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GAWU: The world’s most hypocritical trade union

February 13, 2016 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

When I think of GAWU, I think of the inherent flaws of the human mind. Here is a union that since the PPP lost the 2015 General Elections, daily information coming to light reveals that it was a virtual company union. Yet we see the macabre flow of deceptive emotions on the streets. These same union leaders are holding placards and shouting down the government for endangering the future of sugar, a future they themselves decapitated a long time ago. I
It is simply unbelievable that workers could continue with a union leader who has been a shameless supporter of the government that is responsible for the collapse of the sugar industry.
I cannot agree with the closure of Wales Estate without satisfactory alternatives for the workers in which their future livelihood is completely assured. They deserve better from a country they toiled for. I will hold a placard for Wales workers but I will not join a picket line with Komal Chand in it. A very long time ago, Mr. Chand should have been uprooted by GAWU’s membership.
Here is the latest in the exposure coming from the daily revelations of GAWU’s relation with Guysuco. The Ministry of Agriculture revealed that Guysuco paid GAWU $18M for sugar workers to attend seminars run by GAWU’s Labour College. And if you think this was depraved it simply devastates one’s imagination when one sees what type of indoctrination these workers were subjected to.
The seminars included a course on Marxism-Leninism. Such deception by GAWU was morbid. Which member of the first, second and third tier leadership of the PPP is Marxist-Leninist? The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramotar ran a pro-capitalist economy that made the world’s leading capitalist countries look like socialist ones. Under Jagdeo’s Government, Guyana’s working classes were more deprived than in open capitalist states like Canada, UK, France and the US. Workers in European and North American capitalist states had far more access to goods and services than the Guyanese proletariat under the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal.
Who taught the sugar workers these courses? Which lecturer told them that the PPP ideology was Marxist-Leninist? Whoever they were, they were nothing but blatant, semi-educated frauds. Are sugar workers comfortable with a union that fools them, that hides the policies of a government that gave the country away to the wealthy classes? Who are these sugar workers? Where were they living the past fifteen years?  Are they so ignorant that they do not know about Pradovile 2? About the buying up of Guyana by Asian giants? Of the giveaway of prime real estate to Jagdeo’s friends?
Have they read about what Eddie Boyer got from Jagdeo near to where I live, that is behind the Caricom Secretariat and the Arthur Chung Convention Centre? I hate to use the word, “ignorant” but surely no one in this country, especially sugar workers, can claim they didn’t know about Jagdeo’s bias towards the wealthy classes in Guyana – the evidence is abundant.
Another course was on capitalism and imperialism. Who in the PPP leadership and GAWU has the moral authority to lecture sugar workers on capitalism and imperialism? Which countries are capitalist and imperialist and what is the relationship of the PPP to these countries?
Here is the evidence. Every, not most, every PPP leader when sick, went to capitalist USA for treatment. Every PPP leader has close relatives in capitalist Canada, Europe and USA. Every offspring of the leaders went to universities in capitalist countries.
Donald Ramotar’s daughter told the media that her brother was qualified to head the E-cable project because he went to one of the best universities in the world – Waterloo University in Canada. The daughter herself outlined her possession of two Masters, both from western universities.
Robert Persaud, who insulted Khemraj Ramjattan when Ramjattan tabled a motion to the PPP congress years back to remove the Marxist-Leninist name from the PPP’s constitution, has two children that were born in the US and Persaud now resides with his family in New York.
One of the courses the GAWU’s Labour College taught the sugar workers who attended the seminars was class struggle. How ironic? In the end the sugar workers learned something priceless from the course on class struggle. They knew that Jagdeo’s Government was a shameless pro-capitalist regime so they voted to end its reign in 2011.
If sugar workers had submitted to GAWU’s Labour College indoctrination, there would have been no minority government in 2011. It was from that moment that the death bell rang out for the PPP. Yes, it was ironic. The sugar workers brought down the PPP in 2011 to mark the beginning of the end

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