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Director of Public Prosecu-tions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack yesterday directed Magistrate Judy Latchman to take steps to commit Regan Rodrigues to stand trial in the High Court for the murder of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing, just one day after the court ruled that there was no case against him.

Magistrate Latchman has since indicated that she would not be able to comply with the directive.

Ali-Hack issued the directive by way of a letter to Magistrate Latchman, while citing provisions set out in Section 72 (2) (ii) (a) of the Criminal Law (Procedure) Act. “I hereby remit to Your Worship the above-mentioned matter and direct you to comply with Sections 65 and 66 of the Criminal Law (Proce-dure) Act, Chapter 10:01 with a view to committing the accused,” the letter stated.

Courtney Crum-Ewing

However, special prosecutor Nigel Hughes said while the magistrate acknowledged receipt of the letter to him, she also said that she would not be complying with the directive since she had already discharged Rodrigues. As a result, Hughes said he was awaiting a response from the DPP.

Magistrate Latchman, in her ruling on Monday, had said she was satisfied that based on the evidence presented, Crum Ewing was shot with a .32 pistol that was found in a house. However, the magistrate added that there was no evidence that Rodrigues used the gun, pulled the trigger and shot Crum Ewing. She further stated that she took into consideration the 14 oral statements that were made by Rodrigues and found that they in no way implicated him in the murder of Crum-Ewing. She said there was no case for Rodrigues to answer and as a result the murder charge against him was discharged.

Hughes yesterday said that the magistrate admitted into evidence caution statements deemed to have been made freely and voluntarily by Rodrigues and the decision to discharge him should have been left up to a jury to decide.

Regan Rodrigues

Section 73 (2) (ii) (a) of the Criminal Law (Procedure) Act states, “Where before the discharge of the accused person the provisions of sections 66 and 67 have not been complied with and the  Director of Public Prosecutions, after the receipt of those documents and things, is of opinion that the evidence given on behalf of the prosecution had established a prima facie  case against the accused, the Director of Public Prosecutions may remit those documents and things to the magistrate  with  directions  to  reopen  the  inquiry and  to comply with sections 66 and 67, and may give such further directions as he may think proper.”

Section 73 (2) (ii) (b) adds, “After  complying  with  the  directions  given  by  the Director of Public Prosecutions under subparagraph (a), the magistrate may either commit the accused for trial or he may adjourn  the  inquiry  and,  subject  to  any  directions  on  the matter   given   by   the   Director   of   Public   Prosecutions, forthwith  notify  the  Director  of  Public  Prosecutions  who shall give any further directions as he may deem fit and, if of opinion  that  a  sufficient  case  has  been  made  out  for  the accused to answer, may direct the magistrate to commit the accused for trial.”

The magistrate’s decision to discharge Rodrigues on Monday came just over two months after Ali-Hack had ordered that the Preliminary Inquiry into the charge against Rodrigues, called ‘Grey Boy,’ be re-opened for additional evidence to be taken from police witnesses. She had previously found that there was no evidence against Rodrigues that implicated him in the murder of Crum-Ewing, who was gunned down in Diamond, while urging persons to vote in the May, 2015 elections.

Rodrigues had been charged in July, 2015 with unlawful possession of a pistol and 14 live rounds of ammunition. The gun was reported to have been linked to the murder of Crum-Ewing and formed the basis for the murder charge. But he was freed of the gun and ammo charges after a court found that the prosecution had failed to prove that he had had knowledge and possession of the articles.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

What BS is this. Anti-koolie Racist hate is going to try this man until they can hang him without legally upsetting the Americans. Keffer the retard take note. koolie Crabdog fight up and koolie self hate can never match anti-koolie racist hate unity.



Ms Shalimar Ali-Hack is performing professionally lately, I think. I was wondering why some senior police officers/prosecutors refused to attend court and do their job. That fact leads to suspicion that Money talked in the process.


So they try the man once and no conviction.  They try him twice and no conviction.  So they decide to try him a Third time??????

Listen, instead of turning this thing into a circus, Granger should just go ahead and build his Crum-Ewing statue with some of the money that was deposited into this Bank Account.

Bank: Republic Bank Guyana Ltd.
Name of account: Education Fund – Daughters of Courtney Crum-Ewing
Account number: 261-548-2.
Bank address: 38 - 40 Water Street, Georgetown Guyana.

Please note that donations can be made to any branch of Republic Bank Guyana Ltd.


Bibi Haniffa

Somebody desperately does not want this case to go to trial even though the murder weapon was found in Grey Boy's home. The PPP magistrate is throwing out the case in the face of evidence that points to Grey Boy. One has to wonder who in the PPP she is protecting.  


Ummmmmmm!!!!  The case went to trial TWICE with Nigel Hughes as the prosecutor!!!!  If you know something that Nigel doesn't know, please come forward with your evidence, for the sake of Courtney's wife and children.

