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The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack yesterday denied that she made a plea bargain with an alleged accomplice in the 2008 Lusignan massacre but acknowledged that he had testified on behalf of the prosecution in the trial of two other accused men.

The chambers released a statement in response to an article published in the February 18th edition of the Stabroek News, in which attorney Nigel Hughes accused the DPP of allowing Dwane Williams to go free as part of a deal for his testimony in the trial of James Anthony Hyles and Mark Royden Williams.

Hughes released a statement to the media on the matter following several public statements by thePPP in relation to his representation of another accused in the trial as well as his relationship with the jury foreman.

However, Ali-Hack described the statements made by Hughes as “false and misleading,” while noting that they were published without first obtaining the DPP’s position. “The DPP categorically states that at no time did the DPP make any plea bargain deal with the witness Dwane Williams,” Ali-Hack said in response.

“Based on the facts from the investigations Dwane Williams was an accomplice. It is an old common law practice to allow an accomplice to an offence to testify for the prosecution. It has always been done in the criminal law practice, and continues to be done. It is a lawful practice with which all criminal law practitioners are quite familiar,” Ali-Hack added.

Hughes said in his statement to the press that a week before the commencement of the trial the charges against Williams were “mysteriously dropped” and he was released.

Ali-Hack contended that the fact that Williams had been charged contradicted Hughes’ claim that he was released without charge.


excerpts from stabroeknews

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Hughes accuses DPP of letting mass murderer go free

Posted By Staff Writer On February 18, 2014 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

Attorney Nigel Hughes has accused the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of making a plea-bargain deal with a man who admitted to participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, in which 33 people were killed in total, allowing him to go free without a single charge.

“Perhaps the people of Lusignan may wish to inquire of the Attorney General [Anil Nandlall] and the DPP [Shalimar Ali-Hack], why the State, which is responsible for protecting and serving them, would let a self-confessed murderer of 33 citizens go free without a single charge. No other person in the history of this country has enjoyed such a pardon,” Hughes, breaking his silence on a series of allegations levelled against him by the ruling PPP, said in a statement yesterday.

Hughes noted that several public statements have been made by the PPP in relation to his representation of one of the accused in the Lusignan massacre trial as well as his relationship with the jury foreman, which is now the subject of an appeal filed by the DPP over the acquittal of the accused at the end of the trial.

Hughes stated that he did not make any public statement on the matter as the DPP has appealed the acquittals and has made the issue of his prior representation of the foreman a central issue in the matter. “In normal circumstances and in countries which pay some regard to the issue of no public comment on matters which are sub judice, comment by those who hold offices of significant legal responsibility and the publication of their comments on matters which are sub judice, are avoided and frowned on,” he explained.

However, Hughes, saying he would make reference to matters which are already in the public domain, noted that the PPP has made particular appeal to the victims of the massacre, contending that he has been responsible for the release and discharge of those persons who are responsible for the mass murders.

Hughes said the people of Lusignan and Guyana appear not to have been made aware that Dwane Williams, who admitted and confessed to being with Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins and participating in the three massacres “was not and will not be prosecuted by the State for any of these 33 murders” he participated in. “He has been granted a free pass by the State for (allegedly) killing not only the people of Lusignan but those in Bartica and Lindo Creek,” he added.

According to Hughes, under oath during his testimony, Williams said: “Me and Fineman were tight. I was with him in Luisignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek. Lusignan 11 people were killed, Bartica 12 people were killed and Lindo Creek 10 people were kill; 33 people were killed when I was with Fineman and I am not facing a single charge.”

The lawyer said that these words were recorded by the trial judge Justice Navindra Singh and are contained in the appeal record. Wiliams, he further said, was the state’s sole eyewitness and who was jointly charged with the Lusignan murders.

“A mere week before the commencement of the Luisignan trial Mr Williams had the charges of murder against him mysteriously dropped by the State and he was released,” he stated.


Last year, Justice Singh had banned the jury foreman in the Lusignan massacre trial, Vernon Griffith after he had not disclosed that he had a lawyer-client relationship with Hughes, who had represented one of the two accused who were subsequently found not guilty. The trial had concluded on August 2 with James Anthony Hyles and Mark Royden Williams both being found not guilty of the murders of the 11 persons killed in the 2008 massacre.

The DPP has filed the appeal stating that Hughes, who represented Hyles, failed to disclose to the trial judge that he had represented the foreman in a civil case for a period of six years starting in 2002. The DPP said Griffith also failed to disclose their relationship, which it says constitutes a “material irregularity.”

Hughes informed that Griffith, who he represented in a civil action, which concluded in 2008, was a member of the PPP and was represented by Nandlall in 2011 in an action that he appeared against him (the foreman).

“The same foreman, as part of his party duties in 2012 participated in a public picketing exercise against me at the Supreme Court during the hearings of the Linden Commission of Inquiry. He was there along with senior members of the PPP… At the time of the Lusignan Trial, any relationship which existed between the foreman and myself could best be described as hostile. There was nothing to disclose,” he said.

