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Former Member

This is every parents nightmare to lose a young son and daughter to this tragic disease.  

2 allegedly commit suicide in Berbice

January 6, 2016 4:11 pm Category: Local News, latest news A+ / A-

The bodies of a 20-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl were this morning found hanging from the rafter of a bedroom in a house at Launsdale, East Bank Berbice.

Deeraj Persaud and Sherry Ann Alli were discovered at about 07:00h by relatives with ropes around their necks.

While information remains sketchy, Inews understands that the couple might have been in a relationship which was not approved by either of their parents.

The police have launched an investigation and have not ruled out foul play.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Age might have been a factor also if the parents rejected.  She is only 14.  This is so sad.  Suicide has become a part of the cultural fabric of Guyana.  People do what they know.  They see others committing suicide so they think that is the answer to every problem.

Teachers in schools and religious leaders in churches should be preaching against suicide.  Make it a part of their curriculum.  They need to raise awareness and let them know there is help out there.

Bibi Haniffa

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

Hey Boy Tola... good to see you. Heard you was on suicidal watch. Take it easy. 


I simply don't trust Tola and his suicide prevention program when he mix his business with politics. I hate to say that these so call (NGO's) are under political obligation to carry out political propaganda in Berbice and Indian dominated areas. Some of them are like Dr. Jack Kevorkian who assisted these poor folks to kill them selves. These are imported butchers working in Guyana under disguised.  

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

The bodies of Deoraj Persaud and Sherryanne Alli being removed from the house where they were found hanging.
The bodies of Deoraj Persaud and Sherryanne Alli being removed from the house where they were found hanging.

Pregnant 14-year-old, lover found hanging


In what is being treated as a double suicide, a pregnant 14-year-old girl and her 21-year-old lover were today found hanging in a house at Longsdale, East Bank Berbice. Sherryanne Alli called Budgee, celebrated her 14th birthday on December 31, last and had lived at the neighbouring Brothers Village with her adoptive relatives.
Her lover,


Deoraj Persaud


Sherryanne Alli

Deoraj Persaud, a labourer, lived at the home of his recently departed grandfather at Longsdale. It is at this house that the couple were discovered hanging.
Probation officers had reportedly warned the couple of their inappropriate relationship, given the age of the girl.
The girl was scheduled to return to the Probation office today for a decision on whether to send her home to her biological mother at Skeldon, Corentyne, or to find alternative living arrangement.
Last evening, Sherryanne and the family she lived withy had their usual meal and went to bed, but early this morning, this family discovered her missing.
A report to the Police station and checks by the young man’s relatives led them to his house where they were found hanging.

Cobra posted:

I simply don't trust Tola and his suicide prevention program when he mix his business with politics. I hate to say that these so call (NGO's) are under political obligation to carry out political propaganda in Berbice and Indian dominated areas. Some of them are like Dr. Jack Kevorkian who assisted these poor folks to kill them selves. These are imported butchers working in Guyana under disguised.  


VVP posted:
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

The President cannot try changing the mind set of those who follow their religion even though it's backward. These kids are living in the now,they don't need anyone tell them who the rass they are to live with for the rest of their lives and who to love.

There we go again,religion is the cause.


Last edited by cain

Thanks Django, Happy New Year to your family.

Well said Cain, its called accepting what and where the people are in their lives. Trying to change them to make them 'just like us' is not the best option.

Young women being pregnant at 14 is not unusual in Guyana, kids are maturing younger.

But parents need to take a leading role in their children up-bringing, to avoid pregnancy at 14.  

Generally, the non-acceptance  of inter-race and inter-religious  relationships in Guyana is one of the problems.  

One of the biggest problems in Guyana, others want to change the people to make them like themselves, instead of accepting and meeting on middle ground to work together. It seems to be an attitude of ego, where one feel they are better than the other, as displayed by some on GNI.    

A call for both main political parties for discussions  and working together for the betterment of Guyana is one of the best solutions for the country to go forward progressively.

A divided people might always have problems that exist in Guyana.


This is one of the problems that the PPP is burying whilst it insults blacks. These two people were East Indians of different faith. But intolerance within the racial East Indian community cannot accept a partnership between religions. In most other countries this girl would have been described as someone from the muslim race (yes folks white people do believe that muslims are of a different race.). But because she is also East Indian the racial discrimination is being described as a religious one instead. Amazing how the PPP always tries to hid its lack of progress amongst its support base.


