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BUDGET DEBATE: Macro focus neglecting the people - Dr. Cummings

  • Friday, 04 April 2014 00:20

APNU parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings


APNU parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings

The APNU’s newest parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings says the government’s claims of macro growth are not being felt at the level of the ordinary man.
She was at the time making her maiden presentation before the National Assembly as the 2014 budget debate continued on Thursday. Dr. Cummings became an MP following the resignation due to ill health of the now deceased APNU member Deborah Backer back in February.
“Mr. Speaker this minority Government brags a GDP expanding 5.2 percent real growth compared to a global growth of 3.6 percent;. an inflation rate of 0.9 percent, and a possible projected growth of 5.6 percent for 2014 ; a government that boasts of surpluses and savings but leaves the masses and working poor  Mr. Speaker, in a state of dispossession  and the jobless poor in bewilderment  and hopelessness.
“Mr. Speaker, development is a many sided process, therefore it does not only involve an increase in material wealth but must include the general welfare of the citizenry,” Dr. Cummings stated.
According to the medical doctor, the government was clueless to the fact that the wealth of a nation was rooted in the health and wellbeing of its people and she declared that the healthcare system was in need of rescue and recovery.
She then set out a number of concerns and possible solutions in what has so far been one of the better presentations of the budget debate after which Speaker Raphael Trotman was moved to say “a star is born.
Firstly Dr. Cummings stated that there was no mention in the budget of improving the socio-economic status of the poorly paid healthcare providers even as they were finding it difficult to make ends meet.
“Mr. Speaker, only a week ago approximately 19 nurses did not report for duty at the GPHC owing to the unavailability of money as they struggle to pay utility, transportation, food and rent bills with the meagre salaries they earn. 
Mr. Speaker what kind of family would allow its members to go hungry? And what prevents the Government which claims to be caring, from doing something about it? In our context, Mr. Speaker monetary motivation is still the preferred manner of encouragement for the healthcare workers, who provide preventive, curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services in a systematic way to individuals, families or communities.”
According to Dr. Cummings, health care workers were still waiting for a 10 percent after tax salary increase which had been budgeted a year ago. She recommended that the government provide significant improvement of benefits to the workers to enhance retention and guarantee a higher level of commitment and efficiency.
On what she said was the growing incidence of infant and maternal mortality the APNU MP recommended that in addition to expanding the facilities in the hinterland areas the system should also be decentralized with staff trained and equipped to fully handle whatever situation may arise.
And on the contentious issue of the construction of a specialty hospital Dr. Cummings said it would be better to develop the system already in place.
“The wise thing would be to develop the already existing tertiary level institution, the GPHC, which will result in less cost for the tax payers. The specialist programmes done at the Georgetown Hospital, in collaboration with the University of Guyana, the Universities of Vander Belt and Ohio in the USA and the Columbia University in Canada have begun to train specialists in areas of Orthopedics, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics and in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to name a few, should be sustained.”
The MP added that the remuneration package of such doctors should be attractive with specialist salaries.
“Mr. Speaker we recommend that primary care service should be complemented by different levels of specialized care whether it is ambulatory or inpatient but the focus should be at this time on improving the primary care system,” she said.
The APNU member also touched recommended that proper data be collated on suicide so that a matrix could be developed to address the causes and prevention. She also called for guidance programmes in schools to address child sexual abuse; properly equipped ambulances in the hinterland areas; and that the drug procurement process be strengthened to ensure value for dollar is received.
“The Budget 2014, Mr. Speaker, disregards and has neglected the working poor and vulnerable.  It attempts to focus on numbers, rather than trying to have a direct impact on the quality of service being rendered. Mr. Speaker, the spending projected does not reflect value for money,” she said.
According to Dr. Cummings, the budget was filled with “ironies and eye water.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quote According to Dr. Cummings, the budget was filled with “ironies and eye water.”


The tears of the poor is a curse on the Corrupt PPP/C as only time will prove their intended neglect of the Poor and Sufferings in Guyana.


Quote "According to Dr. Cummings,health care workers were still waiting for a 10 percent after tax salary increase which had been budgeted a year ago." unquote


What happened with the money?????????


No wonder the poorly paid are the leaving this PPP/C's slave campin droves


In her insulting maiden speech Dr Cummings lambasted the impotent and Corrupted PPP/C when she hinted that "The Budget 2014, Mr. Speaker, disregards and has neglected the working poor and vulnerable."