The lawyer questioned if he should have made the disclosure that Griffith was a PPP member and that the AG had represented him two years prior to the trial when he appeared against him in the same case. “Is this the non-disclosure they are speaking about?”

Hughes also referred to a recent editorial in the Guyana Chronicle, which he said made several libellous allegations against him, including the claim that he received a huge payment from the families of the victims of the Linden shooting in 2012 as legal or other fees.

“From the outset I made it clear to the people of Linden that my services were given to them pro bono without any conditions,” he, however, emphasised.

Hughes said that at no time was any monies received from any of the victims by him or his firm, while adding that he used his personal money to procure the services of a pathologist and a ballistic expert. “I personally expended in excess of US$25,000 financing the professional services, travel and accommodation of the pathologist Professor Hubert Daisley from Trinidad and the ballistics expert Dr Mark Robinson from the UK. The cost of travel for the family members of the deceased to travel to Georgetown along with their overnight accommodation in Georgetown when they attended the post-mortem examination were also donated by me,” he added in his statement.


Attorney Nigel Hughes has accused the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of making a plea-bargain deal with a man who admitted to participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, in which 33 people were killed in total, allowing him to go free without a single charge.


Did the DPP answer that charge??? NO!


She issued a red herring of by saying


"It is an old common law practice to allow an accomplice to an offence to testify for the prosecution. It has always been done in the criminal law practice, and continues to be done."


Yes it is an old common law practice called - PLEA BARGAIN.


Who is the LIAR NOW???


Originally Posted by KishanB:

Attorney Nigel Hughes has accused the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of making a plea-bargain deal with a man who admitted to participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, in which 33 people were killed in total, allowing him to go free without a single charge.


Did the DPP answer that charge??? NO!


She issued a red herring of by saying


"It is an old common law practice to allow an accomplice to an offence to testify for the prosecution. It has always been done in the criminal law practice, and continues to be done."


Yes it is an old common law practice called - PLEA BARGAIN.


Who is the LIAR NOW???


We need the Chief to vouch for Ms. Shalimar Ali-Hack(he addresses her as Honourable). Come in Chief.


If the DPP is denying these claims then how come the star witness is found not guilty and released? Does that mean that Fineman and his gang did not murder anyone? Or was it a PPP execution operation that is being covered up?


Nigel Hughes admits Lusignan massacre accused he represented free of cost is guilty


With his party feeling the heat over his double-dealings, crookish behaviour and advocacy on behalf of criminals, Alliance for Change(AFC) chairman Nigel Hughes sought to deflect in a press release which was given prominence in the opposition media. Apart from the contradiction as highlighted in a response by the Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack he also unintentionally provided credence to claims that he and his party have been working in the interest of criminals.

In his release Hughes trumped up the testimony of a state witness who admitted being part of the Fineman gang which perpetrated several murders including the one in question but what he fails to mention is that the same witness also identified his client as one of the persons who also took part in the execution of several men, women and child at Lusignan on the fateful day. So this therefore means that Hughes efforts which were provided free of cost allowed one of the real perpetrators of those heinous acts to be freed. We also wish to remind our readers that Hughes failed to declare to the court his attorney/client relationship with the jury foreman which existed for many years. It is this same jury which acquitted Hughes client.


excerpts from



We all know the guy is guilty. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that. But what is also known is that the PPP organized the killing and Roger Khan financed it. PPP murders don't do time in prison. That we also know.



February 17, 2014

Dear friend,

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has issued several public statements
relating the issue of my relationship with the Foreman of the jury in the
Luisignan murder trial.

In these releases they have made particular appeal to the victims of the
Lusignan massacre contending that I have been responsible for the release and discharge of those persons who were responsible for the mass murders.

I had previously restrained myself from making any public statement on the
issue as the Director of Public Prosecutions has appealed the acquittals and
has made the issue of my prior representation of the foreman a central issue in the matter. 

In normal circumstances and in countries which pay some regard to the issue of no public comment on matters which are sub judice, comment by those who hold offices of significant legal responsibility and the publication of their comments on matters which are sub judice, are avoided and frowned on. 

However in Guyana that appears not to be the case.

I will merely make reference to matters  which are already in the public
domain which seem to have been overlooked although I have raised them before.

The people of Luisignan and Guyana appear not to have been made aware that the person who admitted and confessed to being with Fineman and participating in the Luisignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, Mr Dwane Wiliams, was not and will not be prosecuted by the State for any of these 33 murders he participated in. He has been granted a free pass by the State for killing not only the people of Lusiganan but those in Bartica and Lindo Creek.

These are his chilling words made under oath during his testimony in the
Lusignan trial.


These words were recorded by the Trial Judge Mr. Justice Navindra Singh and are contained in the appeal record, a public document at pages 256 to 257. Copies of this extract from his testimony are attached.

He was the State’s sole eye witness who was jointly charged for the Lusiganan murders. 

A mere week before the commencement of the Luisignan Trial Mr. Williams had the charges of murder against him mysteriously dropped by the State and he was released.