Bibi Haniffa

Ms Hack is a stooge looking out for herself is a selfish and shameless way. Maybe she has the Namakaram Crabdaag sickness. In any case, this is what is expected in a PNC DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ummmmmmm!!!!  The case went to trial TWICE with Nigel Hughes as the prosecutor!!!!  If you know something that Nigel doesn't know, please come forward with your evidence, for the sake of Courtney's wife and children.

It was a Preliminary Inquiry, not a trial.


Listen to these ILLITERATE , SHAMELESS FILTH HEAD ASS KISSERS!!! They would want people to believe a Magistrate's decision is of no value.  BLOODY IDIOTS. These are the kind of people that becomes SLAVES without even knowing it!!!!!!!!!!


Grey Boy walks free again from Courtney Crum-Ewing’s murder charge


Regan ‘Grey Boy’ Rodrigues

Forty- year old Regan “Grey Boy’ Rodrigues was Monday morning a free man after the court found there was not enough evidence for him to stand trial for the murder of Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Crum-Ewing was shot and killed on March 10, 2015 at Diamond, East Bank Demerara while he had been on a megaphone urging residents to vote for the APNU+AFC coalition at the May 11, 2015 general elections. Approximately four months after his death, Rodrigues was implicated for the said murder.Police ranks had reportedly gone to the home of the suspect and conducted a search where an unlicensed firearm.

In September 2016, RodrigueS was freed of the murder charge by Magistrate Judy Latchman due to the lack of evidence but Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalinar Hack decided to re-open the case for further evidence from police witnesses and for the magistrate to rule on the oral statements made by Rodrigues.

Courtney Crum-Ewing

During the Preliminary Inquiry (PI), two witnesses, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Mitchell Caesar, and police ballistics expert, Inspector of Police, Eon Jackson, were present in court to testify.

During Monday’s hearing, the court was told that no written statement was submitted but the oral statements given by Rodrigues were deemed admissible.

However, the court based on his admissible evidence, found no case against Rodrigues.

As such, the matter against Rodrigues was discharged.

Upon hearing this, tears flowed from Rodrigues eyes as he thanked the Magistrate for her time throughout the trial.

Bibi Haniffa

Reading and comprehension is a bit of a challenge for those who made it out of the backdam to CUNY.

During the Preliminary Inquiry (PI), two witnesses, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Mitchell Caesar, and police ballistics expert, Inspector of Police, Eon Jackson, were present in court to testify.

Gilbakka posted:

Ms Shalimar Ali-Hack is performing professionally lately, I think. I was wondering why some senior police officers/prosecutors refused to attend court and do their job. That fact leads to suspicion that Money talked in the process.

It sure seems that way.

Wasn't the gun was found at Rodrigues home? If the same weapon then he must know who the guilty party is. A bit of waterboarding should jog his memory.

Last edited by cain

Bibi's horoscope for today: "You can reach a block now in the form of a restriction or disapproval as Saturn opposes Mars and asks you to check in with reality." 

[AD: Get your free readings from Gilbakkus the Seer and Haryana Brahmin yuji22.]

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ms Shalimar Ali-Hack is performing professionally lately, I think. I was wondering why some senior police officers/prosecutors refused to attend court and do their job. That fact leads to suspicion that Money talked in the process.

It sure seems that way.

Wasn't the gun was found at Rodrigues home? If the same weapon then he must know who the guilty party is. A bit of waterboarding should jog his memory.

Were there ballistic tests to prove that this is the gun used in the crime? Is this too much for the PNC imbeciles to undertake? Looks like the PNC is pressuring the lady to get a guilty verdict at all cost. They want to divert attention from themselves committing the crime.

Mars posted:

Reading and comprehension is a bit of a challenge for those who made it out of the backdam to CUNY.

During the Preliminary Inquiry (PI), two witnesses, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Mitchell Caesar, and police ballistics expert, Inspector of Police, Eon Jackson, were present in court to testify.

"As such, the matter against Rodrigues was discharged."  END OF STORY!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

Reading and comprehension is a bit of a challenge for those who made it out of the backdam to CUNY.

During the Preliminary Inquiry (PI), two witnesses, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Mitchell Caesar, and police ballistics expert, Inspector of Police, Eon Jackson, were present in court to testify.

"As such, the matter against Rodrigues was discharged."  END OF STORY!!!!

I'm simply pointing out that that you're an idiot, babbling sheer tripe, when you don't even know the difference between a PI and a trial.

Gilbakka posted:

Bibi's horoscope for today: "You can reach a block now in the form of a restriction or disapproval as Saturn opposes Mars and asks you to check in with reality." 

[AD: Get your free readings from Gilbakkus the Seer and Haryana Brahmin yuji22.]