‘Develop GPHC instead of investing in

specialty hospital’- Dr Cummings

April 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


Guyana’s healthcare system is in need of rescue and recovery with the implementation of initiatives that will reflect a 20/20 vision of healthcare delivery, says Dr. Karen Cummings, Parliamentarian for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). She believes that Government should develop the already existing tertiary level healthcare institution, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), instead of pursuing the construction of the specialty hospital.

 flashback: Nurses protest against five percent increase in salary in December 2013

flashback: Nurses protest against five percent increase in salary in December 2013


In her presentation, Dr Cummings went on to lambast the corrupt PPP/C government who was clueless to the fact that the wealth of a nation was rooted in the health and well being of its people and she declared that the health care system was in need of rescue and recovery.


Dr Cummings went on to accuse the government who boasts of surpluses and savings but leaves the masses and working poor in a state of dispossession, the jobless and poor in bewilderment  and hopelessness.



Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

Your penis is only 2 inch. Too tiny. 


i noted from day1 . . . this "specialty hospital" in the contemporary Guyana context is a terrifying monument to Bharat Jagdeo's overflowing contempt for the common Guyanese citizen


Which poor people in Guyana would be able to afford to be admitted to a  Speciality Hospital, like the one they are contemplating?


7 hours ago

‘Develop GPHC instead of investing in

specialty hospital’- Dr Cummings

April 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under News


Guyana’s healthcare system is in need of rescue and recovery with the implementation of initiatives that will reflect a 20/20 vision of healthcare delivery, says Dr. Karen Cummings, Parliamentarian for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). She believes that Government should develop the already existing tertiary level healthcare institution, Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), instead of pursuing the construction of the specialty hospital.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

Your penis is only 2 inch. Too tiny. 

I remember you measuring it one night. Well shovel man does try  do what dragline already did.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

Your penis is only 2 inch. Too tiny. 

I remember you measuring it one night. Well shovel man does try  do what dragline already did.

 he he he he. Home run. Touch em all Bhai Nehru.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

Your penis is only 2 inch. Too tiny. 

I remember you measuring it one night. Well shovel man does try  do what dragline already did.

 he he he he. Home run. Touch em all Bhai Nehru.

YUh LIke, glad you having FUN.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

JB get your measuring Tape out for tonight. I am stretching it out right now.

You gat any chinee blush fuh tonite?

HEHEHE I gun need that since many dragline entered the Port.

Originally Posted by asj:

BUDGET DEBATE: Macro focus neglecting the people - Dr. Cummings

  • Friday, 04 April 2014 00:20

APNU parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings


APNU parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings

The APNU’s newest parliamentarian Dr. Karen Cummings says the government’s claims of macro growth are not being felt at the level of the ordinary man.
She was at the time making her maiden presentation before the National Assembly as the 2014 budget debate continued on Thursday. Dr. Cummings became an MP following the resignation due to ill health of the now deceased APNU member Deborah Backer back in February.
“Mr. Speaker this minority Government brags a GDP expanding 5.2 percent real growth compared to a global growth of 3.6 percent;. an inflation rate of 0.9 percent, and a possible projected growth of 5.6 percent for 2014 ; a government that boasts of surpluses and savings but leaves the masses and working poor  Mr. Speaker, in a state of dispossession  and the jobless poor in bewilderment  and hopelessness.
“Mr. Speaker, development is a many sided process, therefore it does not only involve an increase in material wealth but must include the general welfare of the citizenry,” Dr. Cummings stated.
According to the medical doctor, the government was clueless to the fact that the wealth of a nation was rooted in the health and wellbeing of its people and she declared that the healthcare system was in need of rescue and recovery.
She then set out a number of concerns and possible solutions in what has so far been one of the better presentations of the budget debate after which Speaker Raphael Trotman was moved to say “a star is born.
Firstly Dr. Cummings stated that there was no mention in the budget of improving the socio-economic status of the poorly paid healthcare providers even as they were finding it difficult to make ends meet.
“Mr. Speaker, only a week ago approximately 19 nurses did not report for duty at the GPHC owing to the unavailability of money as they struggle to pay utility, transportation, food and rent bills with the meagre salaries they earn. 
Mr. Speaker what kind of family would allow its members to go hungry? And what prevents the Government which claims to be caring, from doing something about it? In our context, Mr. Speaker monetary motivation is still the preferred manner of encouragement for the healthcare workers, who provide preventive, curative, promotional or rehabilitative health care services in a systematic way to individuals, families or communities.”
According to Dr. Cummings, health care workers were still waiting for a 10 percent after tax salary increase which had been budgeted a year ago. She recommended that the government provide significant improvement of benefits to the workers to enhance retention and guarantee a higher level of commitment and efficiency.
On what she said was the growing incidence of infant and maternal mortality the APNU MP recommended that in addition to expanding the facilities in the hinterland areas the system should also be decentralized with staff trained and equipped to fully handle whatever situation may arise.
And on the contentious issue of the construction of a specialty hospital Dr. Cummings said it would be better to develop the system already in place.
“The wise thing would be to develop the already existing tertiary level institution, the GPHC, which will result in less cost for the tax payers. The specialist programmes done at the Georgetown Hospital, in collaboration with the University of Guyana, the Universities of Vander Belt and Ohio in the USA and the Columbia University in Canada have begun to train specialists in areas of Orthopedics, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics and in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to name a few, should be sustained.”
The MP added that the remuneration package of such doctors should be attractive with specialist salaries.
“Mr. Speaker we recommend that primary care service should be complemented by different levels of specialized care whether it is ambulatory or inpatient but the focus should be at this time on improving the primary care system,” she said.
The APNU member also touched recommended that proper data be collated on suicide so that a matrix could be developed to address the causes and prevention. She also called for guidance programmes in schools to address child sexual abuse; properly equipped ambulances in the hinterland areas; and that the drug procurement process be strengthened to ensure value for dollar is received.
“The Budget 2014, Mr. Speaker, disregards and has neglected the working poor and vulnerable.  It attempts to focus on numbers, rather than trying to have a direct impact on the quality of service being rendered. Mr. Speaker, the spending projected does not reflect value for money,” she said.
According to Dr. Cummings, the budget was filled with “ironies and eye water.”