Perhaps the people of Lusignan may wish to inquire of the Attorney General and the DPP, why the State, which is responsible for protecting and serving them, would let a self confessed murderer of 33 citizens go free without a single charge. No other person in the history of this country has enjoyed such a pardon.

The foreman of the jury who I represented in a civil action which was concluded in 2008, was a member of the People’s Progressive Party and was represented by the current Attorney General in 2011 in an action in which I appeared against him (the Foreman).

The same foreman, as part of his party duties in 2012 participated in a public picketing exercise against me at the Supreme Court during the hearings of the Linden Commission of Inquiry. He was there along with senior members of the PPP. A copy of the photograph of the foreman on the PPP picket line is attached for your benefit.

At the time of the Luisignan Trial any relationship which existed between the
foreman and myself could best be described as hostile. There was nothing to

Is the PPP saying that I should have disclosed that the Foreman was a PPP
member, that he had been represented by the Attorney General two years
immediately prior to the trial when I appeared against him in the same case?

Is this the non disclosure they are speaking about?

The hearing of the appeal by the DPP in the Lusignan Trial was fixed for
hearing last week in the Court of Appeal but was postponed as a result of
unrelated issues facing the Court.

The editorial in Chronicle, Saturday 15 February 2014 page  makes several
libelous allegations against me. These will be dealt with by my legal advisors in due course. 

Among the allegations made, is the contention that I received a huge payment from the families of the victims of the Linden shooting in 2012 as legal or other fees.

From the outset I made it clear to the people of Linden that my
services were given to them pro bono without any conditions.

Not a single cent was asked for or received from any victim by me or my firm.

I personally expended in excess of USD25,000.00 financing the professional
services, travel and accommodation of the pathologist Professor Hubert Daisley from Trinidad and the ballistic expert Dr. Mark Robinson from the UK. 

The cost of travel for the family members of the deceased to travel to
Georgetown along with their overnight accommodation in Georgetown when they attended the post mortem examination were also donated by me.

This information is released purely for record keeping purposes in response to the claims in the editorial.


Yours faithfully,



Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" as stated before, lets hear you "own" thoughts, do yourself a favor and go read a book, knowledge is power.

You have no integrity and you have lost all your credibility. This is a fact, not an opinion.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" as stated before, lets hear you "own" thoughts, do yourself a favor and go read a book, knowledge is power.

the people will like to know if this murder was one that kill minister sawh only you can tell us

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" as stated before, lets hear you "own" thoughts, do yourself a favor and go read a book, knowledge is power.

the people will like to know if this murderer was one that kill minister sawh only you can tell us 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes needs to come clean...

Raymond, after the facts have now come showing Nigel Hughes was clean and it was all a PPP propaganda campaign, Conscience still continue to LIES and SLANDER Nigel.


But yet, you Raymond have not done justice.


Why does Conscience have this freedom to LIBEL innocent people??


I am calling for all the libelous quotes to be deleted.


Thanks YOU.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Mitwah" as stated before, lets hear you "own" thoughts, do yourself a favor and go read a book, knowledge is power.

Cyar your behind. You are the cut and paste maven here and doing the same like a good water boy across all the Guyanese forums. What independent thought do you have?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes needs to come clean...

Raymond, after the facts have now come showing Nigel Hughes was clean and it was all a PPP propaganda campaign, Conscience still continue to LIES and SLANDER Nigel.


But yet, you Raymond have not done justice.


Why does Conscience have this freedom to LIBEL innocent people??


I am calling for all the libelous quotes to be deleted.


Thanks YOU.

Conscience is one of the PPP untouchables on this forum. He is the kind of person who would even lie on his own birth mother.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes admits Lusignan massacre accused he represented free of cost is guilty


With his party feeling the heat over his double-dealings, crookish behaviour and advocacy on behalf of criminals, Alliance for Change(AFC) chairman Nigel Hughes sought to deflect in a press release which was given prominence in the opposition media. Apart from the contradiction as highlighted in a response by the Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack he also unintentionally provided credence to claims that he and his party have been working in the interest of criminals.

In his release Hughes trumped up the testimony of a state witness who admitted being part of the Fineman gang which perpetrated several murders including the one in question but what he fails to mention is that the same witness also identified his client as one of the persons who also took part in the execution of several men, women and child at Lusignan on the fateful day. So this therefore means that Hughes efforts which were provided free of cost allowed one of the real perpetrators of those heinous acts to be freed. We also wish to remind our readers that Hughes failed to declare to the court his attorney/client relationship with the jury foreman which existed for many years. It is this same jury which acquitted Hughes client.


excerpts from


You folks do not know when you are behind and when to shut up with stupid attempts to disparage another on stupid things.


The lady did not charge a person who said he was a villain! She said she made no deal but the proof is in the pudding. He stands un-accursed and offered testimony against others.


Here in the US we have many high powered lawyers who are now politicians who made their mark doing pro bono work for some of the most atrocious people. That is what lawyers do. They do not make judgements.


The prosecution has an equal shot to take the accused down. That is why it is called an adversarial system. It does not aim at truths per se; it aims at substantiating a point of view based on the available evidence.

Last edited by Former Member

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