Gilly, like you plan to tek ova from Yuji22. De bhai mediating and resting fa a comeback to nock all dem PNCites down.  He PM me a few times, a nice guy.

 Jim and me once wrote a horoscope newsletter page fa de crisis centre volunteers. It got so bad dat de volunteers almost chase us out ah de building.

De next writing was about volunteers smoking too much in the  phone room. The response was even worse. You nevva nock a person smoke and dem booze.  They will put on dem killer instinct helmet.

Gilbakka posted:

Bibi's horoscope for today: "You can reach a block now in the form of a restriction or disapproval as Saturn opposes Mars and asks you to check in with reality." 

[AD: Get your free readings from Gilbakkus the Seer and Haryana Brahmin yuji22.]

Here is my horoscope for today:


Courtney Crum-Ewing

February 20 at 11:30pm ·

Kill kill kill. Assassinate assassinate assassination. Murder murder murder. execute execute execute. Genocide genocide genocide. Anhailate Anhailate Anhailate. Expire expire expire. Death death death........




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Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ms Shalimar Ali-Hack is performing professionally lately, I think. I was wondering why some senior police officers/prosecutors refused to attend court and do their job. That fact leads to suspicion that Money talked in the process.

It sure seems that way.

Wasn't the gun was found at Rodrigues home? If the same weapon then he must know who the guilty party is. A bit of waterboarding should jog his memory.

Not so fast cainster, Rodriguez could have been set up by the pnc, plantng the gun in his house. Not because the man look mashup we should assume he is guilty. That is why we have the law to protect even the lowelest of citizens .

Drugb posted:
cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Ms Shalimar Ali-Hack is performing professionally lately, I think. I was wondering why some senior police officers/prosecutors refused to attend court and do their job. That fact leads to suspicion that Money talked in the process.

It sure seems that way.

Wasn't the gun was found at Rodrigues home? If the same weapon then he must know who the guilty party is. A bit of waterboarding should jog his memory.

Not so fast cainster, Rodriguez could have been set up by the pnc, plantng the gun in his house. Not because the man look mashup we should assume he is guilty. That is why we have the law to protect even the lowelest of citizens .

even low life like you can be protect by the law


Magistrate refuses second DPP order to commit “Grey Boy” to High Court trial for Crum-Ewing’s murder

Special Prosecutor, Nigel Hughes, told News Source today that the DPP issued a new direction to the Magistrate to commit Rodrigues for murder and the magistrate refused to comply with the order and has discharged him again. He said he finds the refusal by the Magistrate as both strange and unprecedented.

Magistrate refuses second DPP order to commit “Grey Boy” to High Court trial for Crum-Ewing’s murder

Georgetown Magistrate, Judy Latchman, today refused a second order from the Director of Public Prosecutions to commit murder accused, Reagan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy”, to stand a High Court trial for the murder of activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Special Prosecutor, Nigel Hughes, told News Source today that the DPP issued a new direction to the Magistrate to commit Rodrigues for murder and the magistrate refused to comply with the order and has discharged him again.  He said he finds the refusal by the Magistrate as both strange and unprecedented.

On Tuesday, the Magistrate refused a similar order on the grounds that she had already discharged the matter.

But several legal minds and persons who would have served in law enforcement for several years, appeared shocked by the Magistrates’ position. The Laws of Guyana provide for the Director of Public Prosecutions to direct any Magistrate to commit a defendant to stand trial in the High Court.

In a post on Facebook, retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, Paul Slowe, said “something is definitely wrong! Let’s see where this will go. If my memory is correct, the constitution provides for the DPP to direct any Magistrate to commit a defendant to stand trial in the High Court. It is not a request, it is a direction, which the Magistrate is compelled to carry out.”


On Monday, the accused, Reagan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy” was set free of the murder charge for a second time after the Magistrate ruled that a case had not been made out against him.  A similar dismissal was made back in January by another Magistrate.

Rodrigues has always maintained his innocence in the murder of the political activist. The activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, was shot dead in March 2015 as he used a loud hailer in the Diamond community to encourage residents to vote against the People’s Progressive Party.

The investigation into his murder remains active, but investigators are confident that “Grey Boy” is the one responsible for the murder.

Mars posted:
On Monday, the accused, Reagan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy” was set free of the murder charge for a second time after the Magistrate ruled that a case had not been made out against him.  A similar dismissal was made back in January by another Magistrate.


Look like Mars is on serious slop can duties today, he appointed himself judge and jury. Clearly he has eyes on django's chief slop can position. 

Reagan stated that police killed Ewing, did the police investigate themselves?

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
On Monday, the accused, Reagan Rodrigues aka “Grey Boy” was set free of the murder charge for a second time after the Magistrate ruled that a case had not been made out against him.  A similar dismissal was made back in January by another Magistrate.