I wish this woman well.  PNC need some fresh young blood.


I am tried of all them OVER 60's in the APNU.


Look they replace young Jaipaul with a OLD, OLD fogie - Elliot.


They cannot win with all them OLD PEOPLE.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look at the newly found start in the PPP.  A brillant YOUNG woman.


TICK< TICK< TICK all the boxes.


Like you ah cut you pan she nah.

Skelly, me nah live too lang a guyana, can you explain what you are saying above so I can answer?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look at the newly found start in the PPP.  A brillant YOUNG woman.


TICK< TICK< TICK all the boxes.


Like you ah cut you pan she nah.

Skelly, me nah live too lang a guyana, can you explain what you are saying above so I can answer?

Sorry man. I mean "Like you ah cut you eye pan she nah.


Quote "According to Dr. Cummings,health care workers were still waiting for a 10 percent after tax salary increase which had been budgeted a year ago." unquote


What happened with the money?????????


No wonder the poorly paid are the leaving this PPP/C's slave campin droves



What happened with the money????????? did the PEE PEE PEE steal it?

to satisfy their ego of Mansions in Guyana?



The opposition has the majority of votes in parliament. They have the option of saying no to budget inconsistencies, but the AFC are afraid to go to the  polls if the budget fails.  They might get only two seats this time around.

The PNC does not want another election and you know why. They will be embarrassed at the polls.  haleluyah!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

I do not ever think I addressed the girl. Further, your preoccupation with this crude and insulting way with women means the only ones you could get is the one you pay for. And here again it is the quality that 2 dollar can bring you. Swing left, right or the center don't mean a damn to me. I have two baby mamas and a wife so I surely know the direction on my compass

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

I do not ever think I addressed the girl. Further, your preoccupation with this crude and insulting way with women means the only ones you could get is the one you pay for. And here again it is the quality that 2 dollar can bring you. Swing left, right or the center don't mean a damn to me. I have two baby mamas and a wife so I surely know the direction on my compass

Like I sais, if you pay me a million dollars I am not interested, go look somewhere else. YUh jealous of JB.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

I do not ever think I addressed the girl. Further, your preoccupation with this crude and insulting way with women means the only ones you could get is the one you pay for. And here again it is the quality that 2 dollar can bring you. Swing left, right or the center don't mean a damn to me. I have two baby mamas and a wife so I surely know the direction on my compass

Like I sais, if you pay me a million dollars I am not interested, go look somewhere else. YUh jealous of JB.