Why do we assume that it was because of religion?  According to the article above:

Probation officers had reportedly warned the couple of their inappropriate relationship, given the age of the girl.
The girl was scheduled to return to the Probation office today for a decision on whether to send her home to her biological mother at Skeldon, Corentyne, or to find alternative living arrangement.

Could it be that they preferred death rather than separation?  This is where education and support would come in.  People in Guyana do not value life as they should, that's why there is need for suicide prevention programs.  Given the extent of the problem these programs need to be pushed in schools and the media.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
VVP posted:
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

The President cannot try changing the mind set of those who follow their religion even though it's backward. These kids are living in the now,they don't need anyone tell them who the rass they are to live with for the rest of their lives and who to love.

There we go again,religion is the cause.


Did someone say IDIOT OF THE CENTURY!!!


First, I want to say that this is tragic for the families. I believe most parents try to make decisions for the best of their children and sometimes allow emotions, prejudices and misinformation  to cloud their decisions. For parents here on this board, we have all had this happen to us and have often resorted to "if me bin know." 

The full story is yet to be told about this tragedy. Many posters are making assumptions about religion, the involvement of Social Services, (Still trying to figure out Mr. T's response) etc. Regardless of our postulations, two families are grieving. 

Some points that I have. First, a pregnant 14 year old is illegal as far as I know and I hold it to be wrong morally. My mother was married when she was 15 and she always rued the day that it happened. Now, we know more about emotional development and we cannot equate physical development with emotional development. 

The  school system is dysfunctional and has been unable to meet the needs of the children in the domain of emotional development - problem solving, conflict resolution, managing emotions. They need a strong, effective, sustainable programme of Emotional Intelligence that cover all of these topics. Will this happen? No, I do not think so. We, including me, say the same things over and over again whenever there is a suicide in Guyana. I must recognize that Tola has been doing some work in this area in Guyana.

Tola, when NGOs go to Guyana to carry out projects, they go with the best of intentions.  Sometimes, I think that some of them are also part of the problem. They do not build into their programme elements that will ensure its sustainability over time. Some are unaware of the intricacies of the society, of the cleavages and pressures, of the prejudices and problems that people face on a daily basis. Many are one-shot feel good deals or programmes that are derived from a feeling that they know what is good for Guyanese and  they result in little or no sustainable change. Tola, please do not take this as a criticism against your work personally because I do not know exactly what your programme is and how it is sustained. I live in Guyana and will gladly offer any support i can give to your programme.

Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

Tola - can you tell us exactly what it is that you are doing to prevent suicide in Guyana?  What programs are you implementing?  Who is involved in your suicide preventions programs?   How can I/we on GNI help your efforts?  The problem is only getting worse and personally I have not seen anything effective being done.

Bibi Haniffa
VVP posted:
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

As I recall, Tola was the one who was saying that the PPP government was not doing enough to help prevent suicide. Is the PNC/AFC government doing enough to prevent suicide Tola?

Nehru posted:
cain posted:
VVP posted:
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

The President cannot try changing the mind set of those who follow their religion even though it's backward. These kids are living in the now,they don't need anyone tell them who the rass they are to live with for the rest of their lives and who to love.

There we go again,religion is the cause.


Did someone say IDIOT OF THE CENTURY!!!

Cain is suffering hallucinations. Forgive him.

Nehru posted:
cain posted:
VVP posted:
Tola posted:

For those who are close to the youth in Berbice, this is their worse nightmare.

Among all the challenges, they give  all their efforts to make things better and when this happens, they  feel the failure deeply.

What bothers me royally on GNI, there are so many 'expert opinions', with little  action to do something about the serious issues in Guyana.

Talk alone don't make things better and Guyana need less  talking and more action.

If Guyana is to go forward in a progressive manner, we need to stop thinking race and dwell on one people, or 50 years from now Guyana might be in the same position.   

Please don't comment on my post, unless you are willing to support the work of suicide prevention in Guyana, because this is what we do and your help is needed.  

Thank you Amral and Ray for taking a firm hand with  posters on GNI.  This site should be used to build Guyana, not destroy it.      

How can we help as individuals?  Why is there a government in Guyana?    

Here is what the President said, do you agree?

“It is very troubling that many young people are resorting so easily to suicide. Studies have been done recently in Mibicuri and it is a very difficult problem to overcome because it is a personal response” 

The President cannot try changing the mind set of those who follow their religion even though it's backward. These kids are living in the now,they don't need anyone tell them who the rass they are to live with for the rest of their lives and who to love.

There we go again,religion is the cause.


Did someone say IDIOT OF THE CENTURY!!!

Not yet,here,

You ma man are "IDIOT OF THE CENTURY"

Dat ok?


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