Look like Mars is on serious slop can duties today, he appointed himself judge and jury. Clearly he has eyes on django's chief slop can position. 

Reagan stated that police killed Ewing, did the police investigate themselves?

Your goady like it acting up from dragging around that heavy piss pot and lifting baggage in the churchyard. Did you ever get it cut when you were in exile from GNI?

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Your goady like it acting up from dragging around that heavy piss pot and lifting baggage in the churchyard. Did you ever get it cut when you were in exile from GNI?

Bai like ah getting under yuh skin. you mekking up story now.  you probably didn't meet granger but for sure you met me years ago, now you ketch wan woman, you think you beyond reproach. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Your goady like it acting up from dragging around that heavy piss pot and lifting baggage in the churchyard. Did you ever get it cut when you were in exile from GNI?

Bai like ah getting under yuh skin. you mekking up story now.  you probably didn't meet granger but for sure you met me years ago, now you ketch wan woman, you think you beyond reproach. 

You certainly don't know me. I've never had a problem finding a woman. I'm handsome, smart, charming, have a full head of hair, some pennies in my pocket and a jay oh bee. 

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Somebody desperately does not want this case to go to trial even though the murder weapon was found in Grey Boy's home. The PPP magistrate is throwing out the case in the face of evidence that points to Grey Boy. One has to wonder who in the PPP she is protecting.  

I think big drug is behind the hit.  The police officers are on the take!  This case will go cold.  Regan Rodrigues needs to watch his back when the spot light is off, or he really don't know anything and the drug lords are aware of this!  He is likely the best distraction from who is really behind it!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

Somebody desperately does not want this case to go to trial even though the murder weapon was found in Grey Boy's home. The PPP magistrate is throwing out the case in the face of evidence that points to Grey Boy. One has to wonder who in the PPP she is protecting.  

I think big drug is behind the hit.  The police officers are on the take!  This case will go cold.  Regan Rodrigues needs to watch his back when the spot light is off, or he really don't know anything and the drug lords are aware of this!  He is likely the best distraction from who is really behind it!

Nothing to do with a drug hit. The PPP magistrate is desperately trying to stop this case from going to trial as she is obviously protecting someone.

Grey Boy will end up dead very soon. He will go the way of George Bacchus who tried to give evidence about the Phantom Squad to a Kangaroo Court the PPP set up to investigate themselves. The same way the killers of Sash Sawh were eliminated. PPP justice - dead men tell no tales. 

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

Somebody desperately does not want this case to go to trial even though the murder weapon was found in Grey Boy's home. The PPP magistrate is throwing out the case in the face of evidence that points to Grey Boy. One has to wonder who in the PPP she is protecting.  

I think big drug is behind the hit.  The police officers are on the take!  This case will go cold.  Regan Rodrigues needs to watch his back when the spot light is off, or he really don't know anything and the drug lords are aware of this!  He is likely the best distraction from who is really behind it!

Nothing to do with a drug hit. The PPP magistrate is desperately trying to stop this case from going to trial as she is obviously protecting someone.

Grey Boy will end up dead very soon. He will go the way of George Bacchus who tried to give evidence about the Phantom Squad to a Kangaroo Court the PPP set up to investigate themselves. The same way the killers of Sash Sawh were eliminated. PPP justice - dead men tell no tales. 

Didn't they find Sat Sawh's personal documents on one of Finemen's gang members after he was taken out?

I still think Crum Ewing was a drug hit and police members were in on it!  This is why the case cannot come to trial!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

Somebody desperately does not want this case to go to trial even though the murder weapon was found in Grey Boy's home. The PPP magistrate is throwing out the case in the face of evidence that points to Grey Boy. One has to wonder who in the PPP she is protecting.  

I think big drug is behind the hit.  The police officers are on the take!  This case will go cold.  Regan Rodrigues needs to watch his back when the spot light is off, or he really don't know anything and the drug lords are aware of this!  He is likely the best distraction from who is really behind it!

Nothing to do with a drug hit. The PPP magistrate is desperately trying to stop this case from going to trial as she is obviously protecting someone.

Grey Boy will end up dead very soon. He will go the way of George Bacchus who tried to give evidence about the Phantom Squad to a Kangaroo Court the PPP set up to investigate themselves. The same way the killers of Sash Sawh were eliminated. PPP justice - dead men tell no tales. 

Didn't they find Sat Sawh's personal documents on one of Finemen's gang members after he was taken out?

I still think Crum Ewing was a drug hit and police members were in on it!  This is why the case cannot come to trial!

So why all the hoop la? Yall rass getting your panties and goadies all tied up in knots over this. Yall "know the man working for PNC" so if this is the case why dont you people clam up and let justice do its thing?

It's only you PPP peeps who complaining, why? You should all be thrilled the PNC guy getting charged again.


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