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Dave posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey a good tought. De prablem is third party dead. ANUG go get two seat. Badal is top notch business man. Dem bais cyant bruck trough when coolie vote foh coolie because dem na sure blackman go split dem vote. Blackman vote foh blackman because dem na sure coolie go split dem vote. We bai Mr TK gat wan fancy name foh dis. Prisoners dilemma trap...hey hey hey. 

You mean third party dead because of this traitor in the middle .... 

Hey hey hey .. yuh eyes sharp deh bai. 

Labba posted:
Dave posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey a good tought. De prablem is third party dead. ANUG go get two seat. Badal is top notch business man. Dem bais cyant bruck trough when coolie vote foh coolie because dem na sure blackman go split dem vote. Blackman vote foh blackman because dem na sure coolie go split dem vote. We bai Mr TK gat wan fancy name foh dis. Prisoners dilemma trap...hey hey hey. 

You mean third party dead because of this traitor in the middle .... 


Hey hey hey...we red shut bai using he fourth handle...meh see yuh was scare Django sniff out all de IP yuh using...hey hey hey. 

Nah we keeping track on TK which soup he drinking next ... hey hey hey ... word on the street is PPPC ... but Dr BJ say we welcome the past supporters.. 

Dave posted:
Labba posted:
Dave posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey a good tought. De prablem is third party dead. ANUG go get two seat. Badal is top notch business man. Dem bais cyant bruck trough when coolie vote foh coolie because dem na sure blackman go split dem vote. Blackman vote foh blackman because dem na sure coolie go split dem vote. We bai Mr TK gat wan fancy name foh dis. Prisoners dilemma trap...hey hey hey. 

You mean third party dead because of this traitor in the middle .... 


Hey hey hey...we red shut bai using he fourth handle...meh see yuh was scare Django sniff out all de IP yuh using...hey hey hey. 

Nah we keeping track on TK which soup he drinking next ... hey hey hey ... word on the street is PPPC ... but Dr BJ say we welcome the past supporters.. 

Hey hey hey...yuh doan know de difference between grass hoppin and cyarpet bagging? Hey hey hey...

kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Best way to rid the country of these dogs is not to vote for either the APNU or the PPP, but to put the majority of votes to a third party. 

Any thoughts? 


OK...let me give this a shot (with help from my Uncle).

The history of third party influence in Guyana is not a reassuring one, for a number of reasons. Part of the problem is demonstrated by the experience of the UF and, more recently, by the AFC, which incidentally had a good chance of changing the dynamics, only if they had shown some level of independence. Both the UF and AFC started out with sizable support but their actions and those of their leadership, rendered them useless.

I was hoping Shuman and his party could make a positive impact but his party face an uphill battle in terms of lack of funds and the geographical isolation and dispersion of its likely supporters (Amerindians).

Chris Ram offered some good reasons today why Third Parties will not make a serious impact, although a Third Party, with sizable support can force some changes by denying the winning party total control of the Legislative Branch. 

Aside from the egoism of the leadership of the small parties (all of them mistakenly believe they are going to win a few seats by going it alone and they can have an impact), but the real reasons include the following:

1. They dont have the financial resource to compete in all regions and nationally

2. They dont have the manpower and organizational structure it takes to mobilize a large section of the population to make a serious impact

3. The small parties are new entrants into the political arena and people tend to go with the known commodity.

4. Voters are not stupid. If they believe their votes will count, they will support a winning ticket...meaning the coalition or the PPP/C.

Look at it this way: CHANGE GUYANA with its focus on the economy will not get many businessmen to support the party, SHUMAN party will not be able to effectively mobilize Amerindians, ANUG is GT based and their meetings are not pulling crowds and they do not have good speakers (although they have smart lawyers), FED-UP is located in Berbice, a PPP stronghold, and the others are led by Johnny Come Lately with no significant loyalty, etc.

Hope this helps.

Long story short: You stuck with the two "dogs".

Must admit ,you uncle thought you well.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Had a talk this morning with a friend [former PPP member]  from the homeland ,he said CHANGE GUYANA will pull some votes ,APNU-AFC will be a minority gov't. Told him i wait to see the list on nomination day , to see how strong is party.

How can CHANGE GUYANA pull votes when they have two big enemies - PPP and PNC?  Badal is a poor strategist.  In politics you create friends, not enemies.

That's why i said will wait and see.

If Anil, Vindy, and Frank join ANUG at the 11th hour we got an election on our hands. Even Naga man might jump in with them.  ANUG has the silent voters.

ANUG aint got has a couple of big name people...nothing more. The party is not known outside of mainstreet GT.  The party is more known that the smaller parties but it lacks support. It does not have a structure. ANUG is waging its campaign  through social media. 

Did you do a poll to ascertain their strength??? Or you just mouthing off?


Dem always had divisions.  Rai leff, Teekah defected, cuzzy Ralphy leff and cuss out BJ, Nagamootoo left and brought his flock just to get screwed over!  Now look you want to see Dr_Irfaan Ali_PhD fail.

No one defecting and not to still born ANUG.  They have no footprint and looks amateurish and lazy.

This is a two-horse race, PPP vs PNC.  Everyone else are water boys.

VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Best way to rid the country of these dogs is not to vote for either the APNU or the PPP, but to put the majority of votes to a third party. 

Any thoughts? 

OK...let me give this a shot (with help from my Uncle).

The history of third party influence in Guyana is not a reassuring one, for a number of reasons. Part of the problem is demonstrated by the experience of the UF and, more recently, by the AFC, which incidentally had a good chance of changing the dynamics, only if they had shown some level of independence. Both the UF and AFC started out with sizable support but their actions and those of their leadership, rendered them useless.