JB already told you her standards. No ignorant puny dick men with a penchant to brag. As I said previously, you are the only poster of the some 30 to 40 who post here who feels a necessity to address women on the site as sexual objects. Real men know what to do when it matters. This is a political board!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

I do not ever think I addressed the girl. Further, your preoccupation with this crude and insulting way with women means the only ones you could get is the one you pay for. And here again it is the quality that 2 dollar can bring you. Swing left, right or the center don't mean a damn to me. I have two baby mamas and a wife so I surely know the direction on my compass

Like I sais, if you pay me a million dollars I am not interested, go look somewhere else. YUh jealous of JB.

JB already told you her standards. No ignorant puny dick men with a penchant to brag. As I said previously, you are the only poster of the some 30 to 40 who post here who feels a necessity to address women on the site as sexual objects. Real men know what to do when it matters. This is a political board!

JACKAS, Once again the woman did the measuring and like dat gat yuh Batty scrating!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dr Cummings is An ASS!!!! Why wait till shit hold you to build a Toilet and who said you cant whistle and chew cane at the same time. The Opposition are not only clueless but very INCOMPETENT. WEll we witnessed that for 28 years.

You are an ignorant old man.

But you like my aggressive, brutal self when we hook up!!!

She is right to say you are ignorant and uncouth. Do you believe these stupid and continual sexual harassment will make you look good or more a man? It makes you a low life scumbag. Given you are almost twice her age should have afforded you some perspective but you seemed to have been raised in a sty.

A cassava bread, white mouth IDIOT like you are nothing but untreated SEWAGE!!!

Sorry, that affliction may be common to your ranks given you think the imagery is important illustration of something.Also sewage is what sewage does. Check how many times you see me making sexual suggestive comments to a female poster. The girl is right; that is what is common  to you  backwoods lowlife fools small tooled fools like you. In that respect you are the only person on this site who does that as habit and that alone speaks volumes.

YOu sound like you are jealous she got to measure it and not you. You are upset and she is Happy. I don't swing the other way so you will have to look elsewhere.

I do not ever think I addressed the girl. Further, your preoccupation with this crude and insulting way with women means the only ones you could get is the one you pay for. And here again it is the quality that 2 dollar can bring you. Swing left, right or the center don't mean a damn to me. I have two baby mamas and a wife so I surely know the direction on my compass

Like I sais, if you pay me a million dollars I am not interested, go look somewhere else. YUh jealous of JB.

JB already told you her standards. No ignorant puny dick men with a penchant to brag. As I said previously, you are the only poster of the some 30 to 40 who post here who feels a necessity to address women on the site as sexual objects. Real men know what to do when it matters. This is a political board!

JACKAS, Once again the woman did the measuring and like dat gat yuh Batty scrating!!!!

as stated, you can always be counted for achieving the the best in your repertoire of the vile when given a chance. You simply do not know better



Budget 2014 is a ‘spend and hope’ budget – Amna Ally

April 7, 2014 5:16 pm 


By Kurt Campbell

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally.

[] – Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally during her contribution to the ongoing National 2014 Budget Debate has disregarded the $220B Budget as a spend and hope document.

She argued that there was no certainty about the effectiveness of the education programme.

“The government come in this House and shout about the largest budget ever, over $200B but the greatest worry is despite the larger input we are not getting value for money, in some cases we cannot see where the money is going and the sufferers are only the nation’s children,” Ally said.

She told the House that a lot of money is spent on infrastructure in the education sector yet the outcome and outlook is dismal. She said there can be no vacillation by any Minister or the separation of responsibility for policy and infrastructure.

She recalled the many protest in face of collapsing infrastructure in 2013 and instances where children were absent from the formal learning environment as they did chores to ensure they were comfortable and in some instances fed.

The Chief Whip accused the government of neglecting several schools, particularly in the hinterland hence causing non delivery of education.

Turning her attention to the attainment of Universal Secondary Education this year as boasted as the administration, Ally said the move is a welcomed one but cautioned the government that it will not be achieved through political commentary but must be minutely worked out and monitored.

Ally also questioned whether the government has truly achieved Universal Primary Education.

The Opposition Chief Whip accused the government too of starving the University of Guyana of funds, adding that the institution is unable to pay their electricity bills and fall short on adequate furniture, projectors and other necessary equipment.

The 2014 budget allots 1.4B for UG, a reduction of $3M in 2013. In this regard, Ally said it behooves her to ask why the administration continues to stifle the country’s young people. 

The APNU MP in her presentation also criticized the Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET), the $10,000 education grant, dismissing it as ludicrous.

Ally said there was need to look at the reach of the Learning Channel since students in several Regions do not get the service.

Her presentation ended with several recommendations for improving literacy rates and the Education Strategic Plan.

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