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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The other was clearly political.


The Police has not disclosed any more details, and here you are in America and you know "clearly."  The Police should have been issuing bulletins on how investigations are progressing.


The Linden riots was simply bullyism. Rioting for lower electricity bills is not a human right. Burning schools and govt buildings, blocking vehicles from crossing, and burning vehicles are not legitimate actions. You know if that had happened in the USA, they would have jailed them by the bus loads. I don't condone bullyism as human rights.  There is a line.


Stop the nonsense about ethnic exclusion of non-Indians.  We have gone over the facts that non-Indians control everything in the Guyana state system.  That's not conjecture; that's facts. We can almost say the PPP is in power, not in office.  The PPP's problem is that it never implemented diversity policies, but instead focused on how to steal money through NICIL and other shady deals.


I am for balanced, fair policies and systems for all.  Hopefully, the Coalition is a good first step, and we have some honorable leaders to deal with.

you are a transparent ethnic chauvinist, race con man, FRAUD & LIAR . . . armed with the full range of ole line race code words like "bullyism" to demonize Afro-Guyanese


especially noting that the bridge blocade was part of a peaceful people's protest (actually frowned upon by Granger and the top PNC hierarchy; long in planning; with much care taken to preserve its non-violent character) until the regime provocations kicked in


so, when you charge "bullyism" you charge the people not the PNC; and since there was no ethnic dimension to the protest, who exactly were these poor people "bullying"?


blocking roads and bridges are NOT high crimes that you should get shot and killed for in civilized societies, not even in Guyana!


sugar workers and rice farmers do it all the time, and the PPP gov't has NEVER sanctioned that kind of deadly force against those mainly Indo-Guyanese protesters


and btw, where did u get the idea that the Linden protesters burned down their own school?


your other shit about Indian powerlessness in a sea of powerful black people, 2015 Guyana style, i file away under deranged jokes and will not dignify with comment


g'wan suh u nasty ole bigot . . . resume posting under your old nic, i dare u

Last edited by Former Member

The police killed a man during the Albion protest against armed robbery


Dear Editor,

I refer to the article on page 19 of the Stabroek News of Thursday, July 26 headlined, ‘APNU leads “Day of Mourning” demonstrations in city,’ where Region 10 Chairman Sharma Soloman was quoted as saying, “I think there is one law that applies to the people of Linden and one that applies to the people of Albion because I have seen persons blocking roads in Albion, which impedes the flow of traffic, and nobody has been killed so far.”

Editor, I do not know the age of Mr Soloman; I understand he is a young man, but I would like to advise him that if he does not know the facts, he should not distort or rewrite history.

The statement he made is far from the truth. The truth is that the protest at Albion was sparked by the numerous armed robberies and kick-down-the-door banditry that the hapless sugar workers had to endure at that time without any help or response from the police.

And when the workers rose up and were protesting in front of the Albion Police Station, they were shot at by the police resulting in one man being killed and many injured.

And the name of that man is Mohamed Shamshudeen.

Mr Solomon should not make this thing out to be something racial, because in Guyana when the police are under siege, they will shoot at anyone, whether they are Indian or African.

Yours faithfully,
Imtiaz Baccus

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The other was clearly political.


The Police has not disclosed any more details, and here you are in America and you know "clearly."  The Police should have been issuing bulletins on how investigations are progressing.


The Linden riots was simply bullyism. Rioting for lower electricity bills is not a human right. Burning schools and govt buildings, blocking vehicles from crossing, and burning vehicles are not legitimate actions. You know if that had happened in the USA, they would have jailed them by the bus loads. I don't condone bullyism as human rights.  There is a line.


Stop the nonsense about ethnic exclusion of non-Indians.  We have gone over the facts that non-Indians control everything in the Guyana state system.  That's not conjecture; that's facts. We can almost say the PPP is in power, not in office.  The PPP's problem is that it never implemented diversity policies, but instead focused on how to steal money through NICIL and other shady deals.