I was hoping Shuman and his party could make a positive impact but his party face an uphill battle in terms of lack of funds and the geographical isolation and dispersion of its likely supporters (Amerindians).

Chris Ram offered some good reasons today why Third Parties will not make a serious impact, although a Third Party, with sizable support can force some changes by denying the winning party total control of the Legislative Branch. 

Aside from the egoism of the leadership of the small parties (all of them mistakenly believe they are going to win a few seats by going it alone and they can have an impact), but the real reasons include the following:

1. They dont have the financial resource to compete in all regions and nationally

2. They dont have the manpower and organizational structure it takes to mobilize a large section of the population to make a serious impact

3. The small parties are new entrants into the political arena and people tend to go with the known commodity.

4. Voters are not stupid. If they believe their votes will count, they will support a winning ticket...meaning the coalition or the PPP/C.

Look at it this way: CHANGE GUYANA with its focus on the economy will not get many businessmen to support the party, SHUMAN party will not be able to effectively mobilize Amerindians, ANUG is GT based and their meetings are not pulling crowds and they do not have good speakers (although they have smart lawyers), FED-UP is located in Berbice, a PPP stronghold, and the others are led by Johnny Come Lately with no significant loyalty, etc.

Hope this helps.

Long story short: You stuck with the two "dogs".

Rams analysis though accurate as to the boulders in the way of small parties is defeatist, cynical and in many ways nihilistic. In short he has given up in the face of the apparent overwhelming impedance to just rule in Guyana given the entrenched corruption and anti progressive forces represented by the two tribal parties. However, science and society never progresses because the people embracing the prevailing paradigm are amenable to change. To the contrary, the understanding iw they never will but must be made irrelevant through some revolutionary act.  Change comes because of internal unease with failure of the system and its inevitable collapse.  Ram knows this hence the dissertation above. But he has given up. 

The reality is that their is a pervasive aroma of in the air that these politicians are performing seals. They say one thing and there is not trust in what is said. The understanding is they are straight up crooks with no desire to seek after the public good. Worse they are intrinsically tribal and their creed is build on dividing the nation to maximize their chance of winning the state for the sole purpose of preserving their feeding trough.

There is hardly any individual, even among the most ardent supporter who mouth their empty slogans and who would preserve it with their lives. Even in their hearts their is a kernel of  rational understanding rotten is afoot that something just lies ahead and not where they stand. This kernel of instability that an anomaly that identifies the present system as insubstantial  is all that is needed to eventually see change to  system. It is not in Rams elaboration of why we cant but in the understanding of why we must. Preserving idea that there is better to come is the worm in this apple. 

The proliferation of third parties is a flouring of the understanding that what is cannot suffice. The means to an end of these two Goliath in the way to change may not be there rationally but change is never rational. It is an instability that cascades emotionally. It is why something other than these two will emerge to stop them so they transform or worse, the system fails through civil strife and has to rebuild. Change will come. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

Sam Cooke comes to mind. Obama played him during his campaign. Change din come though.


Lots of change came. The nation was in an economic freefall. It was losing a million job a month. The marked crashed and companies were dying left and right. 3 of 5  major wall street firms sunk.  

He give us health care a return of the economy, a salvage of the auto industry, concern for the environment, protections for our wetlands and artic lands not to mention recouped all that was spent to rescue the economy and then some. 

Sean posted:

It is not a bad idea to have a third party but right now there is no credible third force. The ones showing up are just recycled PPP or PNC. I predict that we will see a credible third party in ten years. We are left with PPP and PNC for now. Blame third party fatigue and mistrust on the AFC. This is the harsh reality in Guyana today. 

AFC could have been looking real good right now had they not sold their virginity to the PNC. 

That analysis makes no sense. If there are reasons to mistrust AFC in just a few years, look at the reasons to mistrust PPP and PNC in six decades.

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

It is not a bad idea to have a third party but right now there is no credible third force. The ones showing up are just recycled PPP or PNC. I predict that we will see a credible third party in ten years. We are left with PPP and PNC for now. Blame third party fatigue and mistrust on the AFC. This is the harsh reality in Guyana today. 

AFC could have been looking real good right now had they not sold their virginity to the PNC. 

That analysis makes no sense. If there are reasons to mistrust AFC in just a few years, look at the reasons to mistrust PPP and PNC in six decades.

Reasoning of this sort flies over his head like a swallow on its way to Capistrano

D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Sam Cooke comes to mind. Obama played him during his campaign. Change din come though.


Lots of change came. The nation was in an economic freefall. It was losing a million job a month. The marked crashed and companies were dying left and right. 3 of 5  major wall street firms sunk.  

He give us health care a return of the economy, a salvage of the auto industry, concern for the environment, protections for our wetlands and artic lands not to mention recouped all that was spent to rescue the economy and then some. 

And after all of that came Trump.

seignet posted:
D2 posted:
seignet posted:

Sam Cooke comes to mind. Obama played him during his campaign. Change din come though.

Lots of change came. The nation was in an economic freefall. It was losing a million job a month. The marked crashed and companies were dying left and right. 3 of 5  major wall street firms sunk.  

He give us health care a return of the economy, a salvage of the auto industry, concern for the environment, protections for our wetlands and artic lands not to mention recouped all that was spent to rescue the economy and then some. 

And after all of that came Trump

Dis bai D2 constantly makes a mockery of himself. Trump will continue to haunt these leftists socialists fools in 2020. 


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