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Private sector condemns Lawrence over call for polling stations assembly

Volda Lawrence

Volda Lawrence

January 22 2020


The Private Sector Commission last evening condemned as “a direct threat to the peaceful conduct of the elections” calls by members of the governing coalition for their supporters to remain outside polling places until the Statement of Poll is posted.

The statement seemed to be particularly directed at the Chair of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Volda Lawrence who told a crowd at the Kitty Market square on Sunday “to remain there until they get it right” before declaring that party supporters should “follow the ballot box” and ensure that it is properly sealed by APNU+AFC party agents.

They further note “other similar reports in the media have been attributed to Winston Jordan and Mr. Basil Williams” but make no reference to actual statements made by either of the two men.

 “The PSC views these statements with considerable concern as they are provocative, have all the potential for leading to a violent confrontation between the supporters of the contesting parties and are a direct threat to the peaceful conduct of the elections,” the commission said before calling on the coalition leaders President David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan, to “immediately put a stop to these statements and to disassociate the APNU+AFC coalition party from them.” The comments made by Lawrence have also been criticized by People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) candidate Anil Nandlall

In a statement Nandlall claimed that “almost every political leader of APNU+AFC, speaking on the political platform, has been urging their supporters to assemble in large numbers at polling places at the close of polls to protect their ballots.

He noted that having worked since 1997, as an Assistant Elections Agent for Region 4 he can speak from personal knowledge of the dangers which underpin such political rhetoric.

“The unfortunate reality is that violence and riotous behaviour are closely connected to elections in this country. Invariably, they erupt from the very crowds which the PNC has historically caused to assemble at polling stations at the close of polls,” Nandlall argued reminding that In 2015, even senior APNU leaders could not control an assembled crowd that unleashed violence on the PPP/C’s candidates and activists in Sophia.

This violence led to the burning of Joe Hamilton’s car and a polling station, erupting in flames and burning to the ground, which was someone’s private residence in Sophia, Greater Georgetown.

He also claimed that at a primary school, located at Better Hope South, East Coast Demerara, which was used as a polling place, an assembly of PNC supporters quickly descended into a riotous mode and brutally assaulted his driver who was collecting PPP/C polling agents and Statements of Poll from that polling place.

“I emphasize that these atrocities occurred without PNC/APNU politicians calling publicly for their supporters to assemble at these places of polls when darkness descends….Just imagine if the PPP/C were to be equally irresponsible and provocative and call upon its supporters to also assemble at polling places at the close of poll alongside the coalition supporters,” he posited.

Others have similarly criticized these statement made by Lawrence while the Minister has remained silent.

According to the Representation of the People Act it is unlawful while within a distance of 200 yards of a polling place to annoy, molest or otherwise interfere with an elector or attempt to obtain any information as to the list of candidates for whom any elector in the polling place is about to vote or has voted either on his own behalf or as a proxy on behalf of another elector.

Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of sixty-five thousand dollars and to imprisonment for six months.

The provision also states that any unauthorized person who obstructs or interferes with access to, or egress from, a polling place or the movement of documents, supplies and other material pertaining to an election, including ballot boxes and ballot papers shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $65,000 together with imprisonment for a term of one year and shall, in addition, be incapable during a period of five years from the date of conviction of participating in an election either as a voter or candidate.

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Albion supporters urged to safe guard ballot boxes on May 11 at PPP Rally


By Tracey Khan – Drakes



General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Clement Rohee, during a rally at Albion, Corentyne Berbice urged supporters to ensure that they do not allow the “Opposition coalition” to steal the ballot boxes nor the votes of the people come May 11.

According to Rohee, the Party will be prepared for any such eventuality. The crowd at the April 19 rally was deemed the largest in the history of the Party. Rohee said that the PPP/C has learned an important lesson which is non complacency.

“The lost votes must be regained; we will not allow them to take away the victory come May 11,” Rohee said.

He also accused the Opposition of being scandalous with their accusations that the Party has strayed from the ideals of its founder Dr. Cheddi Jagan; he said it’s quite the contrary.

‎The Party’s General Security also told the crowd that the APNU+AFC’s Presidential Candidate David Granger’s “soul mate” is ‎Moses Nagamootoo, much to the amusement of the crowd.

Rohee was quiet the entertainer as he performed several songs on stage about marriage between a man and a woman, referring to the union of the two main political parties being between two men.

Meanwhile, former President Bharrat Jagdeo spoke about the Party’s plans for the sugar and rice industries in Guyana which he said are all aimed at creating employment for Berbicians.


Immediately after the former President spoke, many of the Party’s supporters started leaving, even after President Donald Ramotar took the podium to make his remarks.

The incumbent President is confident of a win post May 11 and attributed that confidence to his government’s track record of achievements in Guyana.

‎He was critical of the coalition’s women’s rally which was held on Saturday and called it a, “lie lie rally.”

‎President Ramotar again accused the Opposition to being linked to criminal elements.


Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was. The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was.The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

When Volda ,called supporter to arms ?


A police officer on WCD told one of my cousins they intend to protect the Bharrat Box with their bodies.

PNC took away their bonus so they want Bharrat pon tap again.  He voted PNC in 2015 and said was a mystake.

Baseman posted:

A police officer on WCD told one of my cousins they intend to protect the Bharrat Box with their bodies.

PNC took away their bonus so they want Bharrat pon tap again.  He voted PNC in 2015 and said was a mystake.

Ha..ha.. Bharat box

Salary increases are more beneficial than year end bonus , the retirement  pension will be larger, bonus aren't added to salary.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

A police officer on WCD told one of my cousins they intend to protect the Bharrat Box with their bodies.

PNC took away their bonus so they want Bharrat pon tap again.  He voted PNC in 2015 and said was a mystake.

Ha..ha.. Bharat box

Salary increases are more beneficial than year end bonus , the retirement  pension will be larger, bonus aren't added to salary.

Banna, ayuh don’t understand how to manage people’s expectations. People want that extra bump at Christmas.  I agree with your points however, they should have done what they do in Europe. Salary is divided by 13 and two are paid end of November.  

This is why I told the AFC just increasing salaries will not stop corruption.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was.The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

When Volda ,called supporter to arms ?

Everything that vulva does is a threat. Remember she even told Charandas that “he guh dead tonight”

ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was. The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

Ksaz, your concerns are duly noted.  Volda can say what she wants but bear in mind that no violence has been perpetrated  on the PPP or their supporters thus far. It's all saber rattling at the moment and the PPP reserves the right to defend themselves should the need arise. And just how Lawrence asked the APNU supporters to take shower, put on their nightshift clothes and guard ballot boxes, so too can the PPP .

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was.The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

When Volda ,called supporter to arms ?

Everything that vulva does is a threat. Remember she even told Charandas that “he guh dead tonight”

All talk. Charandas is still alive and well. The woman is jus an ignar trellis. Guyana got nuff a dem.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was.The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

When Volda ,called supporter to arms ?

Everything that vulva does is a threat. Remember she even told Charandas that “he guh dead tonight”

All talk. Charandas is still alive and well. The woman is jus an ignar trellis. Guyana got nuff a dem.

Imagine if Charandas had accepted Ramjattan protection offer he would be food for  fishes right now 

Django posted:

Albion supporters urged to safe guard ballot boxes on May 11 at PPP Rally


By Tracey Khan – Drakes



General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Clement Rohee, during a rally at Albion, Corentyne Berbice urged supporters to ensure that they do not allow the “Opposition coalition” to steal the ballot boxes nor the votes of the people come May 11.

According to Rohee, the Party will be prepared for any such eventuality. The crowd at the April 19 rally was deemed the largest in the history of the Party. Rohee said that the PPP/C has learned an important lesson which is non complacency.

“The lost votes must be regained; we will not allow them to take away the victory come May 11,” Rohee said.

He also accused the Opposition of being scandalous with their accusations that the Party has strayed from the ideals of its founder Dr. Cheddi Jagan; he said it’s quite the contrary.

‎The Party’s General Security also told the crowd that the APNU+AFC’s Presidential Candidate David Granger’s “soul mate” is ‎Moses Nagamootoo, much to the amusement of the crowd.

Rohee was quiet the entertainer as he performed several songs on stage about marriage between a man and a woman, referring to the union of the two main political parties being between two men.

Meanwhile, former President Bharrat Jagdeo spoke about the Party’s plans for the sugar and rice industries in Guyana which he said are all aimed at creating employment for Berbicians.


Immediately after the former President spoke, many of the Party’s supporters started leaving, even after President Donald Ramotar took the podium to make his remarks.

The incumbent President is confident of a win post May 11 and attributed that confidence to his government’s track record of achievements in Guyana.

‎He was critical of the coalition’s women’s rally which was held on Saturday and called it a, “lie lie rally.”

‎President Ramotar again accused the Opposition to being linked to criminal elements.

Remember when PPP members were guarding ballot boxes at 63 village and Granger ordered the GDF to shoot and kill the innocent? PPP is not a violent party.


DJANGO who is going to delete your misleading HEADING. If you are going to post, then post the FACTS. You change other posters headings when they are not correct.

Tell me where is the Double standard at this time, for this election. This time nah lang time!!! You are a hypocrite , "Don,t do as I do, but do as I say"

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Rohee wasn’t calling PPP supporters to arms like Vulga Vulva was.The PNC has a history of violence during elections time that they cannot hide from. The PPP has a history of non violent protests during elections time. Two very different things with two completely opposite effects.

When Volda ,called supporter to arms ?

Everything that vulva does is a threat. Remember she even told Charandas that “he guh dead tonight”

All talk. Charandas is still alive and well. The woman is jus an ignar trellis. Guyana got nuff a dem.