I am for balanced, fair policies and systems for all.  Hopefully, the Coalition is a good first step, and we have some honorable leaders to deal with.

you are a transparent ethnic chauvinist, race con man, FRAUD & LIAR . . . armed with the full range of ole line race code words like "bullyism" to demonize Afro-Guyanese


especially noting that the bridge blocade was part of a peaceful people's protest (actually frowned upon by Granger and the top PNC hierarchy; long in planning; with much care taken to preserve its non-violent character) until the regime provocations kicked in


so, when you charge "bullyism" you charge the people not the PNC; and since there was no ethnic dimension to the protest, who exactly were these poor people "bullying"?


blocking roads and bridges are NOT high crimes that you should get shot and killed for in civilized societies, not even in Guyana!


sugar workers and rice farmers do it all the time, and the PPP gov't has NEVER sanctioned that kind of deadly force against those mainly Indo-Guyanese protesters


and btw, where did u get the idea that the Linden protesters burned down their own school?


your other shit about Indian powerlessness in a sea of powerful black people, 2015 Guyana style, i file away under deranged jokes and will not dignify with comment


g'wan suh u nasty ole bigot . . . resume posting under your old nic, i dare u

Jay, like it or not.  If the APNU AFC coalition wins there will be a full goal of addressing the attempts by the PPP, and their cronies to ethnically exclude blacks.


Now resume telling your lies and displaying your closet Indo KKK behavior.


Grey Boy’ discharged again for Crum-Ewing’s murder


By Feona Morrison
“There is absolutely no evidence; no case for him to answer to,” said Magistrate Judy Latchman before discharging Regan Rodrigues again for the murder of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing. It was an emotional moment for Rodrigues, also known as ‘Grey Boy’.
The 33-year-old man dropped to his knees and cried when Magistrate Latchman told him he was free to go. “Freedom, Freedom,” he was heard shouting while sitting in the Police Outpost at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The Preliminary Inquiry into the matter concluded yesterday during which Magistrate Latchman ruled that a prima facie case was not made out against Rodrigues at the close of the prosecution’s case. Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes represented the prosecution.

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

Crum Ewing was a drug hit of his own making.

Just like Sat Sawh was, eh ? Is your hero Jagdeo ever going to make public, the tape he said he got of  the murderer ?

What a friggin loser, just like you.

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:

Crum Ewing was a drug hit of his own making.

Just like Sat Sawh was, eh ? Is your hero Jagdeo ever going to make public, the tape he said he got of  the murderer ?

What a friggin loser, just like you.

Hehe, Jagdeo and Trump will drive your stupid ass to become a suicide stat, or into the loony bin, you already half way there!

BTW, have you yet convinced Granger to fund your "lofty" suicide initiatives which you cussed out the PPP for not funding?  I don't think even Granger that stupid!!

warrior posted:
ba$eman posted:

Crum Ewing was a drug hit of his own making.

you stop smoking cheap shit

You should have read some of his postings on FB.  I had published some on GNI!  Apart from cussing Indians, cussing BJ, cussing Nandalal, calling for genocide, cussing Blacks working with the PPP, cussing the choice of Granger as a weak poodle and traitor, he also talk in some detail of his former QC classmate now working with the drug unit at Timehri and how he told him of all the ways he planted drugs onto US-bound airplanes.  He said the person boasted of making millions in the process.

I don't know how much is truth but if there was a morsel, it does not take too much to identify this person.  With them drug bannas, loose lips brings quick death!

I strongly believe Crum Ewing jumped and jumped, and jumped on the wrong limb!  It happens with hyperactive monkeys, of which he was one! No one in the PPP had anything to do with his demise!

Mark my words, come 2020, there will be no conviction on this and there will be no substantial charges brought against any PPP leadership for any corruption during their tenure!  And barring a major electoral fraud, the PPP will be back in power!

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:

Crum Ewing was a drug hit of his own making.

Just like Sat Sawh was, eh ? Is your hero Jagdeo ever going to make public, the tape he said he got of  the murderer ?

What a friggin loser, just like you.

Hehe, Jagdeo and Trump will drive your stupid ass to become a suicide stat, or into the loony bin, you already half way there!

BTW, have you yet convinced Granger to fund your "lofty" suicide initiatives which you cussed out the PPP for not funding?  I don't think even Granger that stupid!!

You sure know how to pick your heroes. Jagdeo scratching his balls in public and screwing up the young people lives in Guyana and Trump might make  it the United States of Russia, before they take him away in a straitjacket.  A lot similar to your warped life eh Baseman.


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