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Former Member

Lately, I have read comments here that contain the word douglarization.

One viewpoint holds that a APNU-AFC victory on May 11 will lead to douglarization, something that Indo-Guyanese must be wary of.

I wish to state that the PNC did not invent douglarization.

That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana.

East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations. Dem bhai couldn't jack themselves all de time.

Even after sufficient female Indian immigrants arrived and produced girl children, douglarization continued.

Afro-Guyanese men decided to get into the act on the principle: coolie man screw black woman, black man gon screw coolie woman too. Exchange no robbery. Consensual affairs.

In the 1950s, as a little boy I observed a few inter-racial marriages in Uitvlugt. A female black teacher with a male Indo tailor was one example. Then, in the heat of the 80-day strike in 1963, the Sunday Graphic frontpage carried a photo of a bridegroom named Khan of Vergenoegen with his bride named Miss Sam of Uitvlugt Junior Staff Compound. They got married during a PPP government and at the said moment of ethnic violence in BG.

The point I wish to make is that politics or no politics, Indos and Afros will continue to cohabit and produce dougla offspring. No one, no politician, no political party can reverse this process.

Douglarization marches on while all around the racists are barking.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

Originally Posted by TK:

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

If you take a suit and put it on a pig, as soon as you missed the pig, he's gone rolling in the mud.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

If you take a suit and put it on a pig, as soon as you missed the pig, he's gone rolling in the mud.

My uncle from that bygone era...who lives in Brampton .

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So you sayin "lolo nah discriminate".

that is what kwame tell you


I would trust a  gay man any day before I put any trust in a certified jackass who uses the name "Warrior". You homophobes need to get off this anti gay crusade. Kwamee might be an evil person because of his attitude not because he is gay.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

If you take a suit and put it on a pig, as soon as you missed the pig, he's gone rolling in the mud.

no body interested in your habit  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So you sayin "lolo nah discriminate".

that is what kwame tell you


I would trust a  gay man any day before I put any trust in a certified jackass who uses the name "Warrior". You homophobes need to get off this anti gay crusade. Kwamee might be an evil person because of his attitude not because he is gay.

okay queenie 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Lately, I have read comments here that contain the word douglarization.

One viewpoint holds that a APNU-AFC victory on May 11 will lead to douglarization, something that Indo-Guyanese must be wary of.

I wish to state that the PNC did not invent douglarization.

That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana.

East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations. Dem bhai couldn't jack themselves all de time.

Even after sufficient female Indian immigrants arrived and produced girl children, douglarization continued.

Afro-Guyanese men decided to get into the act on the principle: coolie man screw black woman, black man gon screw coolie woman too. Exchange no robbery. Consensual affairs.

In the 1950s, as a little boy I observed a few inter-racial marriages in Uitvlugt. A female black teacher with a male Indo tailor was one example. Then, in the heat of the 80-day strike in 1963, the Sunday Graphic frontpage carried a photo of a bridegroom named Khan of Vergenoegen with his bride named Miss Sam of Uitvlugt Junior Staff Compound. They got married during a PPP government and at the said moment of ethnic violence in BG.

The point I wish to make is that politics or no politics, Indos and Afros will continue to cohabit and produce dougla offspring. No one, no politician, no political party can reverse this process.

Douglarization marches on while all around the racists are barking.

Mr. Gil,I totally disagree with you on that subject, the Indians came after the Chinese and Portuguese . If the Indians were married they were allowed to bring their family, females were encouraged to come to be as domestics and weeding gangs. It was a Taboo for an Hindu to marry a Muslim, need less to say interracial marriage between a Black and an Indian. The two examples you stated I know personally, I even attended one of the wedding, those were the talk of the village for a very long time. But your Nancy story going back 1800 is a BIG LIE.I read your Tickle YOUR BRAIN blog and you have developed some form of trust with your history knowledge ,please don't mislead your followers. I have facts on this subject and if you can convince me then show me your facts.

Originally Posted by kp:
. But your Nancy story going back 1800 is a BIG LIE..

He said mid 1800s.  If one did a DNA test on Guyanese Indians it will shock many who will show indications of West/Central African ancestry.


It is a fact that the first wave of Indian indentures cohabitated with black women, as these were the only women available to them.  There weren't sufficient Indian women, and in fact the shortage of such led to violence and jealousy as men sought to find and keep culturally compatible mates.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Lately, I have read comments here that contain the word douglarization.

One viewpoint holds that a APNU-AFC victory on May 11 will lead to douglarization, something that Indo-Guyanese must be wary of.

I wish to state that the PNC did not invent douglarization.

That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana.

East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations. Dem bhai couldn't jack themselves all de time.