There is no need to safeguard ballot boxes. The ballots are counted at the polling station and recorded on SOPs.  Each presiding officer get a copy of the SOP.  And one is posted outside the polling station.

Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

DJANGO who is going to delete your misleading HEADING. If you are going to post, then post the FACTS. You change other posters headings when they are not correct.

Tell me where is the Double standard at this time, for this election. This time nah lang time!!! You are a hypocrite , "Don,t do as I do, but do as I say"

Comparing the two articles , guess there are no double standard . Give a heading that reflects the two articles ,it can be changed.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is no need to safeguard ballot boxes. The ballots are counted at the polling station and recorded on SOPs.  Each presiding officer get a copy of the SOP.  And one is posted outside the polling station.

Mi tell dem suh. Izz how it was done it the past.

Dave posted:


This lady is turning out to be a real embarrassment to the APNU. Everytime she open her trap sheer negativity comes out. Her people needs to pull her in for for fitness. PPP had was a dese. Kellawan Lall.

Django posted:
kp posted:

DJANGO who is going to delete your misleading HEADING. If you are going to post, then post the FACTS. You change other posters headings when they are not correct.

Tell me where is the Double standard at this time, for this election. This time nah lang time!!! You are a hypocrite , "Don,t do as I do, but do as I say"

Comparing the two articles , guess there are no double standard . Give a heading that reflects the two articles ,it can be changed.

Suggestion for the heading, perhaps ...

-- PNCR and PPPC versions on polling stations assembly, Double Standard ??  --

Last edited by Former Member


Volda Lawrence.

This year, the coalition is adamant that same must not recur. Lawrence further urged supporters to be vigilant at the close of polls.

The PNC/R chairman called on the supporters to revisit the polling stations at the close of voting to take photos of Statements of Poll which are posted at the venues by the Returning Officers of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

“This is not a time for sleeping, they must not catch us sleeping on the job. At 6pm, you return to work at the places of polling and you will remain out there and let our staff inside know you’re out there,” she told those gathered.

 She further noted that party members will follow the ballot boxes to GECOM.

 “And then our nice strong men will be mobilized to follow that ballot box until it go into that container and the APNU+AFC padlock and chain is placed on that container. Joke ah joke but them vote, we nah mek none joke wid them so we are prepared to do what we say we’re going to do,” Lawrence said.

Clement Rohee.

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, Clement Rohee, during a rally at Albion, Corentyne Berbice urged supporters to ensure that they do not allow the “Opposition coalition” to steal the ballot boxes nor the votes of the people come May 11.

According to Rohee, the Party will be prepared for any such eventuality. The crowd at the April 19 rally was deemed the largest in the history of the Party. Rohee said that the PPP/C has learned an important lesson which is non complacency




The PNC election thuggery in 1992

  I want to identify the October 5, 1992 General Election as my focal point from where to attempt an analysis of the violence created by the PNC thugs.

The Elections Commission comprised representatives from both government and opposition. The Chairman was an opposition nominee. After the storming and beating of some PPP/C polling agents and the stoning of the Elections Commission Office, the rigging by some 200 PNC thugs took place at the Cotton Field Primary School polling stations. Some 1,000 PPP/C supporters were alerted of this situation and they arrived by trucks, cars, minibuses, motor cycles and bicycles on the public road to help protect the building of the Elections Commission Office and the PPP/C  polling agents.
When the thugs saw this large PPP/C supporters group they quickly exited the area by minibuses and lorries. The presiding officer then asked two policemen to stand guard at our polling station door, he then locked the door and the counting of the votes began. At the end of the process we were given a signed statement of the results. I was allowed to accompany the ballot box to the Elections Commission Office building where it was stored for the final counting.
I was transported to the PPP Branch Office by comrade Heeralall Mohan with my statement of poll results. I handed over this statement to comrade Ali Baksh and the result was transmitted via a radio set to Freedom House.
Comrades at the party office were also doing their own tallying of Region 2 votes for the respective parties. Never was there so much enthusiasm and such great joy among PPP comrades at the party office throughout the processing of the results.
Inside sources revealed that the PNC thugs were planning an attack on Cotton Field before the PPP/C victory. The hostile radio station was recklessly portraying that the PNC was leading the PPP/C by some 20,000 votes. This criminal incitement led three jeep loads of PNC thugs to invade our village while our comrades were protecting the village. They jumped out of the jeeps and started beating the comrades with a wire cable and shot one of our comrades Sunil in his legs; the next day one of the thugs ‘set a fire to the Cotton Field Mandir. Our village was gripped in fear by daily PNC demonstrations before the elections. The residents displayed tremendous courage in standing firm against the crude bullyism and at the same time the police acted promptly.
The release of reports from Rudy Collins, the Elections Commission Chairman, the Commonwealth, OAS and IFES international observer groups testifying to the fairness of the polls that the PPP/C won the first free and fair election after 28 years of PNC rigged elections.

Last edited by Former Member

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