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Former Member

U.S stock futures and crude oil prices plunged in electronic trading late Sunday, as fears of a global oil-price war combined with coronavirus fears to rattle traders.

Dow Jones Industrial Average futures YM00, -4.075% were last down more than 1,00 points as S&P 500 futures ES00, -4.448% and Nasdaq Composite futures NQ00, -4.278% tumbled more than 4%.

West Texas Intermediate crude for April delivery CLJ20, -20.906% plummeted 21% to $32.01 on Sunday, while May Brent crude BRNK20, -20.654% the global crude benchmark, fell 21% to $35.22 a barrel.

Oil futures plunged 10% on Friday after talks between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their allies collapsed, with Russia refusing to agree to a Saudi-led plan for additional crude production cuts.


In response, Saudi Arabia over the weekend slashed crude prices and is preparing to increase production, in a direct attack against Russia’s market share, the Wall Street Journal reported.

See:An all-out war for dominance has erupted among OPEC and its allies, and now oil investors brace for a race to the bottom on prices

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@Former Member

Gwana man tell yuh suh since last September. See below.

Guyana's oil may no longer be beneficial to all them waiting for "oil money".

To us in the US, look out. Low oil is good for the economy, but it's bad for these oil companies. I fear another crisis bai, oil companies folding cuz they're not able to support their high debt loads. Occidental comes to mind.

This is not ONLY wan balance sheet crisis like 2008. This is an income statement crisis too, that they really can't bail out, brought on by lower revenues. All those junk bonds and corporate credit dem gat hanging out deh might become a problem.

Stay in yuh basement and invite Granger ova. See how alyuh kyan get de aile out.

Last edited by Former Member

Recession is possible but too early to tell. Depends on the progression of this virus in the US (note China's economy is already on the rebound, factories reopening etc.). I don't think what the Fed does matters at this point. If Trump launches some sort of a stimulus package that may stem off a recession. It's an election year, worse time for him to have one.

Last edited by Former Member


Lots of stimulus packages  have been proposed. The Republicans do not seem to care to do it since it would mean borrowing. They prefer to reserve the borrowing to fund tax breaks to the wealthy. Why not give complete student loan forgiveness. It is an internal debt and do more for the lives of 45 million people immediately than tax breaks to a few billionaires. 


@Former Member

I'm not in favor of tax breaks for the wealthy, they've already received those plus extremely low interest rates to borrow funds for expansion. I'm ok with a cut in payroll taxes as it gives everyone a small break.

I favor infrastructure spending as detailed in my earlier post, paid for by a small tax increase on the wealthiest in society. Buffet, Gates, Cooperman etc. are all fine with it so why shouldn't the 2 parties? Trump spoke of a billion in infrastructure spending per  year. The Dems agree. But it will not happen in an election year where each party will seek credit for it.

Not in favor of debt forgiveness for student loans. That's a runaway train. Education costs a lot in this country, more than other nations because of the fat cat professors and teachers and their unions. It's time to fund and promote more distance learning and reduce the costs of education.

Last edited by Former Member


Mits, I paid 42 years for my SS. I do not consider it socialism. I consider it an insurance plan that is now paying me. I am not a snowbird and don't mind the winter here. My wife went to FL for a month and had to re-book her return flight after 2 weeks so he can be home. She did not care for FL.
I love living in MN. It's quiet, clean and affordable. Besides cold winters, the rest of the three seasons are fabulous.


Capitalism or Socialism is not defined by having social safety nets. Obamacare was the last big social safety net instituted and it has not structurally changed the US economy or the free enterprise system.

When I came to the US I was surprised by the rights US workers had as opposed to Guyana. Burnham and Jagan fed us all sorts of shyte about capitalism, the workers had much more rights here than there.

So capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive. Ayuh relax and focus on democracy in Guyana.  


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