministry extends its sympathy to family and relatives of Courtney Crum Ewing and pledges to support the police in their investigations to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice.
The ministry calls on anyone who may have knowledge about the circumstances /motive surrounding the shooting death of Courtney Crum Ewing to give their full support to the police in their investigation.

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Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.


Because there exists such a body of history in Guyana of Indian political leaders inciting Indians to do racial violence?


Have you lost your mind too old man?


Where the hell are these new violent PNCite type coolies ya'll keep talkin about that seemed to have magically come into being within the past 60 hours?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.

Learn fuh read nah Bhai, He said Pres Ramotar should have kicked the Opposition ass at a Rally.

So an "ass" has been killed. Did Ramotar took Jagdeo advise?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.

Learn fuh read nah Bhai, He said Pres Ramotar should have kicked the Opposition ass at a Rally.


I'm torn. I don't know if our fellow posters are lying because it's election time or are they just stupid.


Kick Ass=Shoot Black People in the head

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.

Learn fuh read nah Bhai, He said Pres Ramotar should have kicked the Opposition ass at a Rally.

So an "ass" has been killed. Did Ramotar took Jagdeo advise?

You lost me. Are you calling AfroGuyanese ASSES???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.

Learn fuh read nah Bhai, He said Pres Ramotar should have kicked the Opposition ass at a Rally.

So an "ass" has been killed. Did Ramotar took Jagdeo advise?

You lost me. Are you calling AfroGuyanese ASSES???

Jagdeo did that on Sunday!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

On Sunday Jagdeo called on a predominatly Indian crowd to go kick asses and 60 hours afterwards an oppostiion activist is shot dead.

Learn fuh read nah Bhai, He said Pres Ramotar should have kicked the Opposition ass at a Rally.

So an "ass" has been killed. Did Ramotar took Jagdeo advise?

You lost me. Are you calling AfroGuyanese ASSES???

Jagdeo did that on Sunday!

Really?? Not too late to learn to read.


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