Even after sufficient female Indian immigrants arrived and produced girl children, douglarization continued.

Afro-Guyanese men decided to get into the act on the principle: coolie man screw black woman, black man gon screw coolie woman too. Exchange no robbery. Consensual affairs.

In the 1950s, as a little boy I observed a few inter-racial marriages in Uitvlugt. A female black teacher with a male Indo tailor was one example. Then, in the heat of the 80-day strike in 1963, the Sunday Graphic frontpage carried a photo of a bridegroom named Khan of Vergenoegen with his bride named Miss Sam of Uitvlugt Junior Staff Compound. They got married during a PPP government and at the said moment of ethnic violence in BG.

The point I wish to make is that politics or no politics, Indos and Afros will continue to cohabit and produce dougla offspring. No one, no politician, no political party can reverse this process.

Douglarization marches on while all around the racists are barking.

Mr. Gil,I totally disagree with you on that subject, the Indians came after the Chinese and Portuguese . If the Indians were married they were allowed to bring their family, females were encouraged to come to be as domestics and weeding gangs. It was a Taboo for an Hindu to marry a Muslim, need less to say interracial marriage between a Black and an Indian. The two examples you stated I know personally, I even attended one of the wedding, those were the talk of the village for a very long time. But your Nancy story going back 1800 is a BIG LIE.I read your Tickle YOUR BRAIN blog and you have developed some form of trust with your history knowledge ,please don't mislead your followers. I have facts on this subject and if you can convince me then show me your facts.

KP..few groups of indian immigrants there were more

males than females which may have led  males to

cohabit with other races.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

If you take a suit and put it on a pig, as soon as you missed the pig, he's gone rolling in the mud.

Next time remove the suit before you start to roll.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Lately, I have read comments here that contain the word douglarization.

One viewpoint holds that a APNU-AFC victory on May 11 will lead to douglarization, something that Indo-Guyanese must be wary of.


Have you lost your goddamn mind too? Who de ass hey has ever ever brought up douglarization as any kind of concern consequent to an APNU victory.


History has actually proven the very opposite to be the case.


You're just making an argument up to try and pain all those who do not support the Coalition as members of the famous "Indo KKK."


Congratulations you've veered off into idiot territory.


@ kp, this is what I wrote: "That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana."

I should have written "after 1838."

As you know, in May 1838 the first batch of Indians arrived on board the Hesperus and the Whitby.

Together, 419 Indians landed from the two ships as follows:

Males: 385

Females: 22.

Figure it out for yourself, kp. 385 men and only 22 women. What were 363 single men going to do in a strange country with relatively plenty black women at that time?

The first douglas were produced from that batch.


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Well many Indians support PNM in TT and many blacks support UNC when they are vex, yet East Indians are doing quite well in TT. TT Hindus are doing very well compared with the community in Guyana. When my white friend (old English guy who migrated to TT 40 years ago) decided to marry again for the 3rd time he chose a big Hindu wedding. He is agnostic like me, but he says he's a proud honorary Hindu of TT . Gilbakka please don't give any credence to these insecure male chauvinistic Indos of a bygone era. We're moving forward!

If you take a suit and put it on a pig, as soon as you missed the pig, he's gone rolling in the mud.

I will take you seriously. As a pig you do have first hand knowledge.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@ kp, this is what I wrote: "That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana."

I should have written "after 1838."

As you know, in May 1838 the first batch of Indians arrived on board the Hesperus and the Whitby.

Together, 419 Indians landed from the two ships as follows:

Males: 385

Females: 22.

Figure it out for yourself, kp. 385 men and only 22 women. What were 363 single men going to do in a strange country with relatively plenty black women at that time?

The first douglas were produced from that batch.


Scoble noted in his report on the Hesperus that as soon as the Indians came to their respective plantations they began happily to cohabit with the "Negresses". Most would not know a difference being of the midnight hue themselves.  Note that was the first boat load!

Last edited by Former Member

About three years ago I was invited by a Dougla family in British Columbia to attend their Hindu Jandi.  There were about 40 Hindu Douglas there at the ceremony.  They knew every word to every Hindu religious song.  Everyone there knew every part of the religious ceremony because almost all of them had a Hindu grandparent or great grandparent. I was very surprised how serious they took the religion. Unlike that coolie man Guyana/North American Pandit not one of them wished me bad. I have nothing against those guys because many of them are more Hindu than most of you Hindus on this board.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Lately, I have read comments here that contain the word douglarization.

One viewpoint holds that a APNU-AFC victory on May 11 will lead to douglarization, something that Indo-Guyanese must be wary of.

I wish to state that the PNC did not invent douglarization.

That phenomenon began way back to the mid-1800s with the arrival of boatloads of male East Indians in a predominantly black colony named British Guiana.

East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations. Dem bhai couldn't jack themselves all de time.

Even after sufficient female Indian immigrants arrived and produced girl children, douglarization continued.

Afro-Guyanese men decided to get into the act on the principle: coolie man screw black woman, black man gon screw coolie woman too. Exchange no robbery. Consensual affairs.

In the 1950s, as a little boy I observed a few inter-racial marriages in Uitvlugt. A female black teacher with a male Indo tailor was one example. Then, in the heat of the 80-day strike in 1963, the Sunday Graphic frontpage carried a photo of a bridegroom named Khan of Vergenoegen with his bride named Miss Sam of Uitvlugt Junior Staff Compound. They got married during a PPP government and at the said moment of ethnic violence in BG.

The point I wish to make is that politics or no politics, Indos and Afros will continue to cohabit and produce dougla offspring. No one, no politician, no political party can reverse this process.

Douglarization marches on while all around the racists are barking.

Mr. Gil,I totally disagree with you on that subject, the Indians came after the Chinese and Portuguese . If the Indians were married they were allowed to bring their family, females were encouraged to come to be as domestics and weeding gangs. It was a Taboo for an Hindu to marry a Muslim, need less to say interracial marriage between a Black and an Indian. The two examples you stated I know personally, I even attended one of the wedding, those were the talk of the village for a very long time.But your Nancy story going back 1800 is a BIG LIE.I read your Tickle YOUR BRAIN blog and you have developed some form of trust with your history knowledge ,please don't mislead your followers. I have facts on this subject and if you can convince me then show me your facts.

"From the Hill Coolies:-

"the Coolies on Mr. GLADSTONE'S property, are a fine healthy body of men; they are beginning to marry or co-habit with the negresses, and take pride in their dress; the few words of English they know, added to signs common to all, prove that `Sahib' was good to them." On the 30th day of January, 1839, Mr. Special Justice COLEMAN inspected the Coolies on plantation Vriedestein, the property of JOHN GLADSTONE, Esq.,; and gives a most favourable report of their condition.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.

 Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

how is it "Indo-bashing"?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

I picked up the word douglarization recently right here in GNI Political. I didn't bring up the issue. There were comments with the word douglarization before I started this thread.

Last edited by Former Member

'East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations'

Wait, yuh mean is abee coolie bais dem fire de first shot??  Then why is Nehru and corbra being so hateful when they see a  black guy with an indo girl?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

'East Indian men started douglarization by cohabiting with black women and producing the first crop of douglas. At that time there was a shortage of East Indian women in the sugar plantations'

Wait, yuh mean is abee coolie bais dem fire de first shot??  Then why is Nehru and corbra being so hateful when they see a  black guy with an indo girl?

Because dem two jealous of the girl.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

Bopping donkeys doesn't make one "gay"

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??


"From the Hill Coolies:-

"the Coolies on Mr. GLADSTONE'S property, are a fine healthy body of men; they are beginning to marry or co-habit with the negresses, and take pride in their dress; the few words of English they know, added to signs common to all, prove that `Sahib' was good to them." On the 30th day of January, 1839, Mr. Special Justice COLEMAN inspected the Coolies on plantation Vriedestein, the property of JOHN GLADSTONE, Esq.,; and gives a most favourable report of their condition.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

According to your logics, men were sleeping with men..... hmmmmm.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

According to your logics, men were sleeping with men..... hmmmmm.

That's according to Gil.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

Bopping donkeys doesn't make one "gay"

Makes Dong-gay.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

@kp, are you ready to concede that douglarization started shortly after 1838? Remember, in those days dem bai didn't have condoms and dem negresses didn't have the Pill, IUDs or other contraceptives.


Why is it that you think that bringing up this issue of "douglarization" in the context of the election campaign is anything more than an opportunity for Indo-bashing?

A little bit of knowledge is a good thing, but too much can put you over the hill. For Gill to stir-up such a subject at this time when there is obvious racial divide in Guyana 's political arena, Why,to appease the AFC followers to go with their leaders and join PNC, whom most are Indians. To reinforce a political party of racial blend is good , but to go as far back to when the first boat of Indians landed in British Guiana and to say the Black women were sleeping around with the Indian men, that's ashamed . You numbers may be correct of the ratio of men to women, but how can you conclude that the black and Indians were sleeping together. Can you apply the same formula to the every day military, navy etc, so those men fighting in Iraq etc for years at time would eventually become GAY??

According to your logics, men were sleeping with men..... hmmmmm.

That's according to Gil.


"the Coolies on Mr. GLADSTONE'S property, are a fine healthy body of men; they are beginning to marry or co-habit with the negresses,

Last edited by Former Member

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