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LFS Burnham and Cheddi Jagan had one thing in common, but on two distinct ideology to produce and consume locally. Why Indo-Guyanese believe that banning foreign imports and producing them locally leads to communism and dictatorship? Listen to Cheddi Jagan repeat the soundbites of LFS Burnham that many consider an evil dictator. Should we consider Dr. Cheddi Jagan an evil dictator for his ideas that many rejected under Burnham?

Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan

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Produce and consume locally was always the men in the import food business  don't like such ideas,nuff ah them are friends with the new politicians so the people are not encouraged to venture in producing local food.

I have noticed this gov't is resuscitating the idea,i always believed Guyana can produce food to feed the nation.

Drugb posted:

All sounds good however is govt willing to impose tariffs on imports? This would be the only solution to give farmers a chance to be competitive with imports. 

Me thinks it was mentioned by the Finance Minister to cut back on some food imports,knowing how some Guyanese thinks,they see ban and Burnham days coming back.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

All sounds good however is govt willing to impose tariffs on imports? This would be the only solution to give farmers a chance to be competitive with imports. 

Me thinks it was mentioned by the Finance Minister to cut back on some food imports,knowing how some Guyanese thinks,they see ban and Burnham days coming back.

The jackasses shouldn't ban, tariffs will level the playing field. However smuggling bypasses tariffs. 

Drugb posted:

All sounds good however is govt willing to impose tariffs on imports? This would be the only solution to give farmers a chance to be competitive with imports. 

This is where I believe the PPP left a low-hanging fruit.  The PNC should re-institute this, impose import tariffs on products will local equivalents, ring-fence the revenues and subsidize local production.  I have been a long-time supporter of this, something close to my dear father's heart, regardless of politics.

Violators, when caught, should be imposed a penalty 10X the value of what they were caught with.  The Govt should reward whistle blowers who tip off violators.  Let the people police the people.  Any violator is taking bread out of the mouth of farmers.

Indian farmers will be the greatest beneficiaries!  The small farmers' plight is why you see so much rural poverty under the PPP in spite of much glitz and glamour on the surface.  The poor were saved by remittances from overseas which covered up some of the PPP's policy weaknesses!

Baseman stands with the "poor huddled masses of Guyana yearning to breathe a sense of economic well being" regardless of which political party is in power!  Running to America is becoming a less and less attractive alternative!

I tell you, my contacts in the AFC/PNC says they have a master plan to kick in  2018 - 2020.  I believe this is part of that plan!  They may also resuscitate Amelia under a US umbrella!

Mitwah knows to what I refer, he just monkeying around, as usual!!


Baseman, your are the man. The personal attacks is a major distraction. Anyway, I am with you 100% on this one. I think remittances accounted for over 30% of GDP. This created a false notion of economic growth. With the current state of corruption, I am not sure if the proceeds from tariffs will trickle down to the poor farmers. Dem boys might just give themselves a big raise.

Mitwah posted:

Baseman, your are the man. The personal attacks is a major distraction. Anyway, I am with you 100% on this one. I think remittances accounted for over 30% of GDP. This created a false notion of economic growth. With the current state of corruption, I am not sure if the proceeds from tariffs will trickle down to the poor farmers. Dem boys might just give themselves a big raise.

Is there any indication if the remittances have dropped, remain the same or increased? Thanks.

Mitwah posted:

Baseman, your are the man. The personal attacks is a major distraction. Anyway, I am with you 100% on this one. I think remittances accounted for over 30% of GDP. This created a false notion of economic growth. With the current state of corruption, I am not sure if the proceeds from tariffs will trickle down to the poor farmers. Dem boys might just give themselves a big raise.

With the current state of corruption, I am not sure if the proceeds from tariffs will trickle down to the poor farmers. Dem boys might just give themselves a big raise.

Mits, you stated a couple of key words that are associated with your PNC , 1. corruption,  2. raise, I think those words go hand in hand, corruption raise.  the other statement should have been ,FAKE notion of economic growth. You have given up hope on the PNC, their Motto will be "No Coolie Boys Allowed". OIL is coming and what a deal, 2% for the PNC and 98% for Exxon Mobil, whoever in government will be rich and the people will remain POOR.

Mitwah posted:

Baseman, your are the man. The personal attacks is a major distraction. Anyway, I am with you 100% on this one. I think remittances accounted for over 30% of GDP. This created a false notion of economic growth. With the current state of corruption, I am not sure if the proceeds from tariffs will trickle down to the poor farmers. Dem boys might just give themselves a big raise.

Listen, I don't make personal attacks, who is Mitwah, who is Tola, who is any handle.  I know who you are, did you ever see me use your name?  I know who Tola is, did you ever see me refer to his name?

Anyway, if the Govt wants to ensure the money goes to the farmers, then they need to form a special group just to manage this process.  They need to establish rules like how much of the take come to the farm support fund, how is it coded so the duty revenues are identified and ring fenced.

In the end it's a double benefit, reduced Forex outflows, stimulate internal domestic activity.  They did this once but racism and other politics defeated the effort.  They can attempt again and if they don't overlay racism, it might just do better.

I believe the Indian masses will cooperate more than last time as the Indian population feels vindicated.  The PPP had 23 years and time to move on in the national interest regardless of party.  Let's hope the PNC are not overcome by the Caribjs racist psyche